Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:58 AM

Chapter 379

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At eight o'clock the next morning, Su Yingxue brings Xiao Yunhai's team to the villa.

At this time, the two just finished their meal.

Seeing Su Yingxue and others, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Xue, you are really early enough."

Su Yingxue said: "I'm afraid that if you forget, we will lose a lot."

Xiao Yunhai said to Zhao Wanqing, "see. As an agent, Ms. Su Yingxue attaches great importance to Piao, which is quite different from mine. In my impression, it seems that Ms. Su Yingxue has never treated me like this before? Ah, thinking of these, my heart, pull out the cool

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile. Some people can't get used to it. They are sure to have an accident. "

Su Yingxue listened and said, "it's still Wanqing who knows someone. All right, no kidding, swallow. You make them up first. Who comes first? "

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Zhao Wanqing and said, "of course it's her."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "OK, I'll come first."

Taking advantage of Zhao Wanqing's makeup, Xiao Yunhai said to Su Yingxue, "sister Xue, in a few days, Wan Qing and I are going to travel. Don't arrange for me any more about work. "

Su Yingxue rolled her eyes and said, "your memory doesn't look very good? Can you tell me when I arranged the work for you? Since I was your agent, everything seems to have been arranged by you? "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it, but it's really like this.

So he pretended to be stupid and said, "really? Am I like this? Forget it. Just don't arrange work for me anyway. By the way, when will my album come back? I'm going to run a charity fund? "

So far, Zhao Wanqing's albums have sold 24 million copies. According to the contract, the two have accounted for 78% of the total profits, making a total profit of 210 million.

Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte trouble" sold more than 28 million copies, nearly broke 30 million, and the profit was 220 million.

Zhao Wanqing's money has been to her account, but Xiao Yunhai has not even seen a cent.

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "don't worry. I can call you in less than two days. I ask you, do you really plan to set up this Qinghai scholarship fund with half of the profits from the album? You know, you two add up, that is more than two billion. No star in China has donated so much money yet? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "take it from the people and use it for the people. The money I earn can't be spent all my life. Why not do something meaningful? In the future, not only my music albums, but also other works such as movies, TV series and novels, I will do the same one after another

Su Yingxue said with admiration: "after that, I will call you Xiao Da Shanren."

Xiao Yunhai clasped his fist and said with a smile: "I dare not to be, I dare not to be."

Su Yingxue saw Xiao Yunhai's smiling face and said, "you are always so rude. But you did it beautifully. In the future, I will also put some money into your charity fund and do some good deeds, so that God can help me find my prince charming as soon as possible

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what? Do you want to marry

Su Yingxue picked her eyebrows and said, "nonsense, how old am I? If you get married, you'll never be a yellow woman. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that the difference between yellow face woman and snow sister is a little far away. Besides, with your natural beauty, it's not easy to find a husband. "

Su Yingxue snorted and said, "come on, it's not as easy as you said. Well, no longer poor with you, I'll go to Piao Piao to help. After you make-up, you can take Li Bing's car directly to the hotel. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "well, you should drive carefully."

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing finished their makeup and drove to the scene of Dong Piao's album conference.

Today, Yanjing doesn't know what happened. The traffic jam is very serious. It's only an hour.

As the champion of the super singer competition, Dong Piao was very popular originally. Later, Xiao Yunhai wrote many good songs for her, and with the company's strong publicity, she quickly became one of the top domestic singers with numerous fans.

Dozens of media reporters and hundreds of fans came to this conference, which can be said to be very beautiful.

At this time, Dong Piao is singing the song "red beans" written by Xiao Yunhai for her.

"I haven't had a good feeling yet,

when the snowflakes are blooming.

We tremble together,

will understand more clearly,

what is tenderness.

Not holding hands with you,

through the barren dunes.

Maybe from now on,

learn to cherish,

the sky is long and the earth is long.

……………………… ... "

Dong Piao's singing skills have improved a lot, his voice is more ethereal, the typhoon atmosphere is calm, and he can sing with ease.

Zhao Wanqing heard the song backstage and sighed, "it's really nice. I didn't expect that you have a lot of private goods. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you think my king of music is a false name."

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said coldly, "I know how to brag."


sometimes, sometimes,

I believe that everything has an end.

Get together and leave, sometimes,

nothing will be immortal.

But I, sometimes,

prefer to be nostalgic.

When the scenery is clear,

maybe you will accompany me to see the long stream. "

When the song "red beans" was closed, there were warm applause and cheers from the audience, and the cameras in the hands of reporters kept ringing.

The host came to the stage and asked, "do you think this piece of red beans sounds good?"

"Good to hear." The fans all cried out.

The host said with a smile: "we are not only beautiful people, sweet songs, her personality is also very good. Although I have not been in the singing world for a long time, I have made a lot of good friends. Among them, there are just two stars. "

"They are the most enviable couple in the entertainment industry. They are the perfect match. Both acting and singing skills are the top experts of the younger generation, and have won praise from many senior members in the circle. Recently, the two's album sales have broken through the 20 million mark one after another, becoming a good talk in the circle. "

When the host said this, the fans immediately guessed their identities.

"After the cloud is clear."

"Oh, my God, after the cloud emperor clear up, they even came together for the floating platform."

"How do I feel a little bit dreamy."

"It's great to be floating. Even the emperor can come after clearing up."

The reporters under the stage were also very excited. They took their cameras and aimed at the entrance of the press conference.

The host said with a smile: "it seems that everyone has guessed. Yes, let's give the warmest applause to welcome Mr. Xiao Yunhai and Ms. Zhao Wanqing to the stage. "

In the applause and shouts of fans, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing walked up with hands in hand and a smile on their faces.

The scene is even more crazy, the reporters in the hands of the flash lights of the entire venue shining a vast white, cheering, cheering sound deafening.

Dong Piao Piao is also very happy and hugs them respectively.

Indeed, to let Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing come to the press conference of his new album at the same time, Dong Piao Piao can be said to have earned enough face.

Xiao Yunhai raised his hand and pressed under the stage, and the whole scene was immediately quiet.

Seeing this situation, Su Yingxue sighed in her heart: "the artist's aura is no longer under those heavenly kings. Her actions and actions are full of unspeakable charm and appeal. It's amazing. "

Xiao Yunhai took the microphone and said with a smile, "today, Wan Qing and I came here for only one purpose, that is, to support this album of red beans. As you all know, I wrote several songs in this album. You can buy them and listen to them. You will never let you down. "

"I'm here to wish that this album of fluttering can be granted the title of king and Emperor. Do you think it's ok?"


"To achieve this goal, you need your support most. Will you support it? "


"Would you recommend this album to your family and friends?"


"Good. With you, I believe this kind of album will definitely have a very good result. I'm here to thank you on her behalf. "

Xiao Yunhai finished and bowed to the audience. The fans cheered excitedly.

Then, Zhao Wanqing took the microphone from Xiao Yunhai's hand, shook her head, and said with a wry smile, "someone has finished speaking. Now what can I say?"

"Ha ha ha." There was laughter from the scene.

Zhao Wanqing said: "for us artists and singers, what we hope most is that their songs can be recognized by you and can be widely spread in the streets. Obviously, the floating album has such potential. In one's speech, I hope you can give awesome support, thank you.

There was a round of applause from the audience.

Dong piaofeo bowed to them and said gratefully, "thank you, elder martial brother Xiao and sister Wanqing, for coming to my press conference and supporting me. I should be the first singer in the circle to have this honor

"I'm a very lucky girl and I've been helped by a lot of people since I started. Especially elder martial brother Xiao and sister Wanqing treat me like sisters. I am really very, very grateful in my heart

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you should be most grateful to those fans who love you, not us. This is the launch of your new album. You can't just bring one song. Hurry up, let's sing another song for the fans coming to the conference. Do you agree"Good."

Dong Piao Piao said: "well, I'll sing you a new album of" whirlwood ", which is also written for me by elder martial brother Xiao. I hope you like it. "

"With gorgeous appearance and gorgeous lights,

I am a merry go round horse in this paradise,

just to satisfy children's dreams,

climb on my back and take you to soar.

the Trojan horse of Mercedes Benz

let you forget the injury

in this paradise of laughter

in Dong piaofeo's song, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing slowly retreated to the stage, spoke to Su Yingxue and left by car.

Can't help, two people's popularity is really too high, if you stay for a long time, it will be a bit of a storm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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