Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:12 AM

Chapter 368

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Under the direction of the summer Chengfeng, in the afternoon of that day, the tide of daoxiao became more and more noisy. Xiao Yunhai's numerous black materials have been turned out by the media.

Eight trigrams Entertainment: Xiao Yunhai has an extraordinary life experience, and his grandfather is the head of Xingyi Taiji sect, suspected to be a underworld.

Phoenix Evening News: during the shooting of "great master", Xiao Yunhai was domineering and did not respect his predecessors.

Entertainment: Xiao Yunhai is domineering and domineering. He used to abuse the artists of his predecessors in the mango stage dressing room.

Writer's Daily: Xiao Yunhai is greedy, and the price of martial arts novels is amazing.

on the Internet, Xu Qianqian's interview video also appeared on various news websites.

The reporter asked, "Miss Xu, I heard that you and Mr. Xiao Yunhai grew up together from childhood and have a very good relationship."

Xu Qianqian nodded and said, "yes."

"You should be familiar with Mr. Xiao Yunhai's family. It has been reported in the media that Xiao Yunhai's grandfather is the head of the Taiji sect. It seems that there is a trace of underworld background. Do you know that? "

Xu Qianqian said: "this matter is not a secret, many people know. Yunhai brother's grandfather is really a very powerful kung fu master. Now he is over ninety years old and in good health. As for the background of underworld, I don't know. However, we have been secretly rumored that he had killed many people when he was young, and was afraid of him in all parts of the country. Of course, the authenticity needs to be verified. "

"In the University, are you and Mr. Xiao Yunhai a boyfriend and girlfriend? If so, what is the reason for your breakup? "

Hearing this question, Xu Qianqian flashed a trace of loneliness in her eyes and reluctantly said with a smile: "we used to be lovers. The reason why we broke up may be because of our different personalities. Sorry, I'm not feeling well. That's all for the interview. "

With that, Xu Qianqian left the scene under the protection of the bodyguard.

In addition to Xu Qianqian, Li Wenjun, vice president of Minsheng publishing house, was also interviewed by the reporter of wuxia daily.

"Excuse me, what is the reason why Xiao Yunhai's" Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu "was not published in your press? You know, your cooperation in "Xiao Li Fei Dao" and "Chu Liuxiang legend" is very happy

Li Wenjun said in a deep voice: "in addition to money interests, what else can we do?"

"You mean Xiao Yunhai's asking price is very high?"

"It should be said that the height is outrageous. After so many years in Minsheng publishing house, I have never heard of such a high price. Oh, I can't help it. Our temple is too small to hold the Buddha. "

"What do you think of Mr. Xiao Yunhai

"Talented, courageous, the only drawback is too much emphasis on material, do not speak of love."

"OK, thank you for your interview with us."

Two video broadcast, let netizens burst into a pot. Especially on Xiao Yunhai's home page, countless fans have posted.

Li Ran and Xia Chengfeng hired the navy to make waves and make waves. They attacked Xiao Yunhai in every way.

"I'm so disappointed. I didn't expect that the emperor was such a man. You see, Xu Qianqian is obviously a poor abandoned man. "

"I don't know. You don't want to think about it. Xu Qianqian is just a girl from an ordinary family, while Zhao Wanqing is the eldest lady of Hanhai film and television investment company. Who is strong and who is weak is clear at a glance. The emperor is not stupid. How can he not choose Zhao Wanqing? "

"Well, I thought their love was a perfect fairy tale, but I didn't want to see the smell of copper in it. It's really unacceptable."

"What's more terrible is that Xiao Yunhai's family is also involved in the underworld. No wonder his kung fu is so good. It turns out that he has a family background."

"And his affair with Minsheng publishing house seems to be the reason why he is too greedy. It's true that you know your face and your heart. With so much money, is it necessary to do it again? "

Seeing so many of Xiao Yunhai's black posts, he is in a blind obedience psychology, and most fans have a very bad view of Xiao Yunhai. However, there are still a lot of iron powder believe in Xiao Yunhai.

"I don't think the emperor is such a person. Whether it's Xu Qianqian or Li Wenjun, what they say is one-sided and not trustworthy. "

"Yes. Just talk about grandfather Xiao Yunhai. The old man is more than ninety years old. He is also a gangster and tells jokes. Is it possible? "

"And Minsheng publishing house. The publication and distribution of Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu is a normal business behavior. The sun Publishing House offers a lot of money, and the emperor of cloud naturally gives it to issue. This is normal. What? It's like moral kidnapping to me. "

"There is something suspicious about Xu Qianqian. Although she didn't say anything, her expression seemed to be abandoned by the emperor. But the real situation is what, no one knows. You know, Hanhai film and television investment company is very powerful, but with the ability of cloud emperor, they don't need their help at all. On the contrary, Hanhai film and television investment company has made a lot of money because of yunhuang's "startling step by step" and "Legend of Zhen Huan". Therefore, I think that as fans of the cloud emperor, we should not jump to a conclusion like this, but wait for the emperor to explain. "Seeing that there were still a large number of people supporting Xiao Yunhai, the sailors were naturally reluctant to attack them.

"Are you the water army invited by Emperor Yun? It's so obvious that you're still messing around here. It's disgusting. "

"Water army? Ha ha, I'm the iron powder overlord of the world. I'm here since the cloud emperor established the homepage. I think you are the water army. When did you come in

"Fart, I've been here for a long time."

"As a fan of the cloud emperor, I'm sure you're not a good bird."

In this way, the two sides will fight each other on Xiao Yunhai's homepage if you don't let me, and I won't let you.

"Sister Xue, have you got in touch with boss Xiao?" Li linger asked anxiously.

Su Yingxue shook her head and said, "no, his cell phone is out of power. This son of a bitch is usually so idle, but he can't find anyone at the critical moment. I'm so angry. "

"Did you ask sister Wanqing?"

"Yes, she didn't know. She said that Yunhai must have gone to do post editing for "love apartment", but there are so many editors in Yanjing, who knows which one it is. "

Just then, Su Yingxue's phone rang.

Su Yingxue quickly picked it up and said, "Wanqing, do you have any news?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "I called Mr. Yao Wenyuan. He said that Yunhai was probably in Mr. Zheng buguo's studio. Don't worry about it. You're going to find him right now. In two hours, I will be able to get to Yanjing airport. Then, call. "

Su Yingxue said, "OK, I know."

Su Yingxue hung up the phone and said to Li linger and Xiangming, "it's obvious that someone is dealing with the sea of clouds this time. You must control the public opinion. I'll go to him immediately."

They nodded and said, "don't worry, sister snow." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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