Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:33 AM

Chapter 396

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Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, Thomas was stunned. If it comes to assets, with his 12% stake in paramount cinema and 73% in magic special effects company, his value is almost more than 8 billion US dollars. But this is only fixed assets, and his working capital is only 130 million, which is not enough. He lost 300 million last time, which is the majority of his working capital.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Thomas's hesitation, laughed, retreated and said, "if Mr. Thomas doesn't have so much money, then the gamble will be over. Wanqing, let's go. "

With that, he also deliberately showed a trace of lucky look, flashed away, but was just seen by Thomas.

"Wait a minute." Thomas said with a smile, "what's your name, sir?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "my name is Yunhai. Xiao."

Thomas said, "it was Mr. Xiao. I'm sorry. I apologize to you this afternoon for your impoliteness. As for the gambling, since we have talked about it in front of so many people, it is impossible to cancel it. I don't have cash, but I have assets. Paramount can't be used as a bet, but magic effects can. I own 73% of the shares, with a market value of $3.4 billion. I'll bet you with it. "

Xiao Yunhai was very happy in his heart, but he was very embarrassed on his face and said: "magic special effects company? Is it that valuable? "

In this world, although filmmakers began to attach importance to special effects, they did not put them in a too important position as in previous lives.

Magic special effects company is the strongest in Hollywood, with thousands of special effects teams. There are dozens of special effects technology patents, and the annual patent fee alone is 200 million US dollars.

Such a company would have a market value of at least 10 billion US dollars if it were put on the previous earth.

Thomas said: "of course. If you ask Mike and Kerry, I'm not lying

Kerry nodded and said, "Thomas is right. However, for special effects companies, the most important thing is technology patents. Without it, it would be an empty shell. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that Mr. Thomas is bullying me. I don't understand. Kerry, how many patents does he have? "

"Magic effects has 64 patents, and Thomas' father owns 52 of them," Kerry says

Thomas gave Kerry a hard look and said, "I can have all the patent certificates brought over. There are lawyers here who can make patent technology changes."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I use cash for special effects technology patent, is not some loss?"

Thomas said: "if you don't dare to bet, forget it. Don't look for these reasons."

Xiao Yunhai seemed not to be excited and said, "I dare not bet? OK, you bring me everything now. Kerry, please get me some lawyers. I don't believe anyone else. "

Kerry saw that Xiao Yunhai trusted himself so much that he clapped his chest happily and said, "I'll let my private lawyer come here and make sure it's beautiful."

Greenton, the person in charge of the black boxing competition, came over with a smile and said, "I don't know whether the two gentlemen's gambling should be carried out?"

Thomas said, "greenton, you're going to make a lot of money this time. Our first game bet was $500 million. "

Grinton's eyes were as bright as stars in the night sky, and his wrinkled face showed a smile even brighter than flowers. He said humbly, "what can I do for the two distinguished guests?"

A game to earn 50 million dollars, greenton's heart is simply happy.

Thomas said, "I need you to make sure that Mr. Shaw has 500 million dollars in his hands."

Greenton nodded and said, "of course. Mr. Xiao, I don't know where your bank card is? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Huaxia Bank gold card."

Greenton said with a smile: "that's great. We have Huaxia bank transfer service here. You see .

Xiao Yunhai nodded and asked Gao Xiangfeng and Zhao Wanqing of Mengfang to confirm the capital of the card.

Thomas called his housekeeper and asked him to bring all his patent certificates. Then he went to his personal lawyer and sat down waiting for information from greenton.

Xiao Yunhai went to one side, took out his mobile phone and made a long-distance call to Wu Hao.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao, it's three o'clock in the morning. What are you doing?" Wu Hao complained vaguely.

"Hiroko, listen to me. Now I have a way to get the technology patent of magic effects company. Do you have any use there? "

"What?" Wu Hao heard, excited sleepless, said: "boss, you don't joke."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't have time to joke with you. I'm in Hollywood now. However, this man has only 52 patents in his hand. I'm not sure if he can get all of them. So, I'm calling to ask you, and get the part you need urgently

Wu Hao said: "great. Boss, don't worry. I'll check the magic technology patent on the Internet. Then according to the importance of a list, send it to you by email. Boss, once this is done, I guarantee that our company will be the first special effects company in Asia within half a year. That's great. "After talking with Wu Haotong, Xiao Yunhai asked greenton to take Sima Qian to a place where he could access the Internet and print out what Wu Hao sent later.

After Xiao Yunhai has dealt with everything, Li Xuanwu and Kerry come to Xiao Yunhai.

"My brother, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought you here," Kerry said with a sad face

Li Xuanwu said: "Yunhai, why don't you lie that you have something urgent to return home and avoid this competition. It's better to have no face than not to lose so much money. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "brother Xuanwu, Kerry, if you believe me, you must bet me to win later. You can bet as much money as you have, and I'm sure you can make a lot of money. "

Li Xuanwu was surprised and asked, "are you so sure of winning?"

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "of course."

Kerry said, "OK, I believe you."

Li Xuanwu looked at Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "I believe you too."

After an hour, all the preparations were completed.

Xiao Yunhai saw Thomas's desire to gamble with himself. The lion opened his mouth and exchanged $500 million for 15% of the magic company's shares and 11 technical patents that Wu Hao badly needed. It can be said that he took advantage of Tianda.

Thomas's housekeeper tried to persuade Thomas, but the effect was not very good.

Thomas thinks Xiao Yunhai can't win himself, so he doesn't care whether he suffers losses. Everything will come back later anyway.

In the witness of lawyers on both sides, the two signed a bet contract.

After both sides signed the contract, Thomas blew a breath toward the contract and said triumphantly, "Mr. Xiao, thank you for sending me 500 million dollars. Miss Zhao, your husband is going to be a poor man. Why don't you follow me later. You can rest assured that I will let you enjoy the glory and wealth of your life. "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "you'd better worry about yourself. If you lose, you're going to sleep. "

Thomas laughed, "do you think I'm going to lose? I'm familiar with every fighter here. With their ability, they are not my three opponents at all. He he, Mr. Xiao, I really want to know, who are you going to let fight? "

Xiao Yunhai smiles and turns to Gao Xiangfeng and says, "Lao Gao, you'd better come."

Mengfang and song Yunfeng have not entered the realm of Kung Fu. Although they have won a lot, they are not as good as Gao Xiangfeng. Therefore, Xia Yunhai chose him to fight.

Gao Xiangfeng said without expression: "don't worry, I will win."

Xiao Yunhai got close to his ear and whispered: "it's better to win hard in the competition. If he knocks him down at once, I'm afraid he'll flinch in the next fight

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "I understand."

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Gao Xiangfeng and said to Thomas, "this is my bodyguard. Let him go."

Thomas looked at the middle-aged man with ordinary height and appearance. He was stunned, and then burst out a burst of crazy laughter.

Out of breath, he said, "is my ear OK? You let him. Ha ha ha. Why don't I help you go to the organizer and choose a better one. "

Kerry originally thought Xiao Yunhai had some Assassin's mace, but it turned out that Gao Xiangfeng, who was in his forties, couldn't help shaking his head at Li Xuanwu and said with a bitter smile: "it's over, my 20 million dollars will lose."

Li Xuanwu looked at Gao Xiangfeng, whose face was cold and steady as a mountain. He murmured: "this is not necessarily."

Li Xuanwu can become an international action star, and naturally he knows some Kung Fu. Although far from being able to compare with Xiao Yunhai, but also reluctantly practiced to the realm of Mingjin.

Although he can't see how high the Kung Fu of Gao Xiangfeng is, since Xiao Yunhai dares to let him play, it means that he should be very powerful.

Li Xuanwu doesn't think that big body and strong muscles are sure to win. Chinese traditional art emphasizes both internal and external cultivation, and the appearance is invisible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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