Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:17 AM

Chapter 408

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Seeing that the reporter still wanted to ask, Wang Cheng said with a smile, "Sir, you have already asked two questions in violation of the regulations. Would you like to give the opportunity to the beautiful lady behind you?"

When Xiao Yunhai heard Wang Cheng's words, he nodded in his heart: "this boy has been in the production team for a long time, and he can speak quite well."

The female reporter gave a slight smile, got up and said, "in front of Miss Zhao, I don't dare to call a beauty. Mr. Xiao, you are also a director. Why don't you shoot this martial arts masterpiece yourself

Xiao Yunhai was about to answer, but Wu Zixu said first: "I'll answer this question. Speaking of it, I'm a little embarrassed. I had the cheek to snatch this play from Mr. Xiao. Ever since I read this martial arts novel, I've been thinking about it for half a month. So, at a party, I asked Mr. Xiao to give me this play. As a result, Mr. Xiao not only agreed to shoot by me, but also made an investor in the play. That makes me very grateful

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the most important thing is that I have trusted director Wu's ability. I believe he can make this martial arts novel a classic."

"Did Mr. Xiao play any part in this play?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the sun rises in the East, only I am invincible. I'm playing Asia the invincible

"No, the emperor of cloud acted as a personal demon."

"Asia the invincible is a pervert. Isn't he afraid of fans' dissatisfaction?"

"They are powerful actors, not idols."

"That's amazing. I dare to act."

The reporters were whispering.

Wu Zixu was very satisfied when he saw everyone's surprised expression and said: "the Oriental invincible played by Mr. Xiao will be one of the most classic characters in the play. Please wait and see. "

A reporter asked Xiao Yunhai again: "excuse me, Mr. Xiao, did you create the dance you danced at the golden cup film festival? Do they have names? "

I'm sorry about the release of xiaoyunhai, but I'm sorry. I don't answer any other questions. "

Without saying a word, Wang Cheng immediately changed a reporter.

"May I ask why Mr. Xiao didn't play the leading role of Linghu Chong, instead he played the character of the invincible? You should know that you are the original work and the investor, and your acting skills are recognized as good in the circle. If you want to argue, Mr. Jiang should not be able to contend with you. "

The reporter's question made Jiang Yaokun's face slightly changed and he felt embarrassed.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "first of all, my schedule is not suitable. I was busy with the movie and album of "Charlotte trouble" when director Wu was shooting "smile proud of the lake". Later, I started shooting "love apartment". It was hard to find time to play Linghu Chong

"Secondly, I have read Mr. Jiang Yaokun's film and television works carefully. When director Wu told me to ask Mr. Jiang to play Linghu Chong, I agreed without thinking about it. Sure enough, Mr. Jiang's Linghu Chong didn't disappoint me. "

Xiao Yunhai's words made Jiang Yaokun very grateful.

Wu Zixu was also very satisfied. He was afraid that Xiao Yunhai would say something he should not say because Jiang Yaokun had been chasing Zhao Wanqing. Now it seems that this guy is still very broad-minded.

"As for the role of Asia the invincible, ha ha, I was forced to play it. Among them, director Wu is the chief conspirator and Mr. Sun is the accomplice. Originally, I came to see my leader. As a result, during the meal, two people played a song and played a duet on me. I became the Asia invincible. Ah, the baby's heart is bitter. "


"Ha ha ha."

Everyone was amused by Xiao Yunhai's bitter words in his heart.

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "readers who have read the original book all know what kind of character the Oriental invincible is. At the beginning, I did not set up such an image in my mind, so I have not found the right actor. Xiao Yunhai is the author of the original work and an excellent actor. So when he came to visit, I discussed with Mr. Sun, hoping that he could try the role of Asia the invincible. "

"In fact, we didn't know at that time. We just wanted him to have a try. What we didn't expect was that when he came out of his make-up and Asian invincible clothes, the whole set was shocked. Charming and amorous and egotistical two contradictory temperament, let his whole person scatter to send out a kind of strong attraction. After the TV play is broadcast, you can have a good look at that episode. It is definitely a classic part of martial arts drama. "

"Wow, that's great."

"Director Wu won't praise people casually. It seems that emperor Yun should really do a good job."

"Whatever it is, I'll see it then."

The next reporter asked sun Yanjun.

"Mr. Sun, in the circle, you are famous for choosing plays. What is the reason for you to accept the character Yue buqun? "

Sun Yanjun said: "challenge. Yue buqun is definitely the most challenging character in my acting career. I am also a martial arts fan. When I read this novel, I am very interested in this character. Later, when director Wu called to invite me, I immediately agreed without saying a word. ""What do you think of yourself?"

"Not bad."

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "Mr. Sun's words are too modest. I'll bet that one of the nominations for the best supporting actor in the golden cup TV Festival next year will be from Mr. Sun. If you don't believe it, we can wait and see. "

"Mr. Jiang, I heard that you have been crazy in pursuit of Miss Zhao in the crew. Is there such a thing?"

A reporter suddenly asked such a question. The whole press conference suddenly turned sunny to cloudy, and the atmosphere became very depressed.

Wu Zixu's face is even more difficult to see the extreme.

Obviously, Jiang Yaokun also thought that the reporter might ask this question. He had already thought of the wording in his heart and said in no hurry: "all Chinese people know about Miss Zhao and Mr. Xiao. How could I go after Miss Zhao. Where did you hear that? It's totally untrue. "

The reporter said, "it's from your crew, and you've been photographed. Look, this is the picture of you taking the red rose to Miss Zhao and confessing to her

Looking at the things in the reporter's hands, Jiang Yaokun's heart cluttered for a moment, and secretly said, "did someone take photos secretly at that time?"

At this time, Wu Zixu's face was already a piece of iron green, and he repeatedly ordered the crew members not to take pictures on the set.

I didn't expect that this incident was photographed and passed to the reporter's hand. It was like hitting his face.

"Better not let me know who it is? If I find out, I will have to kill him in the circle. " Wu Zixu said with hate in his heart,

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "Mr. Jiang, can you show me this picture?"

Jiang Yaokun was stunned and said, "of course."

The reporters below were flushed with excitement and hoped that Xiao Yunhai and Jiang Yaokun could come into conflict. That would be perfect.

Xiao Yunhai took the photo and looked at it. When he found that there was no date, he laughed and said, "I thought it was what it was. It was it. Hehe, let me explain this. This bunch of flowers in Mr. Jiang's hand was sent to Wanqing by him, mainly to apologize to our leader. Ha ha, the couple make a conflict. It's normal to say something through our friends that I'm sorry to say. Let's not hold on to this topic any more, will you? "

The reporters below all sighed at the reason.

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai could find a reasonable explanation in such a short period of time, Wu Zixu sighed in his heart: "it is the characters who can write the classic novel" Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu "and make a story so seamless."

Not only Wu Zixu, but other actors also admire him very much.

Although the reporter is very clear that this is not the case at all, he has no way to force others to admit it.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you think of Miss Zhao, who plays with you?"

Jiang Yaokun said with a smile: "Ren Yingying's role in Miss Zhao's interpretation seems to have come alive. I admire her superb acting skills. It is worthy of being the golden cup movie queen. "

"Miss Zhao, what do you think of Mr. Jiang's linghuchong?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "it's very lifelike. Mr. Jiang will make the image of Linghu Chong's amorous prodigal son incisively and vividly. For the younger generation in the entertainment industry, this role should be no one more suitable than him. "

"Do you think Mr. Xiao Yunhai's acting skills are good? Or is Mr. Jiang Yaokun's acting skill better? "

Zhao Wanqing Chuchi a smile, way: "he did not play Linghu Chong, how can I know."

Jiang Yaokun said: "Mr. Xiao's acting skills are very strong. The role of Asia the invincible is a wonderful portrayal by him. I know that if I were to do it, I would never be able to play him

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