Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:43 AM

Chapter 390

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They know that Xiao Yunhai is deliberately joking with Xu Jun. How could a person who even said 450 million yuan would pay attention to such a few tickets.

Xu Jun shook his head and sighed, "you give the word friend a best interpretation. Get down here and I'll have a headache when I see you. "

"Ha ha ha."

Seeing Xu Jun's gloomy appearance, all the fans under the stage laughed again.

As he walked, Xiao Yunhai said to Xu Jun, "Mr. Xu, if you can't accommodate me, it means that either you are too narrow-minded or my personality is too great. Which one do you choose? "


"Ha ha ha."

"That's very interesting."

On hearing this, Xu Jun immediately called out, "I don't choose any. Wan Qing, take good care of him in the future. Family education must be more strict. At least let him know that you can't bargain for the price of things sent to elders. "

Everyone laughed. For Xu Jun's flexible counterattack, also very admire.

Xu Jun said: "OK, OK, no kidding. Let's continue with the award ceremony. Let's welcome Chen Huan, the godfather of music, and Zhao Guangshui, a famous music producer

When they came to the center of the stage, Chen Huan said, "Miss Zhao, what's your feeling after watching the performance just now?"

Zhaoguang waterway: "talented people come out of Jiangshan generation. However, I will never go to his concert. "

Chen Huan was surprised and asked, "why?"

Everyone is also very puzzled.

Zhao Guangshui pointed to his chest and said with a wry smile: "I'm old and my heart is not good. Just as soon as I was excited, something big happened. You say, dare I go? "

Chen Huan nodded and said, "I see. You mean that other people only need money to sing, while Xiao Yunhai not only needs money but also lives to sing. "


"Ha ha ha."

Zhaoguang waterway: "yes. Well, take a look at this year's list of best singers

The big screen quickly made a brief introduction to the five singers.

Besides Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, there are Xia Chengfeng, Zhao Chuanqi and CAI pingya.

Chen Huan said: "Mr. Zhao, let's learn from Sun Liang and Lin Yuying. Who do you think it will be?"

Zhao Guangshui didn't think about it, so he said Xiao Yunhai's name.

Chen Huan actually knew it for a long time, but he still opened the envelope, took a look at it and said, "Miss Zhao, you guessed it right. Congratulations to Xiao Yunhai for his 10th time on the podium, creating a perfect entertainment story. "

After hearing Chen Huan's words, warm applause broke out on the scene. After the "beatit" just now, no one felt that Xiao Yunhai was not worthy of the honor of the best singer.

Xiao Yunhai kisses Zhao Wanqing and goes to the stage.

Chen Huan handed the cup to Xiao Yunhai and said, "do you know how many votes you and Wanqing are missing?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, you must not say it is a vote."

Chen Huan held out two fingers and said, "you are only two votes short. However, it doesn't matter. No matter who wins the prize, the trophy is put in one place

"Ha ha ha."

The audience laughed at Chen Huan's teasing of them.

Xiao Yunhai came to the microphone, looked at the trophy in his hand and said, "Wanqing, don't cry. I can engrave your name on it when I go home."


"ha ha ha."

Zhao Wanqing also can't help but smile, ruthlessly white Xiao Yunhai one eye.

Xiao Yunhai said: "at home, my status is not very high. It's great to be able to win this award with two votes more than that of my leader. Thanks to the Golden Cup Award Committee for giving me such an important award, and for the support of my fans. So I forgave you for forcing me to have a concert. "

In the laughter of the fans, Xiao Yunhai returned to his position.

Xu Jun said: "next is the last award of the year's best music contribution award. Please welcome Mr. Shen Qiu, vice chairman of the golden cup award organizing committee, to present the award."

Shen Qiu, wearing a decent suit, came to the stage and said: "in the Chinese music industry last year, we have emerged many excellent young musicians, and everyone has achieved very good results. They are brilliant and hot, and give our music circle new power. This is a very happy thing for us

"This year's best music contribution award is one of the best young people. In one year, he wrote dozens of classic songs. Whether it's rock, love songs, classical or Chinese style, he's playing wonderfully. He produced and released three albums, selling more than 60 million copies, setting a new record in Chinese music. "

"Speaking of this, I think everyone should know who it is?"

"Cloud emperor." The fans all yelled.

"That's right. Congratulations to cloud emperor Xiao Yunhai for winning the 11th award of the year's best contribution to music. Please accept the award on stage."Xiao Yunhai went to the stage again, took the trophy from Shen Qiu's hand, and asked softly, "chairman Shen, what's the ratings now?"

Shen Qiu a Leng, way: "72 percent, broke all previous records."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and went to the center of the stage and said: "just now, chairman Shen said that the audience rating of Jinzun Music Festival has reached 72%, which means that 1.1 billion people of 1.5 billion people are watching our program. With so many people, I would like to announce two things in my final speech

"The first thing is that Mr. Ye said that the Qinghai charity foundation, founded by Wan Qing and me, urgently needs the help of philanthropists from all walks of life. I hope you can donate money to help those children who can't afford to go to school. At the same time, I also hope that people in the whole society can help me to supervise the operation of the foundation. I will ask people to make an announcement once a month about where your donation has been used and what good things have been done. If you find that there is a problem in the middle, please inform us immediately. In front of 1.1 billion people in China today, I, Xiao Yunhai, swear that I will definitely spend every cent you donate on those who need them. Please believe me. "

"And my fans, please don't give me any more gifts in the future. If you do, please donate the money to my foundation. Every year, I hold a fan meeting and draw 50 people from the foundation's donation list. The top 20 donors can receive my invitation directly. The other 30 will be randomly selected. I will be responsible for the expenses of your coming to Yanjing. "


The stars and fans all clapped up.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "the second thing is my private affair, which I wanted to say in the later interview. Since there is such an opportunity, I'll talk about it together. I have decided to withdraw permanently from the future golden cup Music Awards. "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's words were said, the whole scene was in an uproar.

"Is my ear OK? Did you just hear me wrong? "

"Is the emperor mad? With his talent, he will certainly get many awards in the future. Why should he quit? "

"Was the emperor forced? Trees show in the forest, and the wind will destroy them. Emperor Yun won 11 awards at once. Is there any pressure on him? "

Ye Yongren looked at Zhao Wanqing in surprise and said, "do you know about this?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "I don't know. He never told me. "

When most musicians heard the news, they were shocked and relieved.

You should know that for musicians, the golden cup award symbolizes money, honor and status. An ordinary songwriter can only get a million yuan in a bottle of gold, but it can only get one million yuan for a song.

Xiao Yunhai's music creation ability is really too against the weather. If he is there, there will be their first day.

Therefore, when Xiao Yunhai said that he wanted to withdraw from the Golden Cup Music Festival permanently, the pressure on everyone seemed to be relaxed a lot.

Xiao Yunhai chuckled and said, "I know some people must be wondering if I was forced to do so. Ha ha, if you really think so, it means that you don't know me at all. I'm Xiao Yunhai. I'm born with a bad temper. I don't want to do anything that I don't want to do. I can't even come here. "

"I want to say that this is a decision I made after serious consideration. First of all, I've got all the awards I can get, big and small, at the golden cup Festival. That's enough for me

"Second, Chinese music needs new blood. I don't want to be the villain. "

"Third, I may devote most of my energy to movies and TV series in the future, and I should not leave too much time for music. If I get this award again, I'll deserve it. Of course, I can guarantee that even for the foundation, I will produce at least one album a year. This, please rest assured

"Well, that's all. Thanks to the golden cup jury for giving me all the 11 awards in an unprecedented way. It can also be seen that the Golden Cup awards are practical and realistic, and there is no fraud. Even if the Grammy Awards ceremony is held in the United States, I don't think it can happen. Thanks again to Jin Zun, to all the teachers of the jury for their efforts, and to the fans who support me and like me. Thank you

Xiao Yunhai bowed deeply and went down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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