Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:40 AM

Chapter 392

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When everyone was discussing Xiao Yunhai, he and Zhao Wanqing had already boarded the plane to Los Angeles.

After all, he went abroad and was unfamiliar with his hometown. Xiao Yunhai not only brought three bodyguards, Gao Xiangfeng, Mengfang and song Yunfeng, but also brought Sima Qian, who was proficient in English.

Xiao Yunhai asked Sima Qian to order the first-class cabin, with 15000 Chinese dollars per person. The service and facilities inside are also top-notch for such a high cost.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing sit together, opposite Sima Qian and song Yunfeng. The four men play cards around the middle table.

It's the drama of Xiao Huan and Xiangfeng.

On the opposite side of Xiao Yunhai sat a young foreign man with golden hair and blue eyes. He was very handsome. His eyes were always staring at Zhao Wanqing, and his mouth even drooled.

"It's beautiful. Compared with the so-called female stars in Hollywood, this woman is a fairy. Slender body, white skin, delicate facial features, elegant temperament... Oh, mygold, I'm completely finished. But she seems to have a boyfriend. I don't think it is better than the young man next to him by his own status and position. "

As the son of Mayer Smith, the largest shareholder of MGM, one of the eight major Hollywood companies, Kerry Smith is definitely a hot potato in Hollywood, changing his girlfriend faster than changing clothes.

Some reporters even photographed Kerry walking into three different Hotels with three girls within a week,

the average speed of one in two days has made Kerry famous and become the preferred target of countless girls who want to become famous.

However, Kerry is not a fool who only knows how to eat, drink and play. On the contrary, he is very smart. He once took two years to get a double master's degree in law and economics from Oxford University.

His father gave him a long-term and decisive attitude.

If he had not been so mischievous, Mayer would have left the company to him.

Xiao Yunhai has already noticed Kerry and is disgusted with his eyes. Anyone who sees a man who keeps drooling and looks at his girlfriend will have a bad impression.

However, people just look at it and don't do anything. Xiao Yunhai can't go to trouble because of this.

When Kerry stood up, tidied up his clothes and was ready to come over, Xiao Yunhai took a look at him with his spare light and thought, "this guy had better be honest, otherwise, I can't spare him."

I have to say, Kerry's family education is very good, every move has a noble temperament.

He came to the opposite of Zhao Wanqing, with a slight smile on his face and said gently, "Hello, this beautiful lady. My name is Kerry Smith, deputy director of brokerage for MGM, Hollywood. Here is my business card. I think you have the potential to become a world movie star. Can we have a good chat? "

Seeing Kerry come to disturb me for no reason, it seems that the target is Zhao Wanqing. Song Yunfeng frowns. Mengfang and Gao Xiangfeng also cast their eyes.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head slightly, indicating that they should not start. He really wanted to see what Kerry meant.

Zhao Wanqing did not take Kerry's business card, but took a look at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and takes Kerry's business card and says with a smile, "Wanqing, since Mr. Kerry is so optimistic about you, we'd better talk about it for a while. Please have a seat, Mr. Kerry

Sima Qian and song Yunfeng stood up and made way for Kerry.

Kerrey saw that everything was Xiao Yunhai has the final say, and said, "this gentleman, I think your lady friend is very beautiful, with all the advantages of Oriental women. I hope she can go to Hollywood with me and sign up for MGM. I promise she will become the hottest big star in Hollywood in a few years

In a previous life, MGM declared bankruptcy in September 2010 because of its long-term mismanagement and heavy debt.

In this world, MGM did not have these problems. Many blockbuster movies that Xiao Yunhai had never heard of in his previous life have made MGM company rich. As long as there is no big turbulence, there should be no bankruptcy in the previous life.

Because he wants to travel to Hollywood, by the way, Xiao Yunhai also knows something about the eight major Hollywood film companies.

On the whole, Hollywood can be described as behemoth. Due to the highly developed entertainment industry in the world, the market value of each company is more than 50 billion dollars.

Among them, the MGM company, with a market value of 120 billion US dollars, ranks second among the eight major film companies, after Time Warner.

Its actual controller, Mayer Smith, owns 42% of MGM and, together with other industries, has $60 billion in assets, ranking 18th on the world's rich list.

The situation of MGM flashed through Xiao Yunhai's mind. He couldn't help laughing when he saw a long list of positions under the name of Kerry Smith, such as deputy director of brokerage department, deputy director of finance department, deputy director of cinema department and so on.It seems that this guy has a very close relationship with Mayer Smith. Otherwise, there will be so many posts, which is almost a bit of nonsense.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Kerry, I don't know who is your president, Mr. Mayer?"

Kerry said proudly, "he's my father."

Xiao Yunhai said: "no wonder there is such a big tone. However, I'm sorry, my wife should not go to your company. "

Kerry is a huaxiatong, heard Xiao Yunhai use the word "wife" to address the beauty opposite, exclaimed: "are you married?"

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says, "of course. I'm Xiao Yunhai. She's my wife, Zhao Wanqing. "

Kerry frowned: "Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing, how can these two names sound familiar to me?"

All of a sudden, he seemed to think of something and said in surprise: "ah... You are the singer who sang" beatit "at the Golden Cup Music Festival last night. God, you know what? Your dance is so wonderful that my heart beats faster and my blood boils. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you speak Chinese well, even these two idioms know."

"That's right. What can we do?" Kerry looked at Zhao Wanqing obsessed and said, "this should be the Qing Hou who is called yunhuangqing with you. I know everything about you. Ah, it's a pity that famous flowers have their own owners. It makes me sad. "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other with a smile. At the same time, he said in his heart: "this guy doesn't seem to hate it."

"Are you traveling to Los Angeles?" Kerry asked

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's right."

Kerry said happily, "are you going to Hollywood?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course. We are filmmakers anyway. When we come to Los Angeles, we will naturally visit the world film center. "

Kerry clapped his hands and cried, "great. Can I be your guide? If it's not for me, there's no place in Hollywood that I don't know. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "if you were me, would you let a person who made his wife's idea become a tour guide? You don't have to admit that you've been looking at my wife since you got on the plane, haven't you? "

Kerry said: "I admit I am really fascinated by Miss Zhao. She is much more beautiful than on TV. Compared with Miss Zhao, the so-called stars in Hollywood are far behind. However, I know that you Chinese have a saying, called friend wife, do not deceive. I don't have a good reputation, but I'm not a mean person. Because I want to make friends with both of you, I recommend myself. I hope Mr. Xiao can believe me? "

Xiao Yunhai looked into Kerry's eyes and said with a smile, "I believe you. We happen to be short of a tour guide. Mr. Kerry is willing to, so we can't get it. "

Kerry said happily, "great."

In this way, Xiao Yunhai and Kerry chatted, and soon Zhao Wanqing joined in.

From Kerry's words, Xiao Yunhai finds that the other party has a very deep understanding of the world's movies. When he looks at the problems, he can often point to the core. This surprised Xiao Yunhai, who at first regarded him as a playboy, was surprised. He could not help but take a fresh look at him in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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