Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:25 AM

Chapter 359

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Xiao Yunhai bowed to the audience and said with a smile, "should my dance be ok?"

"Yes." Fifty thousand fans yelled.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I tell you, even my wife doesn't know that I can dance, let alone have seen me dance. It can be said that I gave you my first time. Well, if Wanqing knows about it, she will go home and kneel on the washboard. "


"ha ha ha."

All the fans on the stage were amused by Xiao Yunhai.

"But then again, who doesn't have a secret, does he? Remember, keep it secret for me. "


the fans yelled in unison.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to them and two words popped out of his mouth: "sensible son."

"Ha ha ha."

The audience laughed again.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going with her

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Cai, it's not appropriate for you to do so. Do you know what your behavior is called? "


Xiao Yunhai pointed his fingers and said, "it's called crossing the river and tearing down bridges, removing the mill and killing the donkey, going up a tree and pulling a ladder, vengeance on the hand of the hand, hiding all the birds and scolding the cook when they are full. Do you understand? "

Cai pingya nodded and said, "I see. Don't worry, I won't tell her, just let her watch the video at most. "


"ha ha ha."

Fans started to yell.

Xiao Yunhai said: "for your concert, I threw my head and shed my blood, and finally got this end. It's really a bad idea. "

Cai pingya said with a smile, "it's OK not to tell her. If you sing another song, I promise to keep it secret for you. They said, "OK?"


The applause from the audience broke out immediately.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I knew that. Fortunately, I had been prepared. Just now "friendship years" is a song in my first album, the melody is very hot, I see everyone is shouting hard, should be tired. What I'm going to bring you is a relatively slow song from my second album, just once. Have you ever heard of it? "


Xiao Yunhai turned to CAI pingya and said, "sister Cai, have you ever heard of it?"

Cai pingya said, "of course I have. I like this song very much. I have listened to it more than 20 times. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's better for us to sing together. Do you agree


Cai pingya pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "you want revenge. Yes, no problem, but I only remember the lyrics of the chorus. I'll sing with you in that part, OK

Xiao Yunhai said, "of course."

With that, Xiao Yunhai snapped his fingers, and the familiar and warm melody began to ring.

This song "once it's good" appeared three times in the film "Charlotte's trouble". The first two times, Charlotte sang it to the school flower. Xiao Yunhai deliberately sang the song to some exaggeration. The fans only felt funny, but did not think about it.

But for the third time, in the face of Charlotte on the hospital bed, Ma Dongmei sang with tears in her eyes, and people found that the song was so beautiful.

Although Ma Dongmei's singing is very problematic, even sometimes it is not in tune, but that kind of true feelings show directly to people's heart and get many people's tears.

After Xiao Yunhai's album "Charlotte trouble" was put on the shelves, this song quickly became popular throughout China, and people were very touched.

Xiao Yunhai took Cai pingya's hand and sang with a tender voice.

"I want to see you laugh, I want to quarrel with you,

I want to hold you in my arms.

One second red face quarrel,

the next second, turn around and make up.

Not afraid of you crying,

not afraid of you crying,

because you are my pride.

A pair of eyes run after you,

a heart is already ready. "

Xiao Yunhai's voice is very warm, as if there is a magic, lingering in the ears of the fans, and the picture is full of feeling, singing and chanting, people's hearts suddenly quiet down.

When it comes to the chorus, Cai pingya also sings along. It's very smooth with Xiao Yunhai's voice.

"Just once, I'll take you to see the end of the earth,

laugh in the sunshine.

Noisy in the free air,

do you know what I want only.

The world will accompany you to the ends of the earth,

stop looking in the corner where there is no trouble.

Growing old in the carefree time,

do you know all my heart beats,Jump with you. "

The wonderful performance of the two made the whole concert warm and warm. The fans under the stage gently waved the fluorescent sticks in their hands and showed warm smiles on their faces.

Especially those who are in love with men and women, from time to time to look at each other, full of sweet.

The second part was sung by fans.

"Just once, I'll take you to see the end of the earth,

laugh in the sunshine.

do you know all my heart beats,

follow you. "

When the last note of accompaniment falls, Xiao Yunhai and CAI pingya look at each other and smile, bow to the audience and embrace each other. Then Xiao Yunhai walks down in the applause and cheers of all the fans.

Su Yingxue looked at Xiao Yunhai, who came slowly. She held out her hand with a smile and patted Xiao Yunhai. She said, "the performance is perfect. With your singing skills and dancing, it's a pity not to have a concert. "

Xiao Yunhai said quickly, "sister Xue, don't tell me about the concert. It's too complicated for me

Cami said with a smile: "Yingxue, now I understand why you complain? Other singers can hold concerts, one by one happy like new year. But the artists in your family are afraid to avoid it. It is really incomprehensible. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "mainly because the concert is too troublesome, I have no time at all."

Su Yingxue snorted and said, "you are too lazy."

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not lazy. You see, this year, I played a TV play "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", directed a TV drama "Legend of Zhen Huan" and a film "Charlotte's troubles". I made an album "at least you still" for Wanqing, and launched my second album "Charlotte's worry". By the way, I also made several advertisements. You know, I'm not lazy

Indeed, according to the output of his works, Xiao Yunhai is definitely a model worker in the whole entertainment industry. However, his work efficiency is too high, just like the album, others at least take half a year to prepare, and he can complete it in a month.

also added that he did not advertise on weekdays, did not advertise, and did not go to the variety show, so he knew that he was staying at home all day. This made Su Ying snow always feel that he was very idle, and he left behind the impression that Xiao Yunhai was lazy.

Su Yingxue snorted and said: "I admit you are brilliant. But if you put your talent on another star, I'm sure he has more works than you. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "sister Xue, I'll tell you that a person who is very powerful can work hard. How can you let others live. How many people will you block the road, how many people will hate you. In the entertainment industry, blocking people's future is like killing parents. I don't want to be the target. "

Although Xiao Yunhai's words are said with a tone of jokes, the meaning inside makes Su Yingxue ponder.

Cami's eyes lit up and said, "Mr. Xiao, it's amazing that you can have this kind of understanding when you are young."

Xiao Yang, a genius, has no way

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Yunhai's fart, Cami covered her mouth and laughed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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