Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:28 AM

Chapter 356

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That night, Ouyang Zhaoming personally invited Xiao Yunhai to dinner. By the time we got back to the hotel, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Su Yingxue went into his room with Xiao Yunhai, threw the bag and said coldly, "you say it, why?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Xue, don't be angry."

"How can I not be angry?" Su Ying snow angry way: "we say good, I has the final say in the negotiations. At that time, I was sure that they would agree to take 85% of the profits. But you're good. All of a sudden, 15% is gone. That's more than two hundred million. You are a black sheep. Tell me, what is worth more than two hundred million? "

Su Yingxue is more and more angry, and her voice is getting louder and louder. At last, she almost growls.

Xiao Yunhai said leisurely: "is the position of a mango table head enough?"

"What? The head of mango station

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Su Yingxue's anger is as if the snow meets the scorching sun, and immediately disappears without a trace.

Xiao Yunhai said: "as long as the voice of China is handed over to mango station, director Ouyang agrees to recommend my uncle to be the head of mango station. Don't say it's 70 percent. Even if you don't want a cent, I'll agree. "

Su Yingxue blinked her eyes and said, "if it is, it is acceptable."

She is very clear that once Chen Zhan takes over the position of director of mango station, the help to Xiao Yunhai can be said to be immeasurable.

Xiao Yunhai stretched out his waist and joked, "sister Xue, it's so late. I'm going to have a rest. Don't you go out. I don't want to recommend a pillow, do you? "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Su Yingxue came back to her senses, raised her eyebrows, and said with a delicate smile, "I don't mind sleeping with you for a night, but do you have the courage?"

Finish saying, Su Yingxue charming looking at Xiao Yunhai, but also deliberately put out his tongue in his delicate lips to turn a circle.

Xiao Yunhai immediately stopped and said, "OK, sister Xue, am I wrong? You must go

Su Yingxue snorted, picked up the bag and said with disdain: "those who have a thief's heart but no gall dare to tease my mother. Don't come with me in the future."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said yes.

Su Yingxue laughs twice and goes out triumphantly.

"A little brother is already cursing himself," he said

At eight o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai had just finished his breakfast when he received a call from CAI pingya.

"Hello, sister CAI. What have you been doing? I haven't heard from you for such a long time? "

Even if you can't sell more than 20 million albums, you can't even sell them

Up to now, Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte trouble" has sold 23 million. Although the sales volume is declining, it should not be an unattainable thing to break through 30 million eventually.

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't bury me. If you have something to say, you will never frown if you go up the mountain and go down to the sea of fire. "

Cai pingya said with a smile, "that's not so. Recently, I've been busy rehearsing for concerts. Tomorrow evening, I will hold a solo concert in Yanjing. I hope you can be my guest. I wonder if you have time? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Cai, you have to squeeze out time when you don't have time. How many songs are suitable for me

Cai pingya said, "two songs are good. I'm afraid that if you sing too much, you'll take all my fame away. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, we'll see you tomorrow evening."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yunhai told Su Yingxue about CAI pingya's concert.

Su Yingxue said: "well, you need to prepare well. This is the first time you have officially appeared in a concert. You must give everyone a perfect performance."

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is not my first time, OK? You forget that I used to perform in teacher Ye's concert

Su Yingxue snorted and said, "you're just fooling around. It's good to say that. By the way, which two songs are you going to sing? "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "friendship years" and "just once". One hot, one warm, just complementary. "

Su Yingxue said, "what can I do for you?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "no, I can handle it myself."

After returning to Yanjing, Xiao Yunhai rehearsed the songs needed for the concert twice, and it was finished.

In the next few days, he began to plan variety shows for his Uncle Chen Zhan, so as to help him become the director of the station.

There are many variety shows in the past life. There are all kinds of variety shows, such as music program "I am a singer", "masked king of songs", marriage program "if you are the one", parent-child program "where Dad is going", outdoor program "extreme challenge", "run, brother" and so on.

Since "voice of China" is a music program itself, neither "I am a singer" or "masked king of songs" can be selected. Otherwise, you will have to fight with yourself, which will affect the ratings of "good voice of China".The marriage show "do not disturb very much" was very popular in the original Zhejiang TV station, but Xiao Yunhai was not interested in it.

It's not easy to find the right actor for the parent-child program "where's dad?" to say nothing else. You know, many stars are secretly married, how can they take their children to the show.

"Brother running" and "brother running" is the right choice.

Fortunately, he watched every issue. Otherwise, he didn't know what to do?

The next step was physical activity. At the speed of Xiao Yunhai, the 15th issue of "run, brother" was not completed until 3 p.m. the next day.

Xiao Yunhai called his Uncle Chen Zhan and said, "uncle, I'm free. I've written a variety show plan. Do you want it? "

Chen Zhan was surprised and said, "I wrote another one. That's great. Send it to me and I'll have a look

Although Chen Zhan didn't say anything about his nephew's talent, he admired him very much. Whether it is music, novels, TV dramas and movies, they are all engaged in wind and water. They are simply all rounders.

In particular, "the voice of China" made Chen Zhan, who had no hope at all, become a strong competitor for the director of mango TV station, and his position in Taiwan has been significantly improved.

Of course, Xiao Yunhai did not tell Chen Zhan about his deal with Ouyang. Otherwise, he would never accept it with his pride.

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'll send it to you."

Half an hour later, Chen Zhan called back and said excitedly, "Stinky boy, I really want to open your skull and see what's inside? You can even think of such a program. It's just amazing. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "uncle, do you mean this program is not bad?"

Chen Zhan said: "that's quite good. I knew that when we talked about the voice of China the day before yesterday, we decided the program together. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed in his heart: "if it wasn't for the deal with Ouyang, I would have no time to write it."

"Uncle, you can give this planning case to director Ouyang for a look. If appropriate, we can refer to the contract of" good voice of China. "

Chen Zhan said, "OK, I'll go right now."

Soon, an electronic agreement was sent directly from Mango station. Xiao Yunhai looked at it carefully and found that the contract with "voice of China" was the same as that of "voice of China". He just changed the name.

Xiao Yunhai printed out the contract, signed his name and pressed his fingerprints.

On the way to CAI pingya's concert, assistant Sima Qian sent it to him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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