Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:14 AM

Chapter 367

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The next day, according to the plan, Oriental entertainment company's small action began to perform.

On the Internet, a four-star film critic named Meng Haofang made such a post, which caused a huge sensation.

"This morning, I just heard a news that Mr. Xiao Yunhai, a famous artist, shot a 20 episode TV drama" love apartment "in 18 days. I couldn't help but feel a little happy. Throughout Huaxia film and television, I have never heard of a film that can be shot so fast. I really want to know what kind of junk TV series can be made in 18 days. "

"Originally, I really appreciate Xiao Yunhai. He is only 21 years old this year. He is in the prime of his life and brilliant. He has made great achievements in many fields. I have to say that this is very admirable. But it can't be the basis of his mischief. Because there are tens of millions of fans behind him. Everyone likes him so much and idolizes him. However, he rewards everyone with a film that was shot in 18 days. In my opinion, this is a crime. "

"Xiao Yunhai is talented, but he can't rely on his talent. The album Charlotte trouble, which is still on sale now, has sold 26 million copies, but I have never seen his promotion figure. You should know that publicity is not a simple promotion, it is more a kind of feedback to the fans who support themselves. You can't be innovative just because your work is popular, even the fans don't care about it. Are you going too far. "

"Sorry, the topic is a little far away. Let's go back to love apartment. I feel that Xiao Yunhai is a little too conceited, and the successive victories seem to have lost the direction of his efforts. He no longer pursues the high quality of films and TV plays. Instead, he is suspected of having his old money. Is it said that he has run out of talent? "

"The purpose of this post is to say that when Xiao Yunhai has made such great achievements, I hope he can think about the fans who support him, and don't trample on their love for you. I think Xiao Yunhai had better not do it again in the future. Even if the film passes, it's better not to broadcast it, so as not to pollute everyone's eyes. "

As a four-star film critic, Meng Haofang's own level is still very high. In fact, with his ability, he can become a five-star film critic.

Unfortunately, this person's reputation in the industry is not very good, some are too greedy, once for the sake of money, a very good film devalued to nothing.

This makes Wang Yifu's film critics very angry. They scolded him on the Internet and lowered his star rating by one star, which made him lose face completely.

Meng Haofang has been quiet for many years, and his reviews are fair. Gradually, people forget what he has done before, and his star rating has returned from three stars to four stars.

When receiving Lin Sen's call, Meng Hao subconsciously refused. It was at the beginning that he received money from the Oriental entertainment company that he became a laughing stock in the circle.

Now that I've finally turned over, I'm not willing to make another mistake in the same place.

Just as he was about to refuse, Lin Sen told him about Xiao Yunhai and told him that he only needed to write a comment, and a million yuan of money would be immediately paid to his account.

From Lin Sen's words, Meng Haofang heard that this time he was only commenting on a TV play that had not been broadcast. Moreover, the director only took 18 days to shoot it. With the temptation of a million yuan, Meng Haofang immediately turned his balance to one side.

In any case, he was not lying with his eyes open. Even if other people saw their comments, they would not be able to say anything. After all, there are too many problems in a TV play for more than ten days.

Therefore, Meng Haofang only considered for a few minutes and then agreed.

Soon, the post appeared on the Internet. After the Oriental entertainment water army's propaganda, all the large and small forums are occupied by this post.

Numerous netizens all joined in to discuss Xiao Yunhai.

"What Meng Haofang said is right. The emperor of cloud is really elated."

"Speaking of this" Charlotte trouble "album, the emperor did a little too much. Without any publicity, they started selling immediately, giving people a feeling of being spoiled and proud. "

"As a fan of yunhuang, I like his works very much, but his practice is quite different from the stars in the current price segment. You see, every time other singers hold a press conference, a signing party, a song club or even a concert, but Xiao Yunhai doesn't do anything. I feel sorry for our fans. "

"I don't think it's true. Emperor Yun has always been very low-key, but his low-key is not arrogant and coquettish

"Anyway, I don't believe it if I want to shoot an excellent TV series with 20 episodes in 18 days."

Not only netizens, but also many film critics joined in.

"The most important thing for an artist is not talent, but artistic morality. I hope Xiao Yunhai can take film and television seriously and take his career seriously. ""Love apartment", which was made in 18 days, ha ha, I think it's better not to broadcast it, so as not to make a fool of yourself. "

"Xiao Yunhai will pay a heavy price for his arrogance. The yunhuang brand may be completely destroyed because of a" love apartment. "

in addition to the Internet, all major media, entertainment magazines and newspapers have published Meng Haofang's post on their front page headlines.

For a time, Xiao Yunhai became the object of the whole entertainment circle.

Even Li Ran, the originator, didn't expect that Meng Haofang would have such a great influence. In addition to the accident, he employed countless water troops, which once again intensified the fight against Xiao Yunhai.

Xia Chengfeng sat in his office and looked at the newspapers and magazines brought by his agent Zheng Quanyou, and his smile never stopped.

After reading more than ten newspapers in succession, Xia Chengfeng patted the table and said excitedly, "good, great. I didn't expect Xiao Yunhai to have today."

Zheng Quanyou said with a smile: "there is a saying on the Internet that you can't die if you don't do it.". The film critic named Meng Haofang is really powerful. He aims at Xiao Yunhai's weakness, and then takes a "love apartment" as an opportunity to go straight to his heart. "

"Ha ha, Xiao Yunhai's practice is quite different in the entertainment industry. In the ordinary, called personality, but in the present, it is disrespectful of fans. Well, that's enough for him

Xia Cheng said with a cold smile: "this is the end of arrogance and arrogance. Uncle Zheng, who did this? In just half a day, I can ferment like this. If there is no pushing hand behind, I don't believe it. "

Zheng Quanyou said with a smile: "last night, Wang Jianjun, the director of the spring and autumn contest, just denounced the love apartment in the guest room of jiangqin club. The next day, the black xiaoyunhai thing happened. If there is no connection between them, how can it be possible?"

Xia Chengfeng said with a smile, "do you mean Li Ran did it there?"

"Eight nine is ten."

"Uncle Zheng, this opportunity is really too rare. I will help the court and completely suppress Xiao Yunhai."

"How to help?"

Xia Chengfeng thought for a moment and said, "Uncle Zheng, let's also recruit a group of water troops. As Xiao Yunhai's fans, we spread Xiao Yunhai's mistakes everywhere with a kind of aggrieved tone, so that those real fans can feel the same way. Once they all make trouble, Xiao Yunhai will be finished. "

"It's good for the media to find out what they've done with Xiao Yunhai for a few days. It's said that his grandfather was a practitioner of Chinese martial arts, and he also set up an organization called Xingyi taijimen. We can use it as an underworld to stop propaganda. "

"By the way, Xu Qianqian, my cousin Xia Xiaohu's girlfriend, used to have a lot of relations with Xiao Yunhai. She must know a lot about Xiao Yunhai, and let her embellish me to discredit Xiao Yunhai."

"In this way, I don't believe Xiao Yunhai is still alive."

Zheng Quanyou nodded and said, "I understand. I'll handle these things."

After Zheng Quanyou left, Xia Chengfeng came to the window, his eyes narrowed slightly and his face was ferocious. He gnashed his teeth and said, "Xiao Yunhai, you are finished." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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