Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:27 AM

Chapter 357

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Cai pingya's concert was held in Yanjing worker's gymnasium, with 50000 seats and perfect equipment. It is the first choice for most stars to hold concerts in Yanjing.

Cai pingya has been on the road for seven years. She has released five albums and sung several songs that have been popular all over the country.

All the tickets were sold out in just three days since the concert tickets were sold out.

When Xiao Yunhai came here, it was already six o'clock, and there was still an hour before the start of the concert.

Under the guidance of a staff member, Xiao Yunhai and his group quietly came to the backstage of the performance.

"Sister Cami, long time no see."

Su Yingxue sees a powerful middle-aged woman in front of her. She goes up to her and says hello.

The woman named Cami smiles and holds Su Yingxue's outstretched hand and says with a smile, "Yingxue, we have been missing for some time. This is Mr. Xiao, who is popular in China. He is really a good-looking man. "

Su Yingxue said to Xiao Yunhai, "this is sister Cami, the gold medal agent of pengpai entertainment. She is my very good friend."

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with her and said, "Hello, sister Cami."

Cami said with a smile: "Yingxue can have such an artist as Mr. Xiao. I don't know how many agents in the circle are envious."

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Cami is flattered. I have a lot of problems and shortcomings, so sister Xue can accommodate me. Other people would have been with me for a long time. "

On hearing this, Cami joked: "I heard that your contract with Hongda is about to expire. Why don't you come to me. You can rest assured that I will not limit any of your freedom. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the so-called good man doesn't marry two girls. If you follow sister Xue, you can only end up with one."


"Ha ha ha."

Everyone was amused by Xiao Yunhai's words.

Cami, it's no wonder you smile in the circle

Su Yingxue said with a smile, "sister Cami, dig my artists in front of me. You've done too much."

Cami said: "who let your artists so excellent, which agent saw, do not want to solicit some of it."

"Is Cami going to abandon me?"

At this time, a pleasant voice came over. It was Cai pingya.

Cami said, "how? You are my favorite. The reason why I want to rob him is to let him write songs for you

Su Yingxue put her arm around Cami's waist and said, "sister Cami, your eloquence can definitely make the dead alive. Miss Cai is so lucky to have an agent like you. "

A trace of gratitude flashed in CAI pingya's eyes and said, "Miss Su is right. Without Cami sister, I would not be today. "

Cami said with a smile, "it's the result of your own efforts. It has nothing to do with me."

Cai pingya smile, did not entangle in this above, turned to Xiao Yunhai and said: "I thought you didn't come."

"How?" Xiao Yunhai stretched out his arms and said with a smile, "sister pingya, I want to die my brother."

Cai pingya hugged him and said with a smile, "you don't want to give me poverty, but you want to die. If I didn't call you, I'm afraid you want me to forget it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "look at what you said. I can't forget such a beautiful woman as you in my life."

Do you dare to say this in front of your face

"How dare you? To tell you the truth, I has the final say in my family.

"Really? Wan Qing is still bragging to me all day, saying that all the money you earn is in her. When I'm finished, I'll have to laugh at her

Xiao Yunhai has the final say, and said, "I has the final say, and she has the final say. Of course, there's no big deal at home

Cai pingya chuckled and said, "you see, Lu is timid. To be honest, I'm very happy to have you, a big slob

Indeed, in the whole entertainment industry, which star do you want to ask the worst? Xiao Yunhai is definitely in the top three.

Not to mention anything else, he even his own album, he did not go out to do any publicity, which shows that Xiao Yunhai is really lazy to a certain level.

Such a person can accept their own invitation, Cai pingya still feel very face.

Xiao Yunhai said: "look at what you said, what's the relationship between us? That's my brother-in-law. If I don't do this again, I won't have the face to see you in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai remembers clearly that since the two met, Cai pingya has been supporting himself, whether in the cast of "Legend of Chu Liuxiang", or in his first album and first TV play. Xiao Yunhai has never forgotten this.

This is a heavy human relationship.

Now it's not easy to have such an opportunity to return the favor, Xiao Yunhai naturally has to hurry to agree.Cai pingya said with a smile, "since you are a brother-in-law, you didn't take the initiative to write a song for me. Take a look at Wan Qinghe and Piao, and then look at me. Oh, what a pity. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the main reason is that they can only sing and can't write, but sister Cai, you're a creative genius. How dare I take over the responsibility?"

Cai pingya said with a smile: "I'll tell you now that I'm ready to release an album, and I still need a major song with enough weight. What do you think to do? "

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "you say really?"

"Of course."

"No problem. But you have to give me some time. My inventory is basically hollowed out by Wanqing and Piao, and there is no ready-made one. "

Cai pingya waved her hand and said with a smile, "OK, I'm joking with you. I'm nervous. I'll give you preventive injections."

Xiao Yunhai said: "what am I nervous about. Isn't it about a song? I can write it for you in less than two days. What about? Do you want it or not

Cai pingya's eyes brightened and asked, "are you serious?"

Xiao Yunhai studied her tone and said, "of course."

Cai pingya said, "yes, why not? Don't you become a fool if you work with emperor Yun. Don't worry. I won't treat you badly. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "well, I'll give you the news tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. By the way, when will I be on stage? "

Cai pingya said: "after the first half an hour, my physical strength may not be able to keep up with it. Then, how about you going up again? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem."

Cai pingya said: "in addition to you, I also invited your company's empress Ningxia sister. However, she's on a flight and may not arrive until later. "


Xiao Yunhai only met once at the company's thank you dinner last year. At that time, in the face of the rich woman Cui Meihong, she and the film emperor Ge Wuyou stood on their side. Xiao Yunhai was very grateful.

Xiao Yunhai said: "with the help of Ningxia sister, I believe your concert will be very popular. Well, I'll go to make-up and change clothes. Tonight, I'll save my first time on your stage

Cai pingya doubts: "what do you mean by that?"

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be mysterious and said, "when you wait for the performance, you will know." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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