Published at 11th of May 2022 05:59:03 AM

Chapter 375

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When people pay attention to the three major TV dramas fighting for small screens, Xiao Yunhai's "love apartment" post production has been completed.

Xiao Yun seahorse kept on taking "love apartment" to the film and Television Bureau, and only used two days to get the screening license.

Since Xiao Yuanyang criticized the efficiency of the audit department at the meeting because of Xiao Yunhai's affairs, they are very interested in Hanhai's films and Xiao Yunhai's films. They are afraid that Xiao Yuanyang will find trouble with them, and they can finish the approval in three days.

Yang Lihe, deputy director of the audit department, once wanted to stop him. However, he did not keep the head of the audit department at the last meeting. He also made him so ugly that his prestige was greatly reduced. Therefore, the effect of his words was far less than before. Especially when it comes to Xiao Yunhai, it's even worse.

Xiao Yunhai's lawsuit against Meng Haofang also opened three days ago. Xiao Yunhai did not go through. For him, this incident mainly shows his attitude, rather than to win the lawsuit.

However, the development of things is often unexpected. In the review of Meng Haofang, the court found that he had increased his account by 500000 before and after posting.

All of a sudden, Meng Hao put money to write reviews of the news uploaded out of the whole network.

The film review Association responded very quickly and revoked Meng Haofang's status as a four-star film critic on the same day.

Xia Chengfeng's water army has become active again. Not only he, but also several other film and television companies that have little relationship with Oriental entertainment have also stepped in one after another.

In Li Ran's office, Lin Sen stood there and said, "Mr. Li, over the years, I've worked hard for the company. The court will be held tomorrow. In any case, you must help me. "

Lin Sen how did not expect, a small post can pull corruption up.

Meng Hao in today's court, has admitted to accept Lin Sen million, originally wanted to summon him immediately, but was Lin Sen hide away.

Li Ran looked at Lin Sen and said, "Lao Lin, we are old fellows who have worked together for ten years. If I have a way, how can I not save you. You did it in a bit of a hurry. From your card to Meng Hao's card, I don't know what to say about you. You've been with me for so long. You can do such a stupid thing. "

Lin Sen said with a sad face: "where can I think that a small film critic also has the crime of corruption and bribery. Mr. Li, please show me a way to live. "

Li Ran shook his head and said, "Lao Lin, don't you understand? It has caused such a stir that it's hard to find anyone now. "

Linson said, "what should I do? I'm doing it for the company. "

Don't stop Li Ran. You bribe Meng Haofang, the company and I do not know

As soon as Lin Sen heard this, he immediately understood Li Ran's meaning and said angrily, "Mr. Li, you are trying to shirk your responsibility. You want to put this matter all on my head. Right? "

Li Ran said with a smile, "Lao Lin, don't get excited. Is there anything to discuss? "

Lin Sen's eyes glared and said angrily, "I'm talking about a fart. If we talk about it, I'm going to jail. "

Speaking of this, Lin Sen once again begged, "Mr. Li, I've been in the saddle for you these years. You can't kick me all at once."

Li Ran said, "Lao Lin, what do you want me to do? Give you money to run? So I'll just hide away from here and there? "

"No way," Linson said

Li Ran said, "yes. Lao Lin, don't worry. Even if you finally go in, I can get you out in less than five years. "

"Five years? I'm forty-five, and I'm not going to retire. " Lin Sen exclaimed, his eyes narrowed slightly, and threatened: "Mr. Li, don't blame me for my lack of loyalty. Over the years, I have done a lot of things for you. It's not good for you if it's publicized. "

Li Ran snorted and said softly, "Lao Lin, do you have any evidence? You can't help me without proof. Besides, even if you get me in, I ask you, what about your wife and children? Who will take care of it? Don't worry. As long as you are safe and stable, I promise to give your wife 500000 yuan a year until you come out. "

Lin Sen looked at Li Ran and sneered: "Mr. Li, we are not one day or two days. I am very clear about your conduct. I'm afraid I'll go in with my front foot, but you'll forget about it. "

Li Ran frowned and said, "you make me sad. Well, you give me your wife's bank card number, and I'll call her two million first. How about it? "

Lin Sen said suspiciously, "do you really want to? OK, wait a minute

Linson called his wife and asked for a bank account.

Without saying a word, Li Ran asked the assistant to go to the bank and called in two million yuan.

Half an hour later, Linson's wife called back and said that she had received two million yuan. Linson was relieved."Thank you very much, Mr. Li. Don't forget, you said five years. "

Li Ran patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "don't worry, I will help you. Well, go back and tell your wife and children goodbye. "

Linson nodded and walked out with a gloomy face.

Li Ran ha ha smile, heart way: "Lin Sen ah Lin Sen, you still dare to threaten me. Hum, even your wife is my mistress. How can you fight with me

Thinking of Lin Sen's wife's bed Kung Fu, Li Ran's heart was hot.

The next day, Lin Sen came to the Yanjing intermediate court, and a man took on his own bribe to Meng Haofang.

The court was so efficient that it was convicted that day.

"Meng Haofang accepted Lin Sen's one million yuan. Relying on his status as a film critic, Meng Haofang insulted Xiao Yunhai's" love apartment ". Now he confiscates all the stolen money. Meng Haofang is sentenced to compensate Xiao Yunhai's economic loss of 4 million yuan, and is sentenced to eight years' imprisonment and immediately executed."

"As the director of Publicity Department of Oriental entertainment company, Lin Sen is sentenced to six years' imprisonment for bribing Meng Haofang in order to publicize his films and TV series, and execute immediately."

The court's decision has caused a great sensation in the entertainment industry, and the major media, newspapers, magazines and the Internet vie to report.

Dongfang entertainment company is suffering. Every day, there are countless reporters blocking the door to interview.

Although this matter has been settled, we are actually very clear that Lin Sen is replacing the cylinder for the company.

He is just a little propaganda minister. Without the above instructions, how could he bribe Meng Hao with his own money. You know, even if the TV series is successful, it won't do him any good.

However, the law pursues evidence. No matter how reasonable a guess is, if there is no evidence, it is nothing.

After seeing the news, Xia Hongda called Xia Chengfeng in and praised him.

He hated the Oriental entertainment group deeply. Xia Chengfeng was able to get Lin Sen, Li Ran's right-hand man, into the room, which was also an evil spirit for him.

However, Xia Chengfeng was not satisfied. He said to Xia Hongda: "Dad, Lin Sen must know a lot about him after he has been with Li ran for such a long time. If he can speak, I think Li Ran's place will be finished. "

Xia Hongda said: "since Lin Sen is willing to go in, Li Ran must have done everything without fail. It should be hard to get him involved again. "

Xia Chengfeng shook his head and said, "Dad, I heard that Li Ran and Lin Sen's wife had an affair. What do you think Linson will do if they let Linson know about them? "

As soon as Xia Hongda's eyes brightened, he said, "it's needless to say that he must have died with Li Ran. Hehe, Chengfeng, if you can let Li Ran die, I will give you 30% of the shares of Hongda music network as your reward. "

Xia Chengfeng excitedly said, "Dad, you can see." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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