Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:32 AM

Chapter 397

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The game started soon.

On the challenge arena, Gao Xiangfeng, who is 1.7 meters tall, stands face-to-face with Cantel, a giant of 2.2 meters. Their height difference directly makes the rich people laugh over.

"Am I watching a movie? God, what's the matter? "

"Are all Chinese stupid pigs? Last time there was a rich second generation, but this time there is another one. Why can't I meet one? "

"Well, Thomas is lucky."

Almost all the people under the stage are not optimistic about Gao Xiangfeng. They can't help it. Regardless of their age, height, weight and strength, they are too far behind.

Some have even congratulated Thomas.

Zhao Wanqing held Xiao Yunhai's hand tightly and asked anxiously, "Lao Gao, can you do it?"

Xiao Yunhai smiles and whispers in her ear, "I'll see how old Gao plays monkey."

In the arena, the referee told the rules. After making sure that the two men had understood, he made a gesture and said, "action"

Cantel roared and pressed down. The big fist of sandbag hit Gao Xiangfeng's chest with the sound of the wind. With his power of hundreds of pounds, if he is hit, he will die.

When the audience saw Cantel's powerful power, they could not help but exclaim. Some even closed their eyes and did not dare to see Gao Xiangfeng's bloody scene.

Gao Xiangfeng seems to be unable to bear the pressure brought by Cornell. The original impassioned momentum disappeared without a trace. With a look of fear on his face, he suddenly squatted down and rolled away from Cornell's fist.


Seeing Gao Xiangfeng's embarrassed performance, some of the audience who were looking forward to the miracle immediately made a dissatisfied voice.

I thought it was a pig eating a tiger, but I didn't expect that this man was really a pig.

From the first encounter, Gao Xiangfeng made full use of his small size, far more flexible than Cantel's advantage, and rolled away from his swift and unmatched attack.

The black boxing match is judged by the opponent's oral admission or loss of fighting ability. There is no point in the boxing match. Therefore, although Gao Xiangfeng is in a dilemma, if Cantel can't hit him, he will never win.

Zhao Wanqing held Xiao Yunhai's hand, and her heart was sweating. Her face was extremely nervous, and she said, "is Laogao OK? How can I watch him so dangerous? Once you get hit by that big man, it's over. "

Xiao Yunhai clapped her hand and said, "he is playing cat and mouse game."

Zhao Wanqing said with a bitter smile, "but I found that Laogao seems to be the mouse."

The audience has been supporting Cantel all the time, and they have been cheering for him.

Thomas's face was even more red, and he kept shouting. Thinking that 500 million dollars would go into his pocket immediately, Thomas was so excited that he forgot himself.

In everyone's cheers, Cantel is more and more brave, his boxing speed is faster and faster, and his strength is also growing. Gao Xiangfeng seems to be more difficult to avoid. Sometimes even several rolls on the ground to avoid.

But no matter how ugly the posture is, Cantel just can't hit him.

The battle lasted for three minutes. Gao Xiangfeng felt that he was almost done, so he put his strength on his chest and pretended not to hide when his fist strength had been exhausted, so that his fist touched him.

"Good." When the audience saw that Cantel finally hit Gao Xiangfeng, they all cried out.

Cantel felt wrong, as if his fist was not hit, but close to it, and could not help but slightly stunned.

Just in this short time, Gao Xiangfeng vomited a mouthful of blood, which just sprayed on Cantel's face.

Taking advantage of Cantel's shock and rapid retreat, Gao Xiangfeng quickly came to his back and knocked him unconscious with a knife.

He also pretended to be injured and sat down on the challenge arena.

These several ups and downs, the speed is amazing, in everyone is still for Cantel hit Gao Xiangfeng cheers, blink of an eye, the game has ended.

Everyone was staring at the challenge arena. They couldn't believe that Cantel was knocked unconscious.

Thomas was dumb at the same time. What the hell is going on.

The referee came up and looked at the situation of the two men and decided that Gao Xiangfeng won.

"Shit, what's going on? Is this a movie? My ten million dollars are gone. "

"That Herculean is nothing but a waste. He attacked for three minutes, but he was knocked down at once. That's ridiculous. "

Those rich people who bet their money on Hercules Cantel are swearing.

Thomas, livid with anger, sat down on his seat.

At this time, stealing chicken can not be eroded rice, not only did not get 500 million dollars, but also his magic effects were taken away.

Looking at Gao Tianxiang who is helped back by Mengfang and song Yunfeng, Thomas even has the heart to kill him at this time.Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing come to Gao Tianxiang with a worried look on their faces. However, Zhao Wanqing is really worried, while Xiao Yunhai is pretending to be.

Taking advantage of no one, Xiao Yunhai said in a soft voice, "Lao Gao, are you dressed so vividly? Even the blood came out. It seems that when I go back, I will have to buy you something to make up for it. "

Gao Xiangfeng murmured: "don't you say you want to cheat them?"

When Zhao Wanqing heard the conversation between them, she was about to laugh. She lowered her head to avoid being seen. When I raised my head again, the worried look on my face had been restored.

Ten minutes later, the lawyer gave Xiao Yunhai the 15% equity certificate and 11 patent certificates of magic company, which had been changed to his name.

Thomas, whose face was hard to see, went up to Xiao Yunhai and said, "this is your luck. You said, if you win, you'll give me a chance to turn over. Now, I challenge you again. But the stakes need to be changed to a billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said: "my boxer has been injured, it is difficult to fight again."

Thomas said, "it's your business, it's none of my business. I'll ask you, does what you say count? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course it counts. However, most of your remaining patents are very old. In other words, it's not worth the money. "

Thomas was stunned, and then he said angrily, "well, Xiao, you are so mean. No wonder you have to choose from them. It's waiting for me here

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I don't know any special effects technology. If you don't find a person familiar with this field, how dare you bet with cash? "

In fact, not only does Xiao Yunhai not understand, as the biggest shareholder of magic special effects company, Thomas also does not understand. Otherwise, we will not miss this floor.

Thomas knew that he had been cheated by Xiao Yunhai at this time. He was very angry and said with a smile, "well, how much is my stuff worth?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "almost two billion dollars."

Thomas exclaimed, "that's good. I'll use the remaining shares and patents to price two billion, and I'll bet you another game. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I don't have so much money."

Thomas said, "then you can make an IOU."

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "do you believe me so?"

Thomas said triumphantly, "since I want to compete with you, I should investigate you well. I have to say, you are indeed a genius. In a short period of time, you can make 500 million dollars. I believe that with your ability, a billion dollars of debt can be paid off in just a few years. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and asked, "you are so sure that you will win. If you lose, your magic effects company will be mine. "

Thomas snorted and said, "since I allow you to pay your debts with an IOU, there are conditions. I want to make rules. I have two boxers here. You need to find two fighters and let them fight together. Whoever comes to the end wins. How about it? "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a while and said, "well, since I said I would give you a chance to turn over the book, I naturally want to keep my word."

Thomas was overjoyed and said, "good. Let's go and sign another contract."

Ignoring the housekeeper's request, Thomas priced the shares of the entire magic effects company and the remaining patents for $2 billion, and fought against Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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