Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:18 AM

Chapter 407

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The next day, Xiao Yunhai and they flew to Maldives.

Under the blue sky and green water, they had a good time playing for two days. When they came to Hengdian, the "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu" crew had just been killed.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, Wu Zixu laughed and said to sun Yanjun: "it's not easy, old sun. The investors of Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu are even free to attend our youth killing banquet. I'm really flattered. "

Sun Yanjun said with a smile: "for a big production of more than seven billion yuan, the investor has only come once, or to see his girlfriend. Hehe, it's the first time I've seen a play for so many years. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "director Wu and teacher sun, don't be in the middle of happiness. This can only show that my cloud sea is full of trust in you. If he comes here in two or three days and is in charge of it, it will be strange if director Wu can bear it. "

Luo Tianxiong beside him said with a smile: "see, the couple are one, you don't bully people."

Xiao Yunhai said: "director Wu, Mr. Sun and senior brother, we haven't seen each other for a month or two. There's no need to treat me like this. If you have the ability, you can see it on the wine table. It's not me and you. It's up to you. Ha ha, I'm afraid you don't have that ability. "

"Oh, I'm crazy. Mr. Wu and Mr. Sun, my younger brother is bullying us. We can't let him look down on us tonight. " Luo Tianxiong road.

Wu Zixu nodded and said, "yes, he must be put down. I think Luo Dao, as an elder martial brother, is just like a person. "

Sun Yanjun also said: "guide Luo, it's up to you. You must fight for us. "

"Ah, you two are so ungrateful."

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd burst into laughter.

After a while, Huang Bo and Wang Cheng came over.

When Huang Bo saw Xiao Yunhai, he called out: "third brother, you are just too good. In the Golden Cup Music Festival swept all the awards, now the Internet calls you the king of music. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at his chest, hit a fist, and said with a smile, "you should keep your voice down. Do you want to keep a low profile?"

Wang Cheng said, "brother Xiao, how did you do that dance? It's crazy on the Internet now. "

It turns out that after the Golden Cup Music Festival, the media have been focusing on Xiao Yunhai's sweeping the Golden Cup awards.

Almost all the media are singing praises for Xiao Yunhai, and all kinds of senior people's names have been put on his head.

After this event cooled down, people suddenly remembered Xiao Yunhai's live performance at the Golden Cup Music Festival, especially the fantastic dances in beatit, which became the focus of attention.

Numerous dancers began to analyze Xiao Yunhai's dance.

After watching the video countless times and taking several days, they finally solved the mystery of mechanical dance and space step. However, they were still puzzled by the 45 degree inclined dance step.

It is completely against the laws of physics to make such a 45 degree tilt without any auxiliary tools.

Numerous dance masters have tried, and none of them succeeded.

Seeing such a topic arousing the attention of the whole people, the media reporters naturally will not let go. They all went out to look for Xiao Yunhai, but they couldn't find it.

It was not until a reporter interviewed Su Yingxue that she learned that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing had gone on a tour, which made the media reporters angry.

It's too self willed.

Ten days have passed since the Golden Cup Music Festival. Xiao Yunhai's dance, like a storm, has swept through China and even spread to many Southeast Asian countries.

That night, Xiao Yunhai and others celebrated in a five-star hotel. It wasn't until more than eleven o'clock that the banquet was over.

At 9:00 am the next day, there is still an hour to go before the "Xiaoao Huhu" crew's release.

Numerous media reporters carrying tripods and cameras rushed into the meeting hall in a gust of wind.

"Hurry up, hurry up, there's no place to be late."

"Shit, isn't it? It's only 9:30, so many people are coming."

"What's the matter, brother? Come so late. Don't you know that Yun Huangqing will also attend today's press conference? "

"This big brother, the press conference still has half an hour to start. Why did you come so early?"

"That's the experience. Let's not talk about "Xiaoao Huhu". The name of emperor Yun alone can make everyone crazy. In only ten days, his dance became popular throughout China. Such a big star, can we not come early? I tell you, I'll be here at seven o'clock, and I haven't even eaten breakfast in the morning. "

"Is it too small? It's good to find a big place for the crew

"There are more than 200 media reporters coming to this conference. Where can you put so many people?"

"Well, I'm in bad luck."No way, the young reporter had to bring his own camera into the group of reporters.

As time went by, soon, the release conference of "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu" began.

Wu Zixu, Xiao Yunhai, sun Yanjun, Jiang Yaokun, Zhao Wanqing, Zhao Chongxu, Wu Xiaowan and Huang Bo all came to the rostrum and sat down.

Seeing so many reporters, Wu Zixu was obviously stunned. Then he looked at Xiao Yunhai thoughtfully and said in his heart, "it seems that these reporters are here for him."

Wang Cheng guest played the role of the host. After receiving Wu Zixu's signal, Wang Cheng yelled to the reporters: "thank you all for coming to our press conference. Now we have officially started the youth release conference of Xiaoao Ao lake.". I hope you can abide by the rules. If you have any questions, please raise your hand. "

As soon as Wang Cheng's voice dropped, all the reporters raised their hands.

Wang Cheng said, "please ask the reporter from the central eight TV series channel."

The reporter stood up and said, "thank you. I would like to ask director Wu, "smile proud of the lake" has been completely filmed. Are you satisfied with the effect you shot? "

Wu Zixu said confidently, "of course I am satisfied. This play, I was completely in accordance with the requirements of the film. "Smile proud of the lake" is the peak of martial arts novels, I dare not defile it. Otherwise, tens of millions of readers will not scold me to death. "

"What do you think of the ratings of the play? Can it be a legend? "

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "sure. The highest ratings must exceed 10%, and the average ratings must exceed 5%. That's my bottom line. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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