Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:53 AM

Chapter 383

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Zhao Wanqing's words once again caused a sensation on the scene.

The reporter said, "Miss Zhao, can you tell me how much you and Mr. Xiao's album income are?"

"Let me answer that question."

President Lu took the message and said with admiration: "their donations totaled 452.38 million Chinese dollars, which were all paid to the foundation account at 9:00 this morning."

President Lu's words should have just come to an end, and all the participants took a breath of cold air.

The reporter of Huaxia people's daily was obviously stunned for a moment. He stopped for two seconds, then clapped his hands and took the lead in clapping.

Then there was a great deal of applause.

The reporters clapped and whispered.

"450 million, they are willing to do it."

"That's what it really looks like to be charitable. Look at other stars crying all day to do charity, in fact, are hanging sheep's head to sell dog meat, the purpose is just to promote themselves

"It's true that most of their so-called foundations use money donated by philanthropists, but very little is donated by themselves. But Yun Huangqing was only 21 years old, and he didn't even get married, but he suddenly put forward 450 million yuan, which is really admirable. Compared with other stars, their actions are saints. "

"I have never been a Star chaser, but from today on, yunhuangqing is my idol. If anyone dares to speak ill of them again, I must spray them to death. "

Applause for a full minute, this slowly stopped.

The press conference also returned to normal.

"Mr. Xiao and Ms. Zhao, first of all, I want to show my greatest respect for their generosity. Secondly, I would like to ask, how can you ensure that 200 million yuan is invested into the foundation every year? If you don't pay, we can't know

Hearing the reporter's question, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are indeed very impolite."

"Ha ha ha." The scene all laughed.

The reporter couldn't help smiling.

"In fact, the question is very simple. Every year, I will take a picture of the bank transfer form and put it on my and Wanqing's home page for everyone to supervise. Is everything ok? "

Another reporter asked, "will your funds be used for other purposes? Such as disaster relief, treatment and so on. "

"It depends on the operation of the foundation. If the amount of money raised is very large, we are naturally willing to take part of it to do other good deeds. "

"How can you make sure that all your money is spent in real terms?"

"This requires the supervision of you and the whole society. Every month, we will make public the names of the donors, the amount of money, the amount spent this month, where they have done something, and so on. Once you find any problems, please let us know. At that time, we will give the whole society a satisfactory account of the alarm and the treatment. "

in this way, after answering more than ten questions in a row, Xiao Yunhai felt that his head was big.

"Dear journalists, it's not too early. Wan Qing and I are going to attend the Golden Cup Music Festival in the evening, so we need to do a lot of preparation. Therefore, we will only answer the last question. "

"Mr. Xiao and Ms. Zhao, why do you set up such a charitable foundation?"

A reporter in his twenties immediately stood up and asked.

Xiao Yunhai said: "after my second album" Charlotte troubles "broke through 20 million copies in a few days, I suddenly felt a bit of panic in my heart, and I felt that my own actions were somewhat wrong with such achievements. Later, on TV, I saw those children in poor areas who didn't even have a decent school. I felt that my current ability could help them change their fate. So I made such a decision in my heart to set up a charity fund. "

"To my delight, when I told Wan Qing about it, I immediately got her full support. Hehe, if you have a wife, what can you ask for? "

"What about Ms. Zhao Wanqing, why do you agree? You know, it could involve billions of dollars in your future. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "how about billions? If you are poor, you will be good for yourself; if you reach a goal, you will benefit the world at the same time. Yunhai can have this heart, I naturally want to give full support. "

Zhao Wanqing's words caused a round of applause.

Chairman Lu said, "well, everyone, this is the end of today's press conference. The account number of Qinghai Charity Foundation will be published on the homepage of the Red Cross Society of China. I hope you can help us do some publicity when you go back. "

After the press conference, they chatted with President Lu for a while and then returned to the villa.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yingxue comes here with Xiao Yunhai's whole team.Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "are you all going to the award party? Is it a little too grand? "

Li linger said with a smile, "boss Xiao, today is a great day for you to ascend the throne and become emperor. Of course, we ministers should witness it with our own eyes."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I've accepted your good words. If I really get good grades, everyone's bonus will be indispensable. "

"Yeah," Li linger said happily, "I knew Xiao would never forget us."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "linger, it is estimated that you just came here for this bonus?"

Li linger's face turned red and said, "where is it?"

People laughed when they saw her.

Su Yingxue said, "well, let's get ready. If there is no accident, tonight's Golden Cup Music Festival is held for you two. No matter how many awards you win, you must be careful. Don't let your head get hot. If you say too much, you will be in trouble. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "sister Xue, you can rest assured. We'll pay attention. "

Su Yingxue said, "I'm not worried about you. But some people can't

Xiao Yunhai exclaimed, "sister Xue, who are some of you talking about?"

Su Yingxue rolled her eyes and said, "what do you say. Okay, no kidding. Wanqing, when will your dress arrive? And will your team come? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "how can they not come here for such a big thing. I'll estimate it later. "

Su Yingxue said: "well, we will be busy with the sea of clouds first."

Ten minutes later, Zhao Wanqing's team came in under the leadership of Amy.

Before four o'clock, Xiao Yunhai's makeup was basically finished.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said, "sister-in-law, your make-up technique is more and more powerful. In just a few minutes, I feel like I've changed my personality. I'm so handsome. "

Zhao Yanjiao said with a smile, "that's your foundation."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "without your skillful hands, no matter how good the foundation is, it's useless. By the way, have you finished decorating your house? "

Zhao Yan said, "it was just finished last week. Thank you for lending us so much money

Last time, Xiao Yunhai was very angry when he learned that they went to buy a house with a loan. The next day, he asked Sima Qian to pay back the loan with one million yuan.

Xiao Yunhai said, "sister-in-law, you are just too polite. Even those people I don't know are willing to donate more than four billion yuan, not to mention you and brother Meng. This one million, you don't pay back, it's a little bit of my heart. If you have anything to do in the future, come to me directly. As long as it's a matter of money, it's not a problem here. "

Zhao Yan listened and said gratefully, "I really want to thank Yingxue for introducing me to your team. Not only let me find a life to rely on, but also let my life have earth shaking changes. Thank you, Yunhai. I know you have brought me all this. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't say that, sister-in-law, you will be happy sooner or later."

With a smile, Zhao Yan said, "come on, try your dress. This is made for you by Haoyu

Xiao Yunhai shrugged, indifferent said: "as long as it is not that kind of eye-catching clothes, there is no problem."

What Haoyu clothing has prepared for Xiao Yunhai is a light black suit, simple but atmospheric. The inside is a white shirt and a yellow tie inlaid with gold rims, which shows Xiao Yunhai's cutting edge and selfless momentum incisively and vividly.

Today is the night of Xiao Yunhai's summit. It's just right to wear such a suit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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