Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:26 AM

Chapter 358

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Cai pingya's performance started quickly.

Even if Xiao Yunhai sits in the dressing room, he can hear the screams and shouts of fans outside.

After finishing her make-up, Zhao Yan followed Su Yingxue to the concert, leaving Xiao Yunhai sitting here waiting to appear.

Half an hour later, a staff member knocked on his door and said, "Mr. Xiao, you will be here soon."

"OK, I see. I'll be right there."

Xiao Yunhai stood up and tidied up his clothes. Then he followed the staff to the place where he was going to appear backstage.

At this time, the last note of "sun Shangxiang" had just fallen, and CAI pingya was singing and dancing. She seemed to have some physical problems, and her breath was slightly panting.

Holding the microphone, she asked the audience, "do you know who wrote this song sun Shangxiang?"

"Cloud emperor." The audience below the stage seemed to have rehearsed, shouting in unison.

Cai pingya said with a smile, "that's right. As we all know, he is the most talented person in the music circle. Some netizens call him the king of music. I think this title is worthy of its name. "

Speaking of this, the fans on the stage began to whisper.

"Sister Ya mentioned the emperor Yun. Did he invite him here?"

"It should not be. The emperor of cloud is famous for his laziness. He is not willing to promote his own album, let alone participate in other people's concerts."

"No, I heard that emperor Yun and sister Ya are very good friends. Maybe he'll come. "

"If it's really him, that's great."

Cai pingya said with a smile: "are you all guessing whether the emperor will come here?"

"Yes." The fans answered in unison.

"Then I can give you a definite answer. Yes, I am very honored to invite him to my concert today. Now, let's welcome Xiao Yunhai to the stage with the warmest applause and cheers. His song is "friendship years."

As soon as Cai pingya's voice fell, the prelude to "friendship years" began to ring.

Xiao Yunhai, dressed in a black suit and a black hat, with the rhythm of the music, walked up with a strange pace.

The fans on the stage saw that he was really the emperor of cloud. They kept shaking the fluorescent sticks in their hands. The screams and cheers were deafening. Some female fans even rushed to the stage excitedly. Fortunately, they were blocked by the police who maintained the order.

Cai pingya, who had just left the stage, saw that Xiao Yunhai's influence was so great that she could not help sighing and said, "I have worked hard in the entertainment industry for so many years, and the popularity I have managed to accumulate is not as good as a new singer who has only been in the music industry for a year. It's really people to people. It's very irritating. "

Cami next to him said, "I can't help it. He's so talented. In a short year, he wrote dozens of songs, and the first classic. At the same time, his novels, films and TV series have also achieved amazing results. Such an all-round artist can not be looked at in a general way. If you calculate according to the number of fans, it is estimated that even those who have worked hard for a lifetime may not be able to match him

Cai pingya nodded and said, "fortunately, this man is very lazy. Otherwise, the whole performing arts industry will not be his world."

Cami said thoughtfully: "maybe it is because of this that he deliberately kept a low profile. There are so many people in the entertainment industry who want to get ahead. No one wants to see a genius on his head that can never be defeated. The so-called wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy it. It's not easy for your brother to see this clearly. "

"The lost time is scattered in the wind,

it seems that I can't remember to face it again.

The reason why Xiao Yunhai chose this song "friendship years" is that the rhythm of this song is so strong that it can be perfectly mixed with his mechanical dance with a little modification.

In his previous life, Xiao Yunhai was a good dancer, especially good at hip-hop dance, break dance and mechanical dance. He felt that these dances were very dynamic.

Since he came to this world, he has never danced in front of others. Even his girlfriend Zhao Wanqing doesn't know he can dance.

Xiao Yunhai's physical condition today can be said to have reached the limit of human beings. No matter in terms of physical strength, endurance, control, or the balance and coordination of his body, he is much more powerful than that in his previous life. He can dance more easily.

Xiao Yunhai's mechanical dance movement is very crisp and neat, with the rhythm of the song, full of dynamic, especially his eyes are full of evil, a look, can make people immediately indulge in.

The fans under the stage could not stand it for a long time. They stood up one after another and shook their bodies with Xiao Yunhai.Cami opened his mouth and said in disbelief, "God, the emperor of cloud can dance, and he can dance so well. The mechanical dance masters I've met are at this level

Cai pingya's eyes were full of surprise: "I didn't hear that he could dance. It's too deep."

Don't mention the two of them. Even Su Yingxue, Xiao Yunhai's agent, is shocked by his dance.

Su Yingxue looks at Xiao Yunhai, who is dancing and singing on the stage. Her face is full of doubts. When did this guy learn to dance? He can't help but dance well.

Soon the song came to the chorus part, the breath of Xiao Yunhai suddenly raised, the thick voice gushed out from the Dantian. The body swings with the music, which is full of appeal.

"To forget the wrong and the right,

to miss the past,

it's always fun to have lived together in adversity.

Do not believe in despair,

do not feel hesitant,

in the dream of competition, every day desperately enterprising.

Running in the wind and rain, uninhibited wake and drunk.

All the stories, as if happened in wandering years.

After the wind has passed and it is still, who will return my heart to?

let the tears take away...

the night is haggard "

" what an amazing vital capacity. With such a large range of movements, the stability of the sound has not been affected at all. The sea of clouds is so strong. "

Cai pingya looked at the tireless Xiao Yunhai and enviously said, "if I have such physical strength, I don't need to have a half-time break."

Xiao Yunhai's live performances are not many, even if there are, they are all quietly singing the song, and then the end.

It's the first time for fans to see so much music and dance.

You can imagine the excitement in your heart.

"I'm crazy. Emperor Yun can dance and dance so well. It's against the weather. "

"You see, the emperor's body is so rhythmic and dynamic. With this music, it can be described as perfect."

"The cloud emperor dances so much. Isn't he tired?"

"Emperor Yun is worthy of practicing martial arts. His body coordination and balance are very good, and his breath is very enough. He can definitely be called the king of Asian dance."

Xiao Yunhai jumped crazy at this time. He felt that he had never felt comfortable. He had learned and seen all kinds of movements in succession, which were perfectly deduced by his abnormal body.

Every movement is full of sense of rhythm and power, which makes the fans scream in succession, and some even cry hoarse without knowing.

"The voice of innocence is fading,

away from each other.

Looking at the night sky, who used to be,

understand the tired heart. "

The connection between the main song part and the auxiliary part of the second paragraph was originally connected, but Xiao Yunhai interrupted it.

In order to show his dancing ability, Xiao Yunhai adds drums to it. His chest rises and falls, just like a big toad, which perfectly matches the drum sound.

Fans from the stage all exclaimed. Is this still a human chest? It's like a toad.

The drum beat speed is faster and faster, Xiao Yunhai chest undulation frequency is also faster and faster, to the end, all the music is added.

Xiao Yunhai turned a somersault in the air, and sang the last part of the chorus in everyone's crazy shouting.

"It's always fun to forget what's wrong and what's wrong, to remember the past

having lived together in adversity.

all the stories seem to have happened in the years of wandering.

after the wind blows, it is still. Who will you give back to you.

let the tears take away, and the night languishes...

after a song is sung, the fans stand up together, and the thunder like applause overturns the roof of the stadium, and the surrounding air seems to be burning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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