Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:07 AM

Chapter 372

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When Xiao Yunhai and his team finished their meal, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Because the hotel is not far from the villa, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing did not come back in Li Bing's car, but pressed the road hand in hand.

Both of them did not speak, but a faint warmth was transmitted in the middle, quite a kind of silent feeling better than sound at this time.

"Why, Yunhai, why didn't you turn off the light in the villa?" Zhao Wanqing asked with a smile when she saw the lamp in the villa still on outside the gate.

Xiao Yunhai said in surprise, "I didn't turn on the light? In the morning, I remember clearly that I turned off the lights before I left. Is it ling'er coming? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "it is possible. It's not like a thief, is it

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "joking, which thief dares to steal things with the master's lamp on?"

As they spoke, they walked into the villa.

Open the door, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing look into the living room, all of a sudden silly eyes.

The TV on the wall was gone, the sofa was turned upside down, and the decorations on the shelf disappeared.

Xiao Yunhai murmured: "Yaya a bah, steal things all turn on the light, now the thief is too arrogant."

Zhao Wanqing said in a hurry: "hurry to see what's missing?"

After turning around, Xiao Yunhai said solemnly: "I have lost 30000 cash, a desktop computer, a laptop and some electronic products. Where are you? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "I can't find more than three million jewelry in my cabinet. Thanks to the bracelet my grandfather gave me, I always wear it. Otherwise, I won't be able to see him in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's really bold. In this way, let's exit first, keep the scene well, and I'll call the police. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and agreed.

Twenty minutes later, the alarm sounded outside the police station.

The security guards of the community still don't know what happened until the police said that the houses of the residents had been stolen, and six or seven security guards just woke up like a dream.

Then there was a sigh in the hearts of the people, and it was over.

Those who can live here are either rich or expensive. Once they lose something valuable, they can't afford to work for a lifetime.

The leading policeman scolded, "what are you doing in a daze? Don't open the door for me

As soon as the security monitor heard this, he quickly let the two men open the door, and then he called the security captain, while taking several people, ran after the police car.

Two police cars came to the villa door, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing had been waiting for them outside.

After getting off the bus, the chief policeman shook hands with Xiao Yunhai and said, "Hello, Mr. Xiao and Ms. Zhao. I'm Zhao Wanqing of the Public Security Bureau and said," of course I remember. Ah, I see. You mean if he didn't do it, he should be more anxious than you at the moment. Because after those thieves stole the recording, if it was handed over to the media, it would be all over. He can't be without worry. But he was calm on the phone

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes, it's called the law net to be broad and not to miss. Since he didn't notice, that's fine. We don't want more than three million. Let's pay him hundreds of times for this recording

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said with a smile, "you men are more insidious than others. Xia Chengfeng is already very powerful in the circle, but when he comes across you, he is always tied up. "

Xiao Yunhai complacently said: "this is because your man's intelligence is high, can't help, born. Wife, it's more than 12 o'clock. Let's go to bed

Zhao Wanqing said, "well, you can't do anything tonight."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, I know."

Half an hour later, Zhao Wanqing's delicate voice came from her bedroom: "husband, you just said nothing to do."

"It's silly of you to believe everything a man says."

"Oh, I hate it."

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