Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:29 AM

Chapter 355

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Half an hour later, the car stopped steadily in front of mango TV station.

When Chen Zhan and Xiao Yunhai get off the bus, the driver immediately takes out his mobile phone and dials a number.

"Director Wu, just now vice director Chen and Mr. Xiao had a chat and talked about the good voice of China. In the elevator, Xiao Yunhai said to Chen Zhan, "uncle, I can't see that you are good at acting."? Next time, when I'm directing a TV series, why don't you just play a part? "

It turned out that what they said was just for the driver.

In fact, other TV stations don't know that Xiao Yunhai only sold the copyright of the first season of the good voice of China. The second and third seasons have nothing to do with mango TV.

If it had been known, Xiao Yunhai would have known.

Chen Zhan rolled his eyes and said, "you don't come, i..."

just then, the elevator stopped and someone wanted to come up. Chen Zhan shut up quickly.

"Oh, director Wu, long time no see."

When Xiao Yunhai saw that the visitor was actually Wu Ling, who was negotiating with him on "the voice of China", he quickly extended his hand with a smile.

Wu Ling didn't expect to meet Xiao Yunhai and his party in the elevator. He was slightly stunned. Then he took Xiao Yunhai's hand and said, "this is really a coincidence. I just want to go to Ouyang TV station. It seems that we are really predestined. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's great. Let's go together."

They all came to Ouyang Zhaoming's office door.

Wu Ling knocked on the door, and there came the bright voice of Ouyang lighting: "come in."

Wu Ling opened the door and said with a smile, "director, vice director Chen and Mr. Xiao are here."

Hearing this, Ouyang Zhaoming quickly stood up and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. Nice to meet you."

Xiao Yunhai went to shake hands with him and said respectfully and confidently, "Hello, director Ouyang. You are an elder. Just call me Yunhai. "

Ouyang Zhaoming said with a smile: "good, then I can rely on the old and sell the old."

After everyone took their seats, Ouyang Zhaoming said, "Yunhai, you are really good. A "step by step" and a "Legend of Zhen Huan" beat our mango TV station into a rout. Fortunately, the "voice of China" you gave us is also very good. Otherwise, I really thought that you were specialized in conquering our mango station. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you must not say that. I'm just by chance, and it's beyond my expectation to have such a result. The ratings of mango TV station are far ahead of those of local TV stations, and even surpass CCTV. This is the result of Ouyang's hard work and hard work for decades. "

"To be arrogant, since I entered the entertainment industry, there are few people I admire in Xiao Yunhai's heart, and director Ouyang is one of them."

Looking at Xiao Yunhai's eyes, Ouyang Zhaoming couldn't help laughing, pointing to Xiao Yunhai and saying to Chen Zhan, "Lao Chen, your nephew is really able to speak. What I said is warm in my heart."

Ouyang Zhaoming has been in the TV station all his life, how keen his eyes are. When he saw Xiao Yunhai for the first time, he could tell from the other party's eyes, handshake posture and even the tone of his speech that he regarded himself highly and was quite proud, and his self-confidence was even greater.

Ouyang Zhaoming is very happy that such a person can say his admiration.

Chen Zhan shook his head and said, "this boy has been very proud since childhood. If he didn't really mean it, he would not have said it. I've never heard him admire me

Xiao Yunhai giggled and said, "uncle, I also said that, but you forget it."

Chen Zhan snorted and sneered: "don't fool me, I don't care anyway."

Wu Ling said with a smile, "well, everyone, we'd better wait until we finish our business and have a good chat."

Ouyang Zhaoming nodded and said, "that's good."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is my agent, Ms. Su Yingxue. She will be fully responsible for the matter of "the voice of China". I'm not involved in it myself. "

Next, Miss Wu, please take care of you

Su Yingxue said with a smile, "director Wu is very kind."

Chen Zhandao: "then everybody talk about it, I will go out first."

Ouyang Zhaoming said with a smile, "Lao Chen, do you want to avoid suspicion? Well, there's no need for that. "

Chen Zhan said: "I have no leisure to listen to your words, or slip away early."

Ouyang Zhaoming laughed and said, "OK, you can do it."

After Chen Zhan left, Wu Ling looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, do you know? Every time I see the good voice of China, I feel regretful. I didn't expect to buy the copyright directly at the beginning. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "director Wu has no need to regret. Even if you want to buy it, I will never sell it. It's not that I'm behind the scenes. My confidence in the voice of China is far beyond your imagination. If the negotiation broke down, I'd rather let it lie in the coffin. "Wu Ling nodded and said, "I felt my confidence in you during the negotiation. Mr. Xiao, we are old friends. If we want to continue to host this variety show, I don't know what price it will cost? "

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Su Yingxue and said, "director Wu, you should ask her."

Su Yingxue gave Xiao Yunhai a look of insight and said to Wu Ling, "director Wu, our requirements are very simple. We are responsible for all the production costs. If we broadcast through your channel, we need 85% of the advertising

"No way." Wu Ling immediately objected: "Miss Su, your price is too high. There will not be any domestic television station to agree to such conditions. "

Su Yingxue said: "I'm sorry, the price offered by Hebei TV station is 90%. Mr. Wu, one thing you need to be clear about is that if the second season of "the voice of China" can have its first quarter ratings, even if it is 10%, it will have a profit of more than 150 million yuan. You may not pay attention to this amount of money, but it is very popular in other TV stations with average ratings. I don't believe it. You can call director Shen Minghui and ask about it now. "

If Wu Ling didn't receive a call from the driver, he might have called to ask. But after listening to the driver's report, Wu Ling subconsciously believed that Hebei TV station was looking for Xiao Yunhai. With a profit of 150 million yuan, not to mention Shen Minghui, even mango would agree.

We should know that the variety show with an average rating of more than 10 has never appeared in the history of TV stations. Anyone wants to get a share of it.

The mango stage will never be let go until it is absolutely necessary.

Thinking of this, Wu Ling said: "Miss Su, our mango station has a large audience. If we broadcast it on our station, it is much better than other TV stations, and the advertising cost will be much higher."

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "director Wu, I admit that the combination of strong and powerful can indeed obtain great benefits, but the scope of application is only general programs. For example, "Legend of Zhen Huan" shot by our family Yunhai, even if it was put on Hebei TV station, it also got 36% of the miraculous ratings, and the second round was still able to break through 10%. This fully shows that for truly excellent programs, no matter where they are put, they can achieve good results. As it happens, "the voice of China" is such an excellent program

Xiao Yunhai has always admired Su Yingxue's eloquence. Seeing her performance now, although Xiao Yunhai does not have any expression on his face, he is happy in his heart.

Wu Ling also found Su Yingxue's strength, and soon adjusted his strategy. He solemnly said, "Miss Su is really eloquent. However, it is impossible for us to accept such conditions. "

It's a pity that the second season of "Hua Su" can only reflect on the voice of Hua Su

Wu Ling didn't expect Su Yingxue to be so straightforward. He sighed in his heart, "it seems that they are really fearless."

At this time, Ouyang Zhaoming, who had not spoken, suddenly looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, can you talk about it alone?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "director Ouyang, I'm about the voice of China."

Ouyang Zhaoming waved his hand and said, "what I want to talk to you about is another thing?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "of course."

Ouyang Zhaoming said: "Ms. Su, I'm sorry. Can you go out for a while. In less than five minutes, we'll be finished. "

Su Yingxue took a look at Xiao Yunhai. Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Xue, you are still afraid that Ouyang will eat me."

Su Yingxue eyebrows a pick, stand up, way: "eat you better."

Soon, only Ouyang Zhaoming and Xiao Yunhai were left in the office.

Ouyang Zhaoming seems to be thinking about something. His brow is tight and his fingers are knocking on his desk unconsciously.

Xiao Yunhai did not disturb, but drank tea leisurely.

A minute later, Ouyang Zhaoming's percussion stopped suddenly, and his brows were stretched out. Looking at the calm and quiet Xiao Yunhai, he exclaimed: "it's really rare for young people to have such a peaceful state of mind."

In the end, I don't even know myself. I don't even know myself. I don't know myself

Ouyang Zhaoming nodded his head and said: "well said, the ancients said three times. You can do this, and with your talent, there is no limit to the future. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Ouyang, don't praise me. The more you boast, the more nervous I feel. You'd better talk about it directly. "

Ouyang Zhaoming laughed and said, "OK, I'll tell you the truth. I may be retiring in the second half of next year. The Ministry of culture has decided that the head of the station will be selected from inside mango station. I prefer your uncle. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened and said, "how likely is it that he will succeed?"

Ouyang Zhaoming said: "if he can make good achievements in this year, plus my recommendation, it should be no less than ten."

Xiao Yunhai instantly understood the meaning of Ouyang lighting and said, "I can give him the good voice of China."Ouyang Zhaoming shook his head and said, "the weight is still a little light."

Xiao Yunhai said: "then I will help him plan a variety show that can break through 10%

"Are you surprised by the good voice of Ouyang Ming

Xiao Yunhai said: "no, but I am confident that I can come up with it."

"That would be the best. However, "the voice of China" advertising expenses can only give you 70%

Xiao Yunhai didn't want to think about it, so he said, "deal."

Ouyang Zhaoming suddenly laughed and said, "aren't you afraid that I will eat my words and become fat?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said without caring: "that shows that my vision is wrong, and I can only admit that I am unlucky."

Ouyang Zhaoming looked Xiao Yunhai seriously and said, "your personality and style are very similar to me."

With that, he called Wu Ling, and soon they all came back together.

Su Ying Xuehu looks at Xiao Yunhai suspiciously, but she doesn't say anything.

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Xue, the advertisement is divided into 70%, so it's settled."

As soon as Su Yingxue heard this, she was very angry.

Fortunately, she knew that it was not appropriate to splash on the occasion, so she gathered to Xiao Yunhai's ear and said: "go back, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, I'm not finished with you. "

The contract was drawn up soon, with Ouyang Zhaoming and Xiao Yunhai signing on it respectively.

Ouyang Zhaoming held Xiao Yunhai's hand and said, "in fact, even if you don't agree, I will do that."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I know. But I don't want to take a risk. "

Two people looked at each other, suddenly felt a trace of sympathy, and burst into laughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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