Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:18 AM

Chapter 364

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In the process of shooting "love apartment" by Xiao Yunhai, many reporters have been following the crew.

It's a pity that the studio of "love apartment" is mainly located in two fixed places: the apartment and the bar. Moreover, Xiao Yunhai strictly forbids reporters to enter. Therefore, they did not take any valuable pictures.

Just as they had been waiting for a day, they thought that they would come back in vain. Suddenly, there was a shout of cheering from the apartment.

A reporter couldn't believe his ears. He turned his head and looked at the photographer behind him and said, "do you hear the voice calling for killing green inside?"

The photographer nodded in disbelief and said, "I did hear that. However, this is only half a month, it should not be so fast. "

"Which plot is this?" the reporter said

Other journalists were also surprised.

It was not until the group of students came out one after another with shooting equipment and props on their shoulders that all the reporters could believe that the original "love apartment" was really finished.

"My God, is emperor Yun going to die? Just a few days ago, "love apartment" is finished? "

"I can't believe it. What does this speed do?"

"Ha ha, there is explosive news at last. 18 days a play, yunhuang, do you want to challenge the film and television record? "

The reporters were running in front of the apartment building in front of them.

After a while, Xiao Yunhai, Wang Wei, Zhao Zhen and other main creators came out of the apartment building with joy on their faces.

The reporters quickly gathered around.

A reporter asked, "Mr. Xiao, are you killing the green?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's right."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's formal statement, a burst of exclamation came from the reporters.

"Is it too fast, Mr. Xiao?"

"Ha ha, thanks to our two excellent deputy directors, they are divided into two groups, and their efficiency is naturally much higher."

"Even so, Mr. Xiao, you killed a 20 episode TV play in just 18 days. Isn't it a little too childish?"

Xiao Yunhai laughs and says, "is a play that has been shot for more than ten days? I can't see it. When we have "love apartment" on air, you will know that efficiency doesn't mean the play is bad. "

"I'm sorry, everyone. It's late. We're going to the hotel to hold a green party. Goodbye."

Xiao Yunhai finished and left with them.

That night, when the "love apartment" crew was eating and drinking in the hotel, the Internet had been tumultuous.

Major entertainment media have reported that Xiao Yunhai finished his second TV play in 18 days, which caused a heated discussion among netizens.

"Really? It's unbelievable

"I want to be crazy. After shooting a play in 18 days, why?"

"Is emperor Yun going to die? You should know that his works have always been excellent works. But I think it is impossible to shoot a high-quality TV series in a short period of more than ten days. His credibility is not an overdraft. "

"The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. No matter what others say, as the iron powder of the cloud emperor, I still support him. I'm sure this "love apartment" is going to be another hit, even though it took 18 days to shoot. "

just because it was shot too fast, Xiao Yunhai's "love apartment" has not yet been broadcast, and it has quickly become popular on the Internet.

Hengdian film and television city.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Zhao Wanqing dragged her tired body back to the hotel of the crew. After three night dramas, Zhao Wanqing only felt that her bones would be crisp.

As usual, Zhao Wanqing first took a hot bath, then turned on her computer and went to her home page for a look.

"Well, why are there so many comments in one day? Is something happening? "

"What? It took only 18 days for Yunhai to film "love apartment". Is it true or not? Isn't this nonsense? " Looking at the posts of her fans, Zhao Wanqing seems to feel that her brain is not enough.

Zhao Wanqing, who has been in the "Xiaoao Lake" crew, didn't see the script and didn't know what was in it, although she knew about Xiao Yunhai's shooting of "love apartment".

But in any case, a 20 episode TV series, shot in 18 days, is not reliable.

Without saying a word, Zhao Wanqing called Xiao Yunhai.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai had just finished the killing green banquet and was sitting in Li Bing's car.

Seeing Zhao Wanqing's call, she quickly picked it up.

"Hello, wife, I haven't slept so late?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "I was very tired, but I couldn't sleep any more when I saw the messages from fans in my comment area."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what message can make Miss Zhao unable to sleep? Read it and I'll hear itZhao Wanqing said: "there are tens of thousands of posts, all about the same thing. I'll just read two of them. You'll hear me

"After clearing up, please persuade the emperor to stop playing like this. It's crazy to be able to shoot a TV series in 18 days. "

"After Qing Dynasty, as the leader of emperor Yun, please educate him well. It's too self willed. I've been watching TV series for more than 20 years, but I haven't heard that anyone can shoot a 20 episode TV series in 18 days. I'm kidding. If you can't be famous, you can do whatever you want. It's a lot of harm and no benefit to him. "

"After sunny days, the products made by Emperor yunhuang must be exquisite. This gold signboard is very popular in the entertainment industry. Don't try to persuade emperor Yun not to screw up this brand just because of his fever. It's too much to lose. "

After reading three representative posts, Zhao Wanqing said, "husband, are all the above true? "Love apartment" really finished? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I didn't expect that this group of fans still care about me. Wife, we have not known each other for a day or two. Can you not understand my character? When did you see me do something I was not sure about? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "but it's ridiculous. Husband, it's not easy for you to have this achievement and reputation today. Don't lift a stone and hit your own foot. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, your husband is not so stupid."

Zhao Wanqing thought for a moment and said, "no, I'm still worried. In this way, in another week, my part will be all over. Let me see the play later. Only if I pass it can you give it to the TV station. If you can't even pass me here, don't broadcast it, or you'll get a bad reputation. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, no problem. I promise you. Come back quickly, wife. I miss you so much. "

They talked for a while and hung up.

Back at the villa, Xiao Yunhai turned on his computer and saw that all the famous forums were talking. In particular, on their home page, hundreds of thousands of posts have occupied the entire comment area, almost the same thing is to persuade themselves not to play with fire.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and thinks for a while, then writes on it: "thank you for your care and love. There's nothing wrong with the news on the Internet, "love apartment" was really shot this afternoon, and it took a total of 18 days. The shooting period should be the shortest in the film and television industry. "

"But what I want to tell you is that high efficiency does not mean poor quality. "Love apartment" and "Charlotte trouble" in the theme are similar, belongs to the popcorn like three no comedy, absolutely funny. Please wait patiently. It is estimated that in less than half a month, this TV series will be able to meet you. If you don't think it's good-looking, you can call on me at any time. "

"Well, it's getting late. Good night, everyone."

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's post was published, it immediately made the whole comment area explode.

"It's not easy. Yunhuangda finally spoke. It seems that I have enough confidence. "

"Since emperor Yun entered the circle, no matter what kind of works, we have never been disappointed. Although it's hard to accept this time, I still choose to believe in the emperor once. Come on, you are the best. "

"Although I would like to agree with my brother upstairs, I can be told rationally that the Emperor may encounter Waterloo this time."

"Do you think the emperor is a little self inflated. After all, he is only a 21-year-old young man, in a short period of time, from a penniless ordinary person to a well-known star. The change of his identity made him a little bit elated, so there will be 18 days after shooting a play

"It's not unreasonable. Anyway, it's about to be broadcast. Let's watch it later. "

"Yes. How about love apartment? We can't guess by our guess. The only thing that can prove it is the ratings. "

"But the next situation for love apartment doesn't seem to be very good. In three days, the eastern entertainment company invested a lot of money to shoot the "spring and autumn hegemony" will be broadcast on Zhejiang TV station, which can be said to be a gathering of big brands. Five days later, the "Yuefei biography" jointly created by Hanhai film and television investment company and pengpai entertainment company will also be launched on Jiangsu Satellite TV. To be honest, it will be very difficult for "love apartment" to succeed in the gap between the two historical masterpieces. "

"Yes, I hope the emperor can create another miracle." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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