Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:48 AM

Chapter 36

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On this day, all the readers who bought the legend of Chu Liuxiang were shocked by tianwaike, a new martial arts novel.

It's amazing.

Since the birth of martial arts novels, no one has ever been able to combine suspense with martial arts. It can be said that tianwaike has completely walked out of a new road.

He created this strange and unpredictable world of the river and lake, which immediately attracted all the people's eyes and made people unable to stop.

That night, many fans published their posts on the Internet after watching the legend of Chu Liuxiang.

"God book, absolute God book. Tianwaike is just a strange person. It's really wonderful. I've only read half of it, but I can assure you that this book is definitely worth your collection. "

"Martial arts fans, what are you waiting for? A martial arts God book has appeared, that is tianwaike's "Xiaoao Wujiang". If you don't read this book, you will be a bookworm. "

"The graceful Chu Liuxiang is really amazing. He will be able to turn the lightness skill that everyone can master into an art. It's powerful."

"In my opinion, tianwaike's" Legend of Chu Liuxiang "is a martial arts book with both wisdom and power. Chu LiuXiang's martial arts are not the most powerful. There are many people who are higher than him. However, every time, he defeated his opponent because of his extraordinary opportunities and incomparable changes. It's amazing. "

"Great. Later, I was not interested in detective novels. "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" combines detective and martial arts, which is my favorite. It is highly recommended that you read this book. "

The famous forums on the Internet are full of Posts recommending the legend of Chu Liuxiang. Martial arts fans are full of praise for it and call on everyone to buy one.

In this way, the influence of "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is becoming more and more, and more and more people are buying it. Soon, the legend of Chu Liuxiang is in full swing.

In Minsheng publishing house, Zhang Liye made a cup of tea for himself when he came to the office, and then sat quietly in his office chair, waiting for the first day sales of the legend of Chu Liuxiang.

Ding Lingling, the phone on the desk rings. Zhang Liye looks at the caller ID, it's the president's phone. He takes a deep breath and answers it decisively.

"Congratulations, Lao Zhang. You made it. The first day sales of the legend of Chu Liuxiang reached 35000 copies. Hehe, I've asked the printing factory to print urgently. I don't know if I can meet the requirements of those bookstores. "

"35000 copies."

Zhang Liye stood up excitedly.

This achievement, to Zhang Liye, is simply wonderful.

In this era of increasingly severe competition, especially after the popularity of the network to thousands of households, the sales of physical books are declining. Especially martial arts novels, the decline is the most severe.

It is beyond Zhang Liye's expectation that the legend of Chu Liuxiang can sell 35000 copies in such a situation.

"Thank you, president. If it was not for your unreserved full support, the legend of Chu Liuxiang would not have achieved such a result. "

"Ha ha, you forget that I am also a martial arts fan. I have read the legend of Chu Liuxiang three times. It's great. Well, I'll have a drink at night. Before I retire, I'll come across such a Book of God, and it will come to light. "

"OK, no problem."

Zhang Liye breathed a deep breath, and the restlessness and worry of the past few days disappeared in an instant.

"At last."

In the overwhelming praise, the next day, "Chu Liuxiang legend" physical sales and online orders have made an amazing number, a total of 63000 copies. Zhang Liye is in pain and happy.

The main reason is that there is no stock. The first printing of 100000 copies is very high, but there are too many people to buy books.

Zhang Liye can only keep calling to urge the printing factory to rush to work day and night.

He could not have imagined that he had not enough stock.

Compared with the original situation, the gap can not be justified.

On the third day after the publication of the legend of Chu Liuxiang, Xiao Yunhai went out to finish his morning class and simply ate something as usual.

Back in the dormitory, it was already eight o'clock.

Xiao Yunhai had just entered the door when he heard the sound of the mobile phone on the bed.

Take a look at the phone, it is a call from Zhang Liye.

"Yunhai, you are so good. I'm convinced. Do you really care about the sales of "Legend of Chu Liuxiang"? Or are you so confident in your novels that you don't even have to ask to know the extent of the sale? You know what? I've been waiting for your call, but two days later, you didn't call me at all. Oh, come on. I'll take it. I'll call you. "

Xiao Yunhai heard Zhang Liye speak a little complacent feeling, completely without the nervous mood of a few days ago. I know my grades in novels should be good.So he said, "it seems that Mr. Zhang has brought me good news."

"Ha ha, of course. In just two days, do you know what your sales of this book are? " Without waiting for Xiao Yunhai to answer, he gave the answer directly: "there are more than 99000 copies, nearly breaking through 100000 copies. Oh, my God. I don't know what to say. Come on, each copy costs 54 yuan. It's more than five million yuan in two days. It's like robbing a bank. "

"And this is just the beginning. Next, many second tier and third tier cities will come to negotiate. Ha ha, just count the money at home."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned. He didn't expect his grades to be so good. In this world without piracy, it's too easy to make money.

"You should count the money. I'm just carrying a small head. "

Zhang Liye said: "it's still a small head. You don't know. I'm dying of regret. Why at that time, I agreed with you in that way. Oh, pity my wisdom. Hehe Speaking of this, he paused for a moment and said sincerely, "Yunhai, I am very grateful that you can find me to publish your works, and let me walk out of the mire. Thank you

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, you're welcome. We take what we need. I'm going to be a millionaire, ha ha. "

Zhang Liye laughed and said, "it is estimated that in less than half a month, you will become a multimillionaire. By the way, Li Tianming released a new book in Yanjing this morning, and held a press conference. During the press conference, a reporter talked about your business. Ha ha, people's reply is very interesting. If it's OK, you can check it online. "

"OK, I see."

Xiao Yun customs called and opened the video of Han Jingming releasing his new book angel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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