Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:24 AM

Chapter 360

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As the concert continued, Cai pingya sang another seven or eight songs. During this period, she played several games with her fans. After nearly 40 minutes, she finally arrived in Ningxia.

As a pop star, Ningxia's singing skills and stage experience are beyond doubt. Three songs in a row have filled the fans' ears with screams, applause and cheers.

The concert started at eight o'clock and ended at ten thirty.

In order to thank Xiao Yunhai and Ningxia, Cai pingya invited them to have a snack.

During this period, Xiao Yunhai became familiar with Ningxia and soon became friends.

Seeing that the company is on the right track, Xiao Yunhai is relieved to leave.

In the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai came to Yanjing Film Academy and found his teacher Yao Wenyuan. He told him that he was going to shoot "love apartment" and that he needed to select roles in the whole school.

Yao Wenyuan listened and took him to the headmaster's office.

In fact, Xiao Yunhai can find the headmaster directly, but in this way, he seems to have some disrespect for Yao Wenyuan.

When Zhuang bin heard that Xiao Yunhai wanted to shoot the TV drama "love apartment", he still used the original members of "Charlotte's troubles", and the role was also selected from the school, which naturally was full of promise.

His recent days are not easy, "youth regret" box office in the next day, the attendance rate had a significant decline, only 28 million results. You know, this is the result of eight shows.

Huaxia cinema adjusted its film layout in accordance with the rules. On the third day, Qingchun no regrets got only 1200 screens, which is still in the face of Yanjing film and Television College. Of course, the results have also fallen sharply. In two days, we only gained 22 million and 16 million, but we also made a small profit.

But compared with Shanghai film and Television Academy's "100% first love", it is a little bit worse. For three consecutive days, "one hundred percent of first love" has won 38 million, 54 million and 63 million respectively. In addition to the 15 million at the premiere, it has won 170 million box office in four days, and now the film layout has reached 4000 screens.

It can be said that "green spring without regret" is a fiasco to "first love 100%, which makes Zhuang Bin's face very dull.

When I went to the Ministry of culture to hold a seminar yesterday, when I met the president of Shanghai film and Television Institute, Zhuang bin was embarrassed to go to speak.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte trouble" earned him enough face, otherwise he would have planned to ask for sick leave.

Of course, Mordor film and Television Academy is not so good, with a box office of 60 million yuan in four days, ranking the bottom of the three colleges.

The principal asked for leave directly, and he didn't attend the seminar.

No way. It's a shame.

Zhuang bin looked at Xiao Yunhai with an appreciative eye and asked, "Yunhai, how long does your TV play take to shoot? What can I do for you from the school? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "there are no difficulties. The script of this TV play was written before I made Charlotte trouble. If it had not been for Charlotte's troubles, it would have been finished by now. This play and "Charlotte trouble" is the same strain, are funny. There are only a few scenes. As long as the actors play well, it is estimated that they can be killed in less than 20 days. "

Zhuang bin nodded, as if to say something, but also felt that it was not appropriate, did not mean to speak.

Yao Wenyuan had known him for more than 30 years, but he could not see it. He asked, "is there something on your mind, headmaster?"

Zhuang bin looked at Yao Wenyuan, sighed and said, "it's not about Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen. Because of the script of youth regret, they had some psychological problems. But now the box office was defeated by "first love 100%", many students sneer at the two people behind their backs, resulting in a great blow to their psychology, soaking in Internet cafes all day long. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will destroy them. After all, they are only 20 years old. "

"Yunhai, since you are going to shoot a TV series, would you like to let them join you. On the one hand, it can let them study hard, and on the other hand, it can rejuvenate their spirit. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course I have no problem here. I can even let them be deputy directors, which will save me a lot of things. I'm afraid they are not willing to."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhuang Bin's face showed a smile and said: "don't be modest. To learn from your legendary director's crew, let alone the two of them, even those small and famous directors in the entertainment industry are willing to go. I'll let Wu Zhiguo go to them. "

Half an hour later, Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen followed Wu Zhiguo into the office.

It may be that they stayed in the Internet bar for too long. Their faces were a little pale, their eyes were dull, and their whole bodies were dead. They had no original spirit.

Xiao Yunhai slightly frowned and said in his heart, "these two guys, it seems that they have been hit hard."

Zhuang Bin took a deep breath and said, "do you know what I want you to come here for?"

Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.Zhuang bin pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "you elder martial brother Xiao is going to shoot a TV series. You need your help. What about? Would you like to go? "

Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen's dim eyes lit up at the same time and looked at Xiao Yunhai together.

Wang Wei said, "elder martial brother Xiao, do you really want us to join your crew?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "why not?"

Zhao Zhen said: "we used to rob your competition with other people's scripts. Aren't you angry? You know, if you're in, it won't be like this

Xiao Yunhai laughed, shook his head and said, "people say that the stage is as big as the heart. In front of all the teachers, Xiao Yunhai bravely said something to my heart. I didn't pay attention to the so-called film competition of the three major schools from the beginning. If there is someone in the school who is better than me, I will be more happy than I get this opportunity. "

"Your biggest problem is that your heart is too small. If you stay in the ivory tower all day, what kind of test can you go through. Don't you think it's funny that a small failure made you two so depressed? The competition of the three schools is just a ditch. You are like the fish in it. Even if you are the king in it, what can you do? "

"I tell you, success or failure in the ditch doesn't matter. What really matters is whether you can jump out of this ditch and into bigger ponds, rivers and even the sea. That's what you need to think about. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at the two men and seemed to be moved. Then he continued: "let's take last year as an example. A total of 5960 films could be shown in cinemas in the world, of which Huaxia and America have the largest film markets. There are 1320 in China and 1633 in America. But the total box office was almost twice as bad. Because the United States makes money from the whole world, and we only have a few films going abroad. "

"From the first day I entered the college, I have determined to make Chinese movies recognized all over the world in my lifetime. I'm 21 years old today, and I can still make movies for at least 50 years. I don't believe it. Can't I do it in 50 years? "

At this point, Xiao Yunhai suddenly went to the window, carrying his hands and reciting aloud: "the red sun rises, the road is bright; the river flows and flows, a flood of the ocean; the Dragon rises into the abyss, the scales and claws fly; the milk tiger roars in the valley; the eagles and falcons test their wings, the wind and dust absorb; the strange flowers are born, and the emperor is defeated; the general's hair is bright; the sky is covered with the sky, and the ground is yellow; there are thousands of times, horizontal There are eight barrens; the future is like the sea, and there is a long way to go. Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen, come on with me. "

This is a passage from the story of young China written by Mr. Liang Qichao in his previous life. In order to revive Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen, Xiao Yunhai moved it out, and the effect was unexpected.

Not only did Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen get excited when they heard their eyes shine. Even Zhuang bin, Yao Wenyuan and Wu Zhiguo clapped their hands and applauded. This is really inspiring.

Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen looked at each other and said, "elder martial brother Xiao, I'd like to come to your troupe. Please teach me more."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "good, you two are my deputy directors. Now go back and have a good rest. Tomorrow afternoon, we will have a formal audition. "

Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen nodded.

After they left, Xiao Yunhai laughed and said triumphantly, "my acting skills are not bad. These two guys have been fooled by me for a while, and they are full of energy immediately. If one day I can't get along in the entertainment industry, I think I'll have a bright future as a prodigy. "

Wu Zhiguo seems to be unable to accept that Xiao Yunhai's ambition and ambition are all false. He asks with difficulty, "are you just acting?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. How many films did I know last year? I just made up a number. As for whether Chinese films can be recognized by the world, it's none of my business. "

Yao Wenyuan snorted, raised his eyebrows, and sneered, "I'm just wondering, how could you, a lazy guy, have such a heart?"

Zhuang Bin said with a bitter smile: "no matter how to say, Yunhai has done a beautiful job, and the success has made two people cheer up."

Wu Zhiguo nodded: "yes, Yunhai, I want to thank you. The two of them are the best students in our department of directors. If they fail to recover, it will be a great blow to us and the impact will be very bad. I really want to thank you for bringing them to your own troupe

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "we are classmates. It is proper to help each other. It's a blessing for our students to have teachers like you who are so concerned about their students. "

Yao Wenyuan said, "well, don't say polite words. When are you going to turn it on? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the formation of the crew is very simple. Just call the students who took the film of Charlotte's trouble to come here. The only difficulty is the choice of actors. I don't know if I can find the right one tomorrow. Then, it depends. "

Zhuang Bin said: "I hope everything goes well with you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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