Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:09 AM

Chapter 370

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Su Yingxue saw that Xiao Yunhai simply controlled the rhythm of the scene. She admired him very much. She said, "although she has a first-class eloquence, she is far inferior to Xiao Yunhai in grasping the general situation."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'll start with love apartment. A four-star film critic sent an article and told me about it, which caused a series of chain reactions. I don't care if there's anyone behind me pushing me, just talk about his argument. "

"Who can tell me, which film master said that we can't make a TV play in 18 days? One of the masterpieces will say that one of the 18 TV dramas will come out? I learned from Yanjing Film Academy and read no less than 100 books on film and television. I have never seen such a sentence. I can only use one sentence to judge his argument. Summer bug can't be said to be icy. "

"Shit, that's a bully."

"Cloud emperor is cloud emperor, cow."

The reporters were recording crazily and sighing in a low voice.

After taking a sip of tea, Xiao Yunhai continued: "and he said in it that I don't respect fans. Big brother, can we stop telling lies with our eyes open? I dare say that I am most devoted to my fans and fans. Maybe in his eyes, to open a song club, to hold a publicity meeting, to meet a few fans, is to respect the fans. But in my opinion, the greatest respect for fans is to bring them as many good works as possible. "


"That's great."

When reporters heard this, they clapped their hands one after another.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I know the fans may have a lot of opinions about my not participating in those activities. But I tell you, it's not that I don't want to participate, but I really don't have time. For now, in addition to love apartment, I will also write my fourth martial arts novel "Legend of Shooting Heroes", a movie script "Zhuxian", and a new TV drama script with aerial historical theme is under consideration. I can't be too busy with these three tasks alone. "

"Of course, I don't deny that I'm selfish. Wan Qing and I have been together for a year and have never had a good time. I want to finish the work as soon as possible, take her out for a tour, and have a look at the world of two. Isn't that too much? "

"Not too much."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "long live understanding."


Xiao Yunhai said: "to tell you the truth, I look down on Mr. Meng Haofang, a four-star film critic. A film critic, who has never seen a movie or TV play, decides that it is rubbish just because the shooting speed is fast. What qualifications does such a person have to be a film critic? Is he not clear, as a four-star film critic to be responsible for what he said? If I have suffered losses because of his words, who is responsible for this? "

Xiao Yunhai said more and more angry, to the end, the voice like rolling thunder, the whole venue seems to tremble.

"Mr. Meng Haofang, I will now formally inform you. As a film critic, you slander the TV series I haven't broadcast at will, and the influence is extremely bad, which may bring me huge economic losses. So tomorrow I will ask my lawyer to sue you in court. "

"Wow, isn't it? Really

"The boy Meng Hao is finished."

"Not necessarily. There is no express provision for such incidents. "

"Well, if this guy takes the money, he does it. What do you think will happen? "

"How about it? Then his life will be over. "

While the reporters were whispering, Xiao Yunhai coughed and said, "let's talk about it first. If you have any questions, just ask them. "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice dropped, a reporter stood up impatiently and said, "Mr. Xiao, some media say that your grandfather has a background of underworld? Is that true? "

"Of course not. My grandfather is ninety-one years old. Although he is in good health, you can't let such an old man go to the street with a machete to bully men and women. "

"But Miss Xu Qianqian said that he had killed many people when he was young?"

"Yes, I've heard him talk about it."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's frank admission, all the reporters were shocked, and then wrote with excitement.

Su Yingxue's face changed greatly, touching Xiao Yunhai's arm and whispering, "what are you talking about?"

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be puzzled and said, "sister Xue, I'm not talking nonsense. When my grandfather was young, he really killed a lot of people with our Chinese traditional skills, about 100. Among them, there were more than 80 Japanese devils and more than 20 traitors. For this reason, they also won the commendation of the villagers at that time. "

As soon as Su Yingxue listens, she immediately puts down her heart and stares at Xiao Yunhai angrily.

The reporters stopped writing because of this reason.

"So your grandfather is still a hero of Anti Japanese war. However, it has been reported that he set up a gang called Xingyi taijimen? Is there such a thing? "Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes, and the name is really called Xingyi taijimen. It mainly teaches Xingyi boxing and Taijiquan. But he's not a gang, he's a martial arts school. For example, Luo Tianxiong, the most famous action director in the entertainment industry, is my elder martial brother. There are many Taiji disciples in his Luo family class. You don't say we're all underworld people

"Ha ha ha."

The reporters all laughed.

Another reporter stood up and asked, "Mr. Xiao, there is a video on the Internet interviewing Li Wenjun, vice president of Minsheng publishing house. I believe you have seen it?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes."

"What's your opinion on vice president Li Wenjun's remarks? Did you fail to reach a cooperation because of the high price you asked? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Vice President Ma Wenjun's words are full of a message, that is, Xiao Yunhai is greedy and greedy. I don't know how to be grateful. When I became famous, I kicked Minsheng publishing house, right?"

The reporter did not expect that Xiao Yunhai would be so straightforward. He was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "that's right."

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, I tell you, it's Minsheng publishing house that doesn't understand gratitude. Do you know how much profit my "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "Xiao Li Throwing Knife" have brought to them? Six billion. "

"Wow, so much."

"My God, the two novels are worth 600 million yuan. Is this money snatching?"

"Calculate it carefully. It's almost the same."

Xiao Yunhai continued: "I made so much money for them, but Li Wenjun said that I was greedy. Tell me, is there any reason for heaven? It's not Xiao Yunhai who boasts that my martial arts novels can sell well no matter which publishing house they are put in. The so-called kindness of Minsheng publishing house to me has been repaid with 600 million Chinese dollars. Isn't that enough? Do I have to hand over all my novels to them in the future? I'm kidding

"What's more, my martial arts novel is, to put it bluntly, it's just a commodity. It's normal business behavior to sell it to whoever offers the highest price. Is there a problem? That reporter friend, the camera in front of you is very good. I'll pay 3000 yuan to buy it. Do you want to sell it? "

"Not for sale."


"The price of this camera is more than 50000 yuan. 3000 yuan is definitely not good."

"Yes. My novels are like your camera. I don't sell them when the price is low. Minsheng publishing house is really disappointing. As the saying goes, business can't be done in benevolence and righteousness. Isn't it just that you didn't give them "Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu"? Don't you have to stand up and give me a foot in my most difficult time? I made them six hundred million. Is that what I get? It's so chilling. "

"Well, that's all for the question. Go on."

Su Yingxue randomly points out a reporter.

"Mr. Xiao, Miss Xu Qianqian admitted in an interview that she and you used to be friends. Is this true?"

Xiao Yunhai quietly nodded his head and said, "that's right."

The reporter asked, "some media said that in order to pursue the eldest lady of Hanhai film and television media company, Ms. Zhao Wanqing, you abandoned Miss Xu Qianqian, who is a girl of childhood and ordinary family background. Is there such a thing

Xiao Yunhai grinned bitterly and shook his head. He just wanted to talk, but was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Let me, the so-called third party, explain it."

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and saw Zhao Wanqing, wearing a purple coat and a frosty face, walked in from the outside.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

The cameras and cameras in the hands of journalists quickly rang, and the flash lamp turned the scene of the press conference into a sea of thunder.

"Wow, it's getting bigger and bigger. It's even coming after it's sunny."

"Look at other people. After hearing that the emperor had an accident, he immediately left his work and killed him. His feelings are really good."

Xiao Yunhai stood up, walked over, took Zhao Wanqing's hand and said, "how did you come?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "you have been bullied into this way, can I not come?"

Xiao Yunhai was very moved in his heart and said: "it's just a group of clowns. Your husband and I are not afraid of the shadow. Can't we make sure they can't make it?"

Zhao Wanqing laughed and said, "I'm not sure. Well, let's sit down and talk about it. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded, took her hand and came to the rostrum.

Zhao Wanqing nodded to Su Yingxue, said hello, then took Xiao Yunhai's microphone and said, "I'll explain this matter. Xu Qianqian's video, I saw, my evaluation is that the eyes are good, the expression is slightly pompous. "

"Ha ha ha." When reporters heard Zhao Wanqing's comment, they all laughed.

Xiao Yunhai and Su Yingxue also smile.

Zhao Wanqing said: "Xu Qianqian and Yunhai are neighbors. They grew up together in childhood. Yunhai's academic performance is very good. You should know that he used to be the No. 1 student in the college entrance examination, but why did so many good schools choose Yanjing Film Academy instead? The previous explanation was that I like movies. It's not. The real reason is that Xu Qianqian applied to Yanjing Film Academy, so he did. Because of this, Yunhai's father was furious, and the two father and son completely fell out. ""Wow, I didn't expect that."

"If I were his father, I would be angry too. It's very irritating."

The reporters were whispering.

Zhao Wanqing continued: "Yunhai has a very bad temper. After falling out with his family, he didn't use any money from his family. Whether it is tuition or living expenses, he earned it himself. Therefore, in the first two years of University, he was very difficult. If it was not for Mr. Yao Wenyuan and Huang Bo, who often helped him, it would be hard to say whether he could make it to this day. "

"But even so, in order to invite Xu Qianqian to have a good meal, he can starve for two days and only use boiled water to satisfy his hunger; in order to take Xu Qianqian to the playground, he can go outside to do a group performance for a week and save 1000 yuan. Xu Qian is willing to spend more money than he wants to spend. Unfortunately, the final result is last summer vacation, Yunhai was abandoned by Xu Qianqian mercilessly

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai shook his head with a bitter smile, and said, "my wife has some improper words. We should be regarded as a peaceful breakup. It's just her who mentioned it first."


"ha ha ha."

"Isn't that just being kicked by a woman? Is there any need to explain it? "

Zhao Wanqing glanced at him and said, "it was at the premiere of Emperor Kangxi that I really became friends with Yunhai. By that time, they had already broken up. The real relationship was established during the shooting of "step by step", which we once said in the program "guest room of Jiang Qin club". So, it's not true that I caused the two to break up. "

"Some people said that cloud sea combined with me in order to get Hanhai film and television media company. I want to laugh. Is it necessary for him to earn more in a year than the whole of Hanhai? "

"Xu Qianqian shouldn't have appeared at this time. Her artificial expression is more vicious than anything. However, I don't hate her, but I should appreciate her. If she hadn't abandoned the sea of clouds, we would not have come together. "

"What happened to Yunhai today can be seen by people with a clear eye that it was premeditated. In a short day, the event has fermented from "love apartment" to this degree. If there is no one behind it, is it possible? I hope all of you can give us a fair return with your pens. I also hope our fans can distinguish right from wrong and continue to support us. "

Zhao Wanqing's words are very direct. He makes things clear and clear. Compared with Xu Qianqian's cover up, Zhao Wanqing is more convincing.

Another reporter asked, "Mr. Xiao, some media said that you were domineering, arrogant, playing big cards, and disrespectful to your predecessors. I don't know what explanation you have for this?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head, took out his mobile phone, shook it, and said, "since the incident happened, in a short period of three hours, more than 40 friends and teachers in the entertainment industry have called me. Not to mention my friends of the same age, the former stars include director Hong Tianzao, director Wu Zixu, director Chen Qingqing, teacher Ye Yongchao, teacher Liang Hui, teacher Huang Qiusheng, teacher Wang Guoan, teacher Chen Huan, teacher Yao Na, teacher sun Yanjun, and teacher Ge Wuyou. If I'm really a big card player, do you think there will be so many people who care about me? "

"Xiao Yunhai has never played a big game since I stepped into this circle. If you don't believe it, you can ask about it from all the cast members. I've only been in four or five crew. It's not difficult to find out. "

Su Yingxue suddenly stood up and said, "ladies and gentlemen, before the end of the press conference, let me tell you a message. With the help of technical personnel, most of the fans who posted bad comments on Xiao Yunhai's home page only joined today. There are more than 200 people of a large scale. Obviously, they are hired by others. We will definitely find out. "

"Well, this is the end of the press conference. Good bye, dear journalists."

After su Yingxue finished, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing stood up, bowed to the reporters, and then walked out hand in hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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