Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:22 AM

Chapter 404

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Under the introduction of Daniel, Xiao Yunhai learned about the operation of the company. After two hours of contact, Xiao Yunhai appreciated Daniel's achievements.

Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said, "Daniel, your work attitude and ability are very strong. I am very relieved that magic special effects company is handed over to you. I'm from China. I can't live here for a long time. The magic will depend on you. "

Daniel respectfully said: "boss, you can rest assured that magic effects company will become the first in the world with me."

Xiao Yunhai said: "very good. From today on, your salary will be cancelled, and your salary will be changed from monthly salary to annual salary. At the end of each year, I will personally set the salary for you according to the development of the company, with a minimum of one million dollars. If we do it well, two million, three million or even ten million will be possible. "

On hearing this, Daniel said excitedly, "boss, I will work hard."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "come on. Ten million annual salary beckons to you in front of you, you had better not let it slip away. "

In this way, Xiao Yunhai, who originally came out to travel, stayed in magic for a full week, which only smoothed things out for the company.

Wu Hao and his colleagues have made great achievements, especially those technical patents of Xiao Yunhai, which have been completely digested with Clark's help.

Xiao Yunhai did not plan to merge Huaxia dream special effects image company into magic special effects company.

Xiao Yunhai is not sure how deep the water is in Hollywood. He worried that if there was a problem with magic and lost his dream, the Empire of special effects that he had worked so hard to build would not become the food of others.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai did not let Wu Hao and his colleagues learn more than a dozen other patent technologies that are not in his hands, so as to avoid the problem of patent infringement in the future.

And his more than 50 patents are in his own hands, and naturally there will be no such problems.

In this way, fantasy and magic become two independent companies. One is responsible for foreign countries, and the other is responsible for domestic affairs, without interfering with each other.

Wu Hao and they left on the fifth day. In addition to them, Clarke and several developers passed by.

After hearing Wu Hao's ideas, Clark and his colleagues were shocked and asked Xiao Yunhai to help him.

Xiao Yunhai naturally agreed.

After all the work, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned to the hotel in the company's car.

For Zhao Wanqing's ability to work, Xiao Yunhai is very much admired.

Xiao Yunhai has never managed a company in the past and this life, and his experience in this field is totally zero. He can only use money to improve the enthusiasm of employees. He is a little uncertain about the corporate culture and system.

But to these, Zhao Wanqing is very proficient.

Otherwise, Xiao Yunhai won't finish the company's affairs so soon.

Two hands in hand, talking and laughing back to the hotel, just walked into the door, Xiao Yunhai saw the Chinese bodyguard of Angu sitting on the sofa in the hall.

"Mr. Wang Yao, are you waiting for me?" Xiao Yunhai came to him and asked.

Through Kerry, Xiao Yunhai has known the name of this man Wang Yao.

Yes, Wang Yao nodded. Mr. Shaw, Mr. angle wants to buy you a cup of coffee

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's not a good thing to drink coffee so late. You can't sleep. However, since Mr. angle is very generous, I'll see him. Is that coffee shop far from here? "

Wang Yao said, "it's a five minute journey."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's great. Wanqing, you wait for me to have dinner in the hotel. I'll come when I go. "

Zhao Wanqing looked worried and said, "you should be careful. Otherwise, let them go with you. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "don't worry. No one can hurt me in the sky or in the earth. Mr. Wang, let's go. "

Wang Yao nodded and said, "please."

Waving hands with Zhao Wanqing, Xiao Yunhai gets on Wang Yao's car.

"Mr. Xiao, can you tell me where your Kung Fu has been

Two minutes later, Wang Yao said his first words.

"Have you been stuck in the dark peak for a long time?" Xiao Yunhai asked

Wang Yao nodded and said, "it has been three years."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that you are also a genius if you can reach the peak of dark strength in your twenties."

Wang Yao said: "in front of Mr. Xiao, who dares to call genius. Do you have enough strength? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "good. At the beginning of this year, by chance, we made a breakthrough. "

Wang Yao frowned and said, "but I feel that you are not just Huajin. Your bodyguard is also an expert at dissipating strength, but if I really fight, I won't necessarily lose. But when I see you, I know that even two me are not your opponents. "

Xiao Yunhai was surprised by Wang Yao's extraordinary intuition and said, "have you always been so keen?"Wang Yao nodded his head and said, "if I had not such ability, I'm afraid I would have died."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that you are a man with a lot of stories."

Five minutes later, in a coffee shop, Xiao Yunhai saw ange drinking coffee.

Xiao Yunhai held out his hand politely and said, "Mr. angle, I've met again."

Angu stood up, shook him and said, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. Please have a seat. The cat excrement coffee here is very famous. Would you like a cup

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm a complete layman to this thing. No matter how good the coffee comes to my mouth, it's the same. Don't waste money, Mr. angle. "

"I didn't expect that Mr. Xiao, who is so generous to the magic effects company's employees, would care about the price of a cup of coffee."

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "some money must be spent, no matter how much; but some money is totally unnecessary, and I don't want to spend any less."

Angus sighed and said, "if only Thomas could hear that. My elder brother has worked hard to build a foundation for his whole life. In less than a year, he almost lost. Ah, in the words of the Chinese people, it's called that the mud can't support the wall. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that Mr. Angus is also a Chinese expert. I don't know why you invited me here this time? Don't say to take back the magic, I will never agree. There is no need to discuss this point. "

Angu sighed again and said, "originally I had this idea, but Mr. Xiao didn't give me this opportunity. In a short week, magic is made by you like an iron barrel, and all the employees in it respect you. It has to be said that although you are young, your means are admirable. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. angle flattered me. I know how much I have. If it wasn't for the dollar, they wouldn't be so obedient. "

Angu said: "this just shows that Mr. Xiao is a man who really does great things. According to your salary rules, you will lose at least 200 million dollars a year. However, the money is likely to bring you billions more in the future. Well, Mr. Xiao has a long-term vision. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. angle, you wear such a high hat on my head. To be honest, I am really a little uncomfortable. I think we'd better get to the point. What do you want? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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