Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:41 AM

Chapter 41

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Xiao Yunhai did not feel any dissatisfaction with Wu Zixu's request. He firmly believed that his acting skills were no problem. He also believed that Wu Zixu did not mean to embarrass himself. If he didn't want to play by himself, could he get himself here from Beijing.

"Director Wu, give me a minute."

After getting Wu Zixu's affirmative reply, Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and studied the plot of the play carefully.

Half a minute later, Xiao Yunhai opened his eyes and nodded to Wu Zixu, indicating that he could start.

Wu Zixu called out: "the first shot of Scene 5, action."

As soon as Wu Zixu's action landed, Xiao Yunhai immediately changed his state. From a young man who seemed harmless to human beings and animals, he suddenly turned into a towering, cutting-edge martial arts master.

He suddenly stood up from his stool. His back was like a gun, his edge was like a sword, and his eyes were full of the essence of the world. In a flash, the air of a warrior covered the whole room. Before he said a line, Xiao Yunhai showed the temperament of a generation of martial arts masters incisively and vividly.

Wu Zixu was overjoyed. Isn't this what he wanted? Wu Zixu didn't have a definite concept of what a great master of martial arts was. Xue Ming and Zhang Xiaojing were both very good performers and their temperament was in line with their roles. However, Wu Zixu did not feel a trace of master's bearing from them. What Xiao Yunhai showed at the moment was his final interpretation of the great master. It's a treasure.

Different from Wu Zixu, Huang Qiusheng's reaction is more direct. As soon as Xiao Yunhai enters the state, he stands up in surprise, his eyes staring at Xiao Yunhai, and his heart is turbulent.

"How can you have your own aura at such a young age. I'm kidding. Today's young people are really so powerful. They still say that they are old and can't keep up with the times. "

Yu Yuexian is also very surprised. The aura is mysterious and mysterious. Most of the actors do not necessarily understand it after filming for a lifetime. With the help of a film emperor, he has his own aura.

Since then, no one has been able to suppress their own drama. Even if someone is stronger than himself, he can't take away his glory. But at this time, she even saw a better actor than herself. What's more, he was silent. This was his first official acting. He was just a monster.

Xue Ming has not yet reached this stage. Although he feels that Xiao Yunhai's acting skills are good and he can change the temperament needed by the role in an instant, he is not sure how good it is. He just feels that Xiao Yunhai has a sacred and inviolable momentum, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

When he saw the expressions of the three people in front of him, his heart pounded. It seemed that Huo Gang's business was going to be yellow.

Xiao Yunhai devoted himself to the role and naturally did not care about their expression. At this time, he said his first line.

"Younger martial brother, what are you going to do?"

Just a word, let the director and a few actors in front of a light.

Xiao Yunhai is a professional. When he was studying in school, he understood the importance of lines. Many actors have their own rhythm and intonation when they play roles. What kind of expression, what kind of action and what kind of mood are they can get twice the result with half the effort.

Xiao Yunhai's voice is very majestic and resolute, which fully shows the authority of his faction leader. However, there is a warm and warm tone in his voice, which makes people feel a rhythm deep in his heart.

He deliberately put his breath regulation up, which made the whole sentence not slow or urgent, with a trace of positive tone in his doubts.

"Younger martial brother, do you still want to cheat me? Do you want to avenge the Bagua school? "

Xiao Yunhai said to the air ahead. There is a trace of clarity and understanding in the eyes.

After a pause for a while, Xiao Yunhai's momentum was much smaller, and his look was also relaxed. He said painstakingly: "younger martial brother, can you listen to the elder martial brother's words? With your present Kung Fu, you can't revenge, I'm afraid you'll have to get involved in it. Moreover, the death of the master is very suspicious. I always feel that it is not simple. "

"What are you talking about? I'm greedy for the position of headmaster? Younger martial brother, I can't believe that you think of me like this in your heart. " Xiao Yunhai's voice is very loud, which can be said to be deafening. However, the mood on his face is extremely low. His eyes are red and his eyes are full of tears, with a kind of pain that is not understood.

"I am an orphan. I have no father or mother since I was a child. I was originally a dying man. Fortunately, I was taken in by my master, and he also taught me Chinese skills. My master is very kind to me, just like a reborn parent. I have no less affection for him than you. Master's death, my heart can feel good? I don't want to take revenge? "

"I admit that with my present Kung Fu, although I may not be able to win him, I am sure I can do it. But don't forget, if I die, what will xingyimen do? If I die, can you revitalize the Xingyi sect with your Kung Fu? There is another Cheng Qiao in the gossip gate. Can you do it? "

Xiao Yunhai said these lines at a very fast speed. The voice was louder and the tone was heavier. At the end of the speech, his eyes almost glared out, which meant that he hated him.Imagining that the other side finished his lines, Xiao Yunhai's tone slowed down and his face showed a trace of relief. He gently stroked the air in front of him and said, "younger martial brother, your task is not to revenge, but to take the Xingyi sect to the brightest future. When you can be alone in your Kung Fu practice, I will pass the position of headmaster to you. The day when you come to the leader is the time for elder martial brother to revenge. I believe in my senior brother. "

Here, the audition is over.

Xiao Yunhai comes out of the role, and returns to his calm and calm state, quietly watching Wu guide them.

He was quite satisfied with his performance just now. His lines, expressions, eyes and movements were all well coordinated. If he scored, he would give 90 points.

The first speaker was not director Wu, but the film Emperor Huang Qiusheng.

He said with a wry smile, "director Wu, you are looking for a baby. This kind of acting has to be auditioned. Are you kidding us? "

Yu Yuexian also joked and said, "Mr. Huang, director Wu, this is to see that we are tired and deliberately make fun of us. This kind of acting can play the leading role directly. What else are you commenting on? "

Wu said with a smile, "I didn't expect Yunhai's acting skills to be so powerful."

Xue Ming heard three people's comments, his face was black. He had to bear in his heart that Huo Gang's acting skills were too poor to be compared with Xiao Yunhai.

Feng Chengshi's face is not very good either. He accepted a lot of benefits from Xue Ming and promised to help him. But depending on the situation, the fat meat seems to be flying away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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