Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:49 AM

Chapter 386

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Hearing Xu Jun's words, Xiao Yunhai smiles and says in his heart: "it seems that the company attaches great importance to Dong Piao Piao's album. All the advertisements have been put on the Golden Cup Music Festival."

After Xu Jun talked about some changes in the music world, Meng Xiaohong said with a smile: "it seems that Mr. Xu is very concerned about the development of our singing world. This year, mango TV station launched a music program called "good voice of China". Have you ever seen it

Xu Jun said: "of course I have. The players inside are very powerful. For example, Li Xugang, Wang An, Zhang Tingting, Li Chao and other students have sung every song they sing. I have listened to every song for more than ten times, and the singing is really wonderful. "

Meng Xiaohong said: "let's see who can be shortlisted for the golden cup award this year?"

Xu Jun said: "let's welcome the awarding guests, the king of heaven Gong Liang and the queen of Ningxia."

With the warm applause at the scene, Gong Liang in a suit led Ningxia's hand to the stage.

They first said hello to everyone, and then Ningxia turned to Gong Liang and said, "teacher Gong, it seems that there are many students from the good voice of China in these shortlists. As a mentor, is there anything you want to tell them? "

Gong Liang said with a smile: "if none of them gets this award, I hope they will not be disappointed and lose heart. You should know that awards can't represent everything. As long as you stick to the music road, your dream will come true one day. And if one of them gets this award, I hope the winner will not be proud and complacent. You will know that there is a younger emperor on top of you

"Ha ha ha"

when Gong Liang mentioned the emperor Yun, everyone laughed.

The photographer also aimed at Xiao Yunhai, who was shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

"Let's take a look at the shortlist of the best newcomers," Ningxia said

The big screen began to broadcast the best newcomers and their representative works.

Taking advantage of this effort, Gong Liang and Ningxia opened the envelope and saw the winners in their hands.

After the big screen was played, Ningxia Jiao said with a smile: "the winner of the Golden Cup Music Festival's best new female singer is... Zhang Tingting, a student of" the voice of China. "

Then, Gong Liang said: "the winner of the Golden Cup Music Festival's best new male singer is... Li Xugang, also from the" voice of China. "

"Congratulations to you."

In the applause of all, Zhang Tingting and Li Xu just stepped onto the award platform.

Zhang Tingting first delivered her speech of winning the prize. In her words, she was full of gratitude to her tutor fan Weiming.

But when Li Xugang arrived, Xiao Yunhai frowned on his acceptance speech.

"Thank the golden cup jury for giving me this award. To get this award, I would like to thank Peng Pai entertainment company for its great support to me, to all the people who participated in the production of my album, to my parents who taught me music since childhood, which laid such a good foundation for me, and also to thank the fans for their support and love for me. Please rest assured that I will work harder. "

Hearing Li Xugang's words, his fans cheered.

However, the people in the circle were in an uproar, and many people could not help whispering.

"Why didn't Li Xugang mention Mr. Chen Huan?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen Huan is his tutor. He won't forget it in a moment of excitement."

"It's impossible to forget. Just now Zhang Tingting left a thank you for fan Weiming and another thank you for the voice of Huaxia. Li Xugang is not deaf. How can he not hear it? "

"It seems that there are things we don't know about."

At this time, Chen Huan's face was as heavy as water, and his face was very ugly.

Just now, Zhang Tingting couldn't stop thanking fan Weiming. She was so excited that she almost burst into tears. Her gratitude was expressed in her words.

But Li Xugang, who won the same prize, didn't mention his tutor's name, which is equivalent to slapping his old face in front of hundreds of millions of audiences, and it's still the kind of crackling.

Chen Huan gas did not attack on the spot, is already very good.

Zhao Wanqing frowned and said, "this Li Xugang is really too much. How can we do this?"

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "Miss Chen Huan is wrong. He was not haughty, but ungrateful. Mr. Chen Huan has just made him popular on the stage of Chinese good voice. After winning the prize, he did not even mention it. Well, such a man is a typical example of a man who has broken a bridge. "

Ye Yongren frowned and said, "Lao Chen is now estimating that his lungs will explode. Well, such an artist can't go far. "

The next prize is the best lyrics, a total of seven songs were shortlisted, of which Xiao Yunhai alone accounted for four, namely "fireworks easy to cool", "boastful", "Dongfeng broken" and "three inch sunlight".

The honored guests were Cai pingya and fan Weiming, Xiao Yunhai's good friends.

After reading the shortlist, fan Weiming sighed: "it's really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead. Each generation is better than the other. Since the establishment of the golden cup award, it seems that one person has been shortlisted for two songs, but now it is four songs. It's amazing. "Cai pingya said: "I can't help it. Some people are evil spirits. Writing songs is as simple as eating and drinking water. As long as we don't treat him as a normal person. "

Fan Weiming laughed, opened the envelope and said, "let's see if this demon can win the prize?"

Drawing out the list, fan Weiming took a look at the name on it and said, "it's really him. Congratulations to Xiao Yunhai for winning the best Lyricist Award for his "fireworks are easy to cool."

"Ha ha ha, the emperor of cloud has opened."

"Victory in the first battle is a good omen."

"The cloud emperor refuels, has given the 11 awards to the Baoyuan."

All the fans on the scene yelled.

Xiao Yunhai walked to the stage with ease, took the cup and certificate from fan Weiming and CAI pingya, then hugged him, came to the microphone and said: "I can get the award for the best lyricist. I should thank my father most. As a child, I have seen countless Chinese traditional literature under his teaching by example. This makes me feel like a fish in water when I write lyrics. Many inspirations are found from above. Of course, I also want to thank the golden cup jury for giving me this award. Thank you. "

In the applause of all, Xiao Yunhai stepped off the podium.

The third prize is the best composition award. Xiao Yunhai was shortlisted for three songs, including fireworks easy to be cold, fairy tale, and at least you. Finally, Xiao Yunhai won the award again for "fireworks are easy to cool".

When delivering his speech, Xiao Yunhai said: "my mother is a music teacher. She taught me to play the piano and sing since I was a child. It is because of her teaching that I can make my way to today. I sincerely hope that the two of them can be healthy and everything goes well. I also wish all the elderly people in the world to be healthy and achieve what they want. "

After the three awards were awarded, the best rookie Li Xugang came on stage to sing his album's main song "peace". I have to say that although this guy's moral character is not very good, his singing skills are still very good, and his writing skills are also quite good.

After singing a song, it won the applause and cheers of many fans.

The fourth prize is the best composition, Xiao Yunhai was shortlisted for three songs, easily won the award again.

This is his third time on the stage. The fans at the scene are shouting the name of Xiao Yunhai crazily, and the atmosphere is extremely warm. However, there is no joy on the faces of the music sitting in the front row, just clapping their hands perfunctorily.

Xiao Yunhai simply said two words, and then went down with the golden cup award.

The next prize is the best male female duet song. Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's "intimate love" and "the world has lovers" are shortlisted for this award.

In the music circle, there are not many duet songs between men and women. Even if there are, the level is generally not high. As a result, only four songs were shortlisted.

The other two songs are not a bit worse than "intimate love" and "there are lovers in the world". This award has long been regarded as the bag of Yun Huangqing.

Sure enough, "the world has lovers" won the Best Duet Song. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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