Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:14 AM

Chapter 410

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That afternoon, Su Yingxue came to their villa.

First, she hugged Zhao Wanqing, and then Su Yingxue said, "first of all, congratulations on your marriage. You have become an official couple legally. However, we in Huaxia pay more attention to the wedding ceremony. When are you going to hold the wedding banquet

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "the wedding banquet is not urgent. After all, we are young, not in a hurry. Getting a marriage certificate in advance is just an explanation for each other. what you think? Wanqing. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I feel the same way. I'll talk about the wedding banquet later. "

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "in this case, don't blame me for being cruel. Yunhai, you are in a mess in the circle. In particular, your performance at the Golden Cup Music Festival caused a great sensation. In the past two days, numerous TV stations have sent notices, hoping to interview you, including happy Sunday, literary life, and jiangqin Club guest room

Xiao Yunhai asked helplessly: "must participate?"

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "this is public opinion, and we are all looking forward to it."

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "yes. "Happy Sunday" and "jiangqin Club guest room", I have participated in many times, it is not interesting to go again. Let's choose literary life. "

Su Yingxue nodded and said, "OK. The second thing is, at the golden cup film festival, you have promised to hold a concert. I don't know when you are going to open it? How many? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "since we have agreed, we should arrange it as soon as possible. How many times a month

Su Yingxue said: "most singers play once a week."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "the efficiency is too low. We have a show every five days, six shows a month, even if we have finished the task. As for the time and place of the performance, you can order it. I have only one request, one of which must be put in my hometown Zhenghai. "

Su Yingxue said, "no problem. But can you keep up

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "if it's not for the concert that you need to do some preparatory work, even if you let him have one every day, there's no problem."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "sister Xue, what else can I do for you?"

The popularity of the film has been greatly increased in the film festival. Those advertisers have seen a huge business opportunity from you, and have found me by chance. I hope you can speak for their products. During your time of traveling, I have received more than 130 advertisements, which are very expensive. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "how high is it?"

Su Yingxue held out the thumb and index finger of his right hand and said, "80 million a year."

Zhao Wanqing asked in surprise, "sister Xue, are you right? Which company is so rich that it can offer such a high price. The 80 million endorsement fee has never appeared in the Chinese entertainment circle. "

Su Yingxue said: "Great Wall, the first brand of China's domestic automobile."

Zhao Wanqing said, "it is. No wonder

In this world, great wall motor is one of the most famous brands in the world, with superior performance and reliable quality. All parts of the country have set up 4S shops, which are extremely convenient for maintenance, and the maintenance price is also very cheap. It is deeply trusted by the Chinese people.

Great Wall Motors not only accounts for 42% of the whole Chinese market, but also sells abroad with tens of millions of assets. It is definitely a giant enterprise.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am very interested in Great Wall Motors. Sister Xue, how many years have they asked for endorsement

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "do you still need to ask? It must be a year. Great Wall Motors will put out an advertisement every year to find a spokesperson, basically looking for the most popular artists in the entertainment industry. Your performance this year is even better than that of the queen of heaven, so that's why they pay attention to it. Sister Xue, am I right? "

Su Yingxue nodded and said, "yes. However, this year, you have to take their cars in public places. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is no problem. Is the car provided by them? "

Su Yingxue said, "yes. Great Wall Motors is all over China. Just call their company in advance. No matter where we are, they can find it. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "isn't it free to rent? I didn't say that, sister Xue. It's all. "

Su Yingxue said with a smile, "I knew you would agree. OK, I'll have a good talk with them. By the way, there's another small thing I want to tell you. You scolded Li Xugang, the best rookie of the year, at the golden cup film festival. People were very angry and began to trouble you

"The day before yesterday, he released a Chinese wind song called" Xijiang moon ", which was loved by many fans. I've heard the lyrics, the melody is good. Yesterday, when he was interviewed by a reporter, he said that huaxiafeng is not the patent of Xiao Yunhai. As long as he wants, he can still write Chinese style songs with the same quality as you. He said that the ancestor of huaxiafeng was actually him. It was only because he didn't publish it after he wrote it at that time, so he let you pick it up. Finally, naked buildings directly challenge you to compete with you in music. What's the matter, Mr. Xiao. Dare you answer the battle? "Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "what's the belligerence of such a hairy boy like him?"

As soon as Su Yingxue heard this, she immediately laughed and said, "it's good to be several years older than you. I tell you, he's trying to use you to get to the top quickly. Yunhai, your identity is different. As the king of music who has just ascended the throne, it is normal that Li Xugang, as the best newcomer, loses to you, which is called "glory in spite of defeat". But if you win, his fame will soar to the sky, out of control, and you are the stepping stone on his way to success. Therefore, whether you should or not, he is the winner

Xiao Yunhai hums a, sneer way: "he this is to want to step on my superior position, which has so cheap matter."

Su Yingxue said: "it's too cold to be high. No matter what you think, the purpose has been achieved. On the Internet, your fans and his fans are very noisy. Although your fans are so numerous that they can't hold their heads up, there is no doubt that Li Xugang's name has really left a very deep impression on people through this swearing battle. Once he has any good works coming out in the future, it will be very popular. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "sister Xue, what do you think the sea of clouds should do?"

Su Yingxue said: "it's common to hype yourself by others' fame, which is common in entertainment boxing. Such as ye Yongren and Chen Huan, they have encountered this situation, and the methods adopted are ignored. It's not necessary for the heat to dissipate in a few days

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is not good. I've just been named the king of music. How can I escape. Since he likes challenges so much, I'll let him ride the tiger. "

Su Yingxue asked, "what do you want to do?"

Xiao Yunhai mysterious smile way: "you wait to see to know."

That night, Xiao Yunhai made a statement on his homepage, which immediately caused a great disturbance.

Xiao Yunhai wrote on it: "I am very bored with the challenge Mr. Li Xugang has put forward to me. I know he is using my fame to hype himself. Now that the goal has been achieved, please stop. I don't want to be a stepping stone for others. If you really want to compare with me, we will go to the TV station and have a good match in front of the national audience. Judge teachers, we can invite those respected teachers of Jinzun Music Festival to serve as judges. No matter what kind of songs, I will come

"But there is one condition. Since it is a competition, there will be a win or a loss. For each song, the loser donates 100 million yuan to the Chinese Red Cross to do good deeds. Don't say you don't have money. If you do this, you must be inspired by the company behind you. They are not short of money. "

"Mr. Li Xugang, I've drawn the way down. I'll wait for a word. If you don't, please shut up later

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's post was released, his fans went crazy.

"The cloud emperor is invincible, the cloud emperor is domineering. It's really exciting to gamble 100 million yuan on a song. "

"It seems that the emperor is really angry this time. It's really annoying to be used for no reason. "

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. Some people don't see what kind of temperament he is, and they want to use his fame to hype it. It's fantastic."

"The majesty of the king of music should not be discredited. Now, Li Xugang dare not be arrogant. "

"Isn't Li Xugang the best newcomer? He even tried to challenge the emperor. Ha ha, I can only say that the spirit is commendable, but do not play real

Li Xugang's fans are also excited and say anything.

Li Xugang is indeed a rare singer of creative type, not to mention his personality, but to his musical talent. Although his official debut is only half a year, with his first album, the number of fans has reached tens of millions.

"In front of the steel king, how dare you allow others to be arrogant. Not even the emperor. We're all behind you. "

"Xiao Yunhai is really too much. He dares to bully our steel king. Steel king, promise him to beat him to pieces. "

"It's crazy. I bet 100 million on a song. How can I feel like I'm watching a movie and TV series?"

"Although the steel king is powerful, it seems that there is still a long way to go compared with the emperor Yun. I think it's better to be more careful. "

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