Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:21 AM

Chapter 405

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Angu took a sip of coffee and said, "Mr. Shaw, I hope Paramount Pictures can establish a strong alliance with your magic effects company. In the future, whatever special effects are used in Paramount's films will be left to you. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course. In this way, we magic effects company will not worry about nothing to do

"In exchange, I'd like you to sell me a 10 percent stake in magic effects, and I'll give you a five percent stake in paramount. With paramount cinema, you can come to Hollywood. What do you think? "

China and Mongolia, with a market value of US $120 billion, are the second largest in the United States.

Angu gave Xiao Yunhai five percent of the shares, that is, 1.5 billion dollars. It has to be said that in order to get magic, Angu has laid down his blood.

If you change a person, you may not be able to stand the temptation and immediately agree to come down, but Xiao Yunhai is not among them.

In order to get 5% of paramount cinema shares and lose the control of magic special effects company, Xiao Yunhai will never do this loss trading.

"I'm sorry, Mr. angle. I can't promise you that."

Angu frowned and said, "why? One and a half billion dollars to buy 10 percent of magic shares, you should have taken advantage of it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if I promise you, I will only have 41% of the shares left. Magic is not my magic.". To tell you the truth, I'm a Chinese. I'm not here. Once I have no absolute control, I can't predict what will happen in the future. Your company and MGM belong to the eight big companies in Hollywood. Although there are conflicts, they often cooperate with each other. If the two of you gang up against me, I'll be finished. "

"I can tell you clearly now that no matter what happens in the future, my 51% shares will never change."

Angu said, "Mr. Xiao, don't you think about it any more?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said: "there is no need to think about it. My bottom line is 51% of the shares. This will certainly not change. Mr. angel, Paramount Pictures is one of the eight Hollywood giants. I don't mean to be against you. The strength of magic effects company, you should be very clear. Paramount's film can cooperate with magic is your best choice. Now in Hollywood, except for the special effects teams of the seven major companies, the level of other special effects companies is generally very low. Mr. angle, you're not going to put Paramount's films in your opponent's special effects company. "

Angu shook his head and said with a wry smile, "what Thomas should never have done is to offend you, Mr. Shaw. You're right. That's why we paramount attach so much importance to magic. "

Xiao Yunhai turned his eyes and said, "Mr. angel, can I think that your company is asking for me?"

Angu frowned and said, "what does Mr. Xiao mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "business talks about business. My special effects company is now the only straw for your paramount. If you can't catch it, it's likely that paramount won't be a blockbuster for three years. You said, if you stand in my position, do you want some benefits? "

"Don't forget, Mr. Xiao. It's paramount who is speaking to you now

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course I know. Mr. angle, there is no need to be so angry. I'm a man of martial arts, and I'm naturally brave. You can't frighten me. "

Angu squinted and said, "we don't have to cooperate with magic.". With the strength of paramount, we are fully capable of building a special effects team in a short time

Xiao Yunhai said tit for tat: "it seems that Mr. angle has forgotten one of the most important things. That is, the 52 most important technology patents of magic are in my hands. If I don't want to let your company use them, can you develop another set of special effects technology in a short time? "

Ange was stunned, and he couldn't help scolding Thomas again and said, "Mr. Xiao, please tell me your conditions. You'd better not go too far. "

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile on his face, said: "in fact, my condition is very simple. As you just said, I want to be one of the shareholders of paramount cinema and purchase 5% of the shares of paramount cinema with 1.5 billion US dollars."

"It's impossible," Angu said categorically

Xiao Yunhai said: "no, it is possible. It's just that I changed the magic shares into cash. Relatively speaking, you have taken advantage of it. Mr. angle, I heard that your company has spent a lot of money to shoot three blockbusters. Do you think they could have succeeded without the help of magic? "

Angu's eyes were like sharp swords, and his momentum soared. "Mr. Xiao, you'd better not challenge my bottom line. You're standing in Hollywood."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. angle, you are threatening me again. I think Mr. Wang Yao, your bodyguard, should have told you not to play those secret tricks with me. Believe it or not, I have a hundred percent ability to make you and your family disappear overnight, and the police can't find anything. "With that, Xiao Yunhai picked up an GE's cup and poured the coffee on the ground. With a clap of both hands, the cup became powder.

Ange was shocked by Xiao Yunhai's means and said, "are you magic?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "of course not. I'm just proving to you that I have the ability to impress you. "

In the depth of the eyes, Xiao Ge was afraid of the cold sea.

In fact, Xiao Yunhai has no way. I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

The atmosphere between them became very heavy, as if they were thinking about their own thoughts.

Three minutes later, Xiao Yunhai took the lead and said, "Mr. Angu, I am a man of rules. I never use force to achieve my goal. Please rest assured. I wonder what Mr. angle thinks of my proposal? If you really don't want to, that's fine. We magic special effects company will still do special effects for your films, but the price can only be set according to the market price. Thank you very much for your coffee, Mr. angle. Goodbye. "

"Slow down, please." Ange looked at Xiao Yunhai, who had already stood up. He suddenly laughed, stretched out his hand, and said, "Mr. Xiao is indeed a dragon and Phoenix among people. I really admire you very much. I'm willing to sell you 5% of the shares in the cinema to make you a friend. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed, shook his hand with him and said, "thank you very much. You can rest assured that magic will make 200% efforts for your company's films. "

Angu said with a smile, "I wish you a happy cooperation."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sure."

After Xiao Yunhai was sent to the hotel, an GE's face immediately pulled down and became a piece of iron green.

"Thomas, you son of a bitch, really pissed me off."

In order not to let Xiao Yunhai have absolute control, Angu originally wanted to buy shares of Xiao Yunhai's magic special effects company. Instead, he was threatened by Xiao Yunhai. He got 5% of the shares of paramount cinema from himself. It's really impossible to steal chicken from him.

I can't help it. I really need the help of magic effects company. Otherwise, three films with more than 400 million dollars this year will be ruined.

The loss is too great.

"Mr. Xiao, you won this time. But there's a long way to go. Let's see. "

Angu can't help but shake his fist and say in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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