Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:37 AM

Chapter 393

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A few hours later, the plane landed smoothly at Los Angeles Airport.

With the help of Kerry, Xiao Yunhai did not queue up for security inspection, but went directly to the special channel.

Out of the airport, Xiao Yun Haydn felt a little hot here.

The temperature in Yanjing is generally between - 7 ℃ and 5 ℃ above zero, and the lowest temperature here is three or four degrees higher than that in Yanjing.

Xiao Yunhai and his party of six stayed in a five-star hotel, ready to reverse the time difference and travel to Hollywood again tomorrow.

Kerry showed great enthusiasm and told the two that he would drive to pick them up tomorrow.

After a period of chatting, Xiao Yunhai has found that Kerry is not a bad person, and he is very talented, although he is a bit of a playboy and a bit bohemian.

After knowing the identities of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, Kerry behaved very well. He looked at Zhao Wanqing with positive but not evil eyes, which was quite different from that when he just met.

This is why Xiao Yunhai is willing to make friends with him.

Under the guidance of hotel staff, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing walked into their rooms.

It is indeed a five-star hotel. The decoration of the guest rooms is very luxurious, and the supporting supplies are also very complete. It looks as if it is very comfortable.

Because often heard of the spread of AIDS in the United States, so before coming, Zhao Wanqing prepared the bed sheet, quilt cover and pillow towel.

Although the bedding here seems to be very clean, but not afraid of 10000, just in case, or with their own things more safe.

Mengfang lived in a room opposite and next to Xiao Yunhai.

After cleaning up the room, Xiao Yunhai lay on the bed and asked, "Wanqing, what do you think of Kerry?"

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said with a smile, "I think he is quite similar to you. When you don't know, you give people a serious feeling. Once you get familiar with it, your nature will be exposed immediately. It's a bit slick

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, why is he so warm to us? As the saying goes, if you are not attentive to anything, you are either a thief or a traitor. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "we should not have what he wants. You know, he is the crown prince of MGM. He wants wind and rain in Hollywood. Although the two of us are very famous in China, we are no different from MGM. What can we have that he values? "

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha smile, a embrace Zhao Wanqing's Willow waist, way: "for you."

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said, "don't talk nonsense."

Xiao Yunhai said: "how can I talk nonsense? You didn't listen to him. Were you fascinated? Ha ha, or I have vision, early to get you to hand. Otherwise, I don't know how many of my competitors will be? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "what? I know I'm popular. Remember to be nice to me in the future, otherwise, even if I leave you, I still have a lot of people chasing after me. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "yes, leader. In the future, I will completely obey your arrangement. You let me go to the East, I will never go to the West. If you let me beat the dog, I will never drive out the chicken. Make sure to serve you well every day, especially in bed, and make you want to die. "

When Zhao Wanqing heard this, her face suddenly turned red and became a big apple. She pretended to be angry and said, "you rascal, what are you talking about?"

Xiao Yunhai's hand is very dishonest to touch Zhao Wanqing's chest. However, Zhao Wanqing holds it down and says, "my wife, I'm old and I'm still blushing. Can I use this?"

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said, "take your hand away. In broad daylight, I'm not ashamed. After a while, elder martial brother Meng and Sima Qian will come. I have to mend my make-up and go out for a walk. "

Xiao Yunhai let go of Zhao Wanqing and said, "it's so beautiful. You can make up your makeup. Is it to fascinate those foreigners? "

For Xiao Yunhai's praise, Zhao Wanqing according to single all received, in the heart is very happy.

Ten minutes later, the party strolled aimlessly around the major shopping malls in Los Angeles.

It has to be said that shopping is a woman's nature. Although Zhao Wanqing is wearing high-heeled shoes, her speed is much faster than that of her five men.

Xiao Yunhai helplessly said to the four: "the most difficult job in the world is to go shopping with his wife. It's so depressing."

Sima Qian said with a smile: "boss Xiao, I don't know how many people can't envy me if I can accompany Miss Zhao to go shopping."

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Sima Qian and said, "brother Qian, you flatter me in the wrong place. If you say it in front of Wanqing, she will be very happy."

Sima Qian shrugged and said with a smile, "I'm just telling the truth."

Sima Qian is very satisfied with his life now. As an assistant to a big star, he was supposed to be busy, but Xiao Yunhai was a lazy guy. He didn't rush to announce or participate in activities. Besides filming, there are not many places to use Sima Qian.

However, his salary and bonus were much higher than those of other star assistants. In less than a year, Sima Qian made more money than in the previous three years.His wife, who was not very good tempered at home, is becoming more and more gentle to her, as if afraid of having an affair with him.

However, Sima Qian has been worried recently.

At the beginning, Xiao Yunhai and Tianhua film and television media company only signed a two-year contract, and it will expire in half a year. I don't know whether it will be renewed.

It's not possible to renew the contract, because Xiao Yunhai's wife is the eldest lady of Hanhai film and television. Their agency has just been established and they need artists to join in.

Zhao Mingsheng only needs a word. Xiao Yunhai, as his future son-in-law, can't go away immediately.

Alas, thinking of the possibility of going to other star artists in the future, Sima Qian's mood suddenly fell down.

Xiao Yunhai said: "brother Qian, what's the matter? All of a sudden, you look so ugly. OK, come out, everyone will be happy. In this way, we will give each of you $50000 as a reward for the recent period. Lao Gao, song Ge, Qian Ge, you can buy whatever you need. Don't treat your wife and children badly. Elder martial brother Meng, you and your sister-in-law have been together for such a long time. You should always buy some jewelry for her. I'll ask Wanqing to choose some for you. Remember, this 50000 dollars, you have to spend them all before you leave America. I'm sorry if I haven't spent all the money when I go back. I won't give you any cash. "

Sima Qian said with a smile, "thank you very much. I'm worried that I can't afford to buy things for my family. "

Gao Xiangfeng and song Yunfeng also expressed their thanks.

In this world, the exchange rate between the US dollar and the Chinese currency is generally maintained at about 1:3. 50000 US dollars is equivalent to 150000 Chinese dollars, which is enough for them to buy.

At this time, Zhao Wanqing called Xiao Yunhai to help her see a platinum necklace. Xiao Yunhai sighed deeply at them. When she turned her head, her face was covered with smiles.

The six stayed up until 11 p.m. before returning to the hotel.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Kerry arrived at Xiao Yunhai's hotel on time. At this time, everyone had just finished breakfast and were sitting in the hall waiting for him.

"Hey, Yunhai, Wanqing. I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting. Come on, let's go quickly. I'll show you around Hollywood, the world film center. "

After a long talk on the plane, the three have become friends. So Kerry was a bit casual.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that will trouble you today."

Kerry waved his hand and said, "we are friends. There's no need to be so polite."

Kerry came with two luxury cars. One was his own sports car, the other was the company's extended Lincoln.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are sitting on the sports car driven by Kerry himself, while the others are sitting in the lengthened Lincoln, heading for Hollywood one after another.

Hollywood is located in the northeast of Los Angeles. At first, it was just a small village. After hundreds of years of development, Hollywood has gradually become the center of American film and television industry and the most coveted place for film makers in the world.

Under the guidance of Kerry, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing visited such famous scenic spots as Hollywood avenue of fame, the great symbol of Hollywood, Huaxia theatre, Dolby theatre, Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, etc.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Kerry took them around MGM.

Among them, Xiao Yunhai is most interested in MGM's special effects studio, where dozens of technicians are working hard, as if to create a large animal.

Kerry didn't hide it, saying, "we at MGM are going to spend $500 million on a movie called" dinosaurs. ". They're trying to make a dinosaur model, and we'll start shooting as soon as they're sure they're able to present the dinosaurs perfectly

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said: "Hollywood is indeed the entertainment center of the world. No matter in terms of scale, technology or experience, it is not comparable to China now."

Zhao Wanqing said with deep sympathy: "according to the exchange rate between us dollar and Chinese currency, 500 million US dollars is equivalent to 1.5 billion Chinese dollars. The highest investment of our Chinese film is 1.2 billion, which is not comparable to your dinosaur competition. We have to admit that this is a huge gap. "

Kerry shook his head and said with a smile, "it took us more than a hundred years of development to have our present status in Hollywood. However, after 20 years of development, the Chinese film and television industry has become the world's second largest film market after Hollywood. This is already a miracle. If you can catch up with or even surpass Hollywood now, it's not a miracle, it's a miracle. "

"Yunhai, Wanqing, come to Hollywood. The two of you are the most I hear when I go to China. With your talent, you can be as good as Mike Lee, the world's Kung Fu superstar. "

Mike Lee in Kerry's mouth is a Chinese, whose name is Li Xuanwu. In the 1980s, he was famous for Kung Fu movies in China. He made more than ten well-known films and became the most attractive star in China.

In 1986, Li Xuanwu was not satisfied with being an Asian superstar. He came to Hollywood alone, named Jack Lee, and joined Time Warner, one of the eight major film companies.Due to the skin color, Li Xuanwu's early development was not very smooth, only in some blockbusters, playing a marginal role.

It wasn't until 1990 that Li Xuanwu finally got the chance to play in Time Warner's "whirlwind of the dragon". With an investment of 200 million US dollars, the final film box office reached 730 million US dollars. Li Xuanwu became a first-line star in Hollywood.

It seems that time warner also saw the value of Li Xuanwu and created a "Wulin Empire" for him, which achieved great success again.

Up to now, Li Xuanwu has starred in 12 Hollywood films, keeping his box office record.

As a result, he has become the world's most famous Kung Fu superstar, similar to Bruce Lee in his previous life.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we will certainly come here to develop in the future, but not now."

Kerry shrugged and said, "that's a pity. It's getting late. I'll invite you to dinner at the best Frank restaurant in Hollywood, just across from the avenue of fame. The steaks and Martini cocktails there are definitely the best in America

Xiao Yunhai said: "let's invite you. Thank you for accompanying us all day."

Kerry repeatedly waved his hand and said, "no, no, no, you Chinese people always talk to the Lord as you please. Since you are here, all the expenses are mine. Next time I go to Huaxia, you can invite me again. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, no problem. You are really a Chinese expert. You use idioms very well. "

Kerry said triumphantly, "of course. I like your Chinese culture and delicious food. Every time I eat your hot pot and roast duck, I want to swallow my tongue

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "what is this? The next time you go to Huaxia, we will take you to enjoy the real food. "

Kerry said with a smile, "that would be great."

A few people talk and laugh, came to Frank restaurant.

The layout here is very simple and elegant, Kerry asked for a red compartment, a few people sitting there.

After a while, steak, Paralichthys olivaceus, sole and other famous dishes were served.

Xiao Yunhai tasted it, nodded his head and said, "it really deserves the reputation. However, the quantity is a little less. "

Xiao Yunhai's four people are all practicing martial arts. They eat a lot. A steak here is only three or two times, which is not enough for them to crack their teeth.

Kerry said disapprovingly, "if not, just ask."

Zhao Wanqing listened and looked at Kerry with pity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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