Published at 11th of May 2022 05:58:00 AM

Chapter 418

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Xiao Yunhai waved to the bottom of the stage and walked off the stage, where fans discussed with each other.

"Who do you think the emperor will invite?"

"Who knows. Although the emperor has not been in the circle for a long time, he has made a lot of friends. Even if ye Yongren is invited here, I will not be surprised. "

"Well, listen, this Prelude seems to be the legend written by Emperor Yun for Yao Na."

"I don't think she's here."

"Oh, it's her."

Fans under the stage saw Yao Na's style, and in an instant, applause and cheers rang out.

Yao Na, as a diva, has been standing in the music world for 20 years. Naturally, her influence is far beyond that of ordinary singers.

"Just because I looked at you more in the crowd,

never forgot your face.

Dream of meeting again one day by chance,

from then on, I began to miss lonely.

... "

after all, she is a singer with incomparable singing skills. As soon as Yao Na opens her voice, all the fans are quiet. With the beautiful melody of legend, she gently shakes the fluorescent sticks in her hands.

After a song was sung, the fans in the audience burst into warm applause.

Yao Na bowed deeply to the audience and said, "this is the first time that I have been on the stage to sing since that happened. With my brother's concert, I would like to thank you for your concern and encouragement. Please rest assured that I have recovered completely. I'm Yao Na. I'm the Yao Na you knew before. In our northeast dialect, things in the past were nothing. "

Yao Na's words, let all fans stand up, for this strong woman to offer a warm applause.

Yao Na thanks again and says, "the next song is a man and woman duet song that you like very much. Originally it was Yunhai and Wanqing singing. This time, taking advantage of Wanqing's absence, Yunhai and I sang first

When the fans heard Yao Na's words, they all burst into laughter.

Yao Na turned around and did not see Xiao Yunhai come to the stage. She pretended to be angry and said, "it seems that some people are afraid of their own leaders. They dare not even sing a song with me. This tutor is too strict."


"ha ha ha."

"It seems that sister Na is really recovered. What she said is very interesting."

After a few seconds, Xiao Yunhai still didn't come up. Yao Na was not happy and said angrily, "he really dares to hang me. Xiao Yunhai, you stinky boy, get out of here quickly. "

"I'm going to get on."

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice fell, he only heard Peng's voice. He popped up a man from the ground, rolled two somersaults in the air, and stood steadily beside Yao Na. It was Xiao Yunhai.

Fans under the stage saw Xiao Yunhai's thrilling and exciting action. They were so excited that they almost overturned the gymnasium with screams and roars.

Yao Na also pretended to be scared, patted her chest and said, "what are you playing with? It scared me to death. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Na, didn't you let me roll up? I'm very obedient. I just rolled two laps in the air. Are you satisfied with it? "

Yao Na rolled her eyes and said, "what are you satisfied with? How dangerous it is. If anything goes wrong, that's fine. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you forget, I'm a martial arts expert. This is nothing. Do you really want to sing with me

Yao Na said, "of course. Yes? Scared? It doesn't matter. You just have to say in front of all the fans that I'm afraid of my wife Zhao Wanqing, and I won't force you to sing, OK? "

As soon as Yao Na's voice fell, fans roared with laughter.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to everyone and said, "stop for me. It's really too busy to watch. What's up?"

He said that, the voice of the scene was even louder.

Yao Na said with a smile, "cheer up, just one sentence."

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Na, you are too cruel. However, I Xiao Yunhai is a henpecked person? I'm kidding


the fans roared again.

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't make trouble. I tell you, in this world, there is no man who is afraid of his wife, only a man who respects his wife. My fellow men, do you think so

"Yes." The male fans all yelled at each other's throats.

Yao Na said, "don't talk about anything else. Do you want to sing

Xiao Yunhai asked the audience, "would you like me to sing this song with sister na?"


Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, you also heard that this matter has nothing to do with me, it is they who let me sing."

"Ha ha ha."

Yao Na said with a smile, "I'm not afraid of my wife. Come on, no kidding. Let's get started

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "good."The soothing and warm melody of intimate love soon began to ring.

Yao Na was the first to sing, and her intoxicating voice suddenly hit people's hearts.

"Let my love be with you forever,

do you feel,

I'm worried about you.

when it's Xiao Yunhai's turn, he smiles at Yao Na, puts his arm around her shoulder and sings:

"keep your feelings in mind,


The long road has the same heart.

... "

although their interpretation is not as sweet and loving as Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, they have a kind of brotherhood like love, which is quite different from that of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

At the end of the song, there were warm applause and cheers from the audience.

Xiao Yunhai and Yao Na looked at each other with a smile and then hugged tightly.

Yao Na waved to the audience and said, "OK, I will continue to be my audience. Thank you for your support. Goodbye. "

In the cheers of everyone, Yao Na stepped off the stage.

Xiao Yunhai deliberately breathed a sigh and said: "fortunately, there is no second song, otherwise, I can't explain to my family."

"Ha ha ha."

"You haven't seen sister Na play a movie or TV series?"


"I'll tell you the good news today. She and I once made a bet on whether the ratings of legend of Zhen Huan could exceed 10%? Fortunately, with everyone's support, I won. According to the bet, sister Na will give me a supporting role in the film and TV series, so you should be able to see her first screen performance next year


The fans cheered in unison.

Yao Na, who just returned to VIP room, heard Xiao Yunhai's words and said with a smile: "this bastard boy has such a good memory that I thought he forgot it."

Chen said with a smile, "Lao Na, do you really want to act? How about your acting skills? "

Yao Na helplessly said: "you think with the virtue of the sea of clouds, he will let me go. Whatever it is, I'm willing to lose. As for whether the performance is good or not, it's his director's business, which has nothing to do with me. Or, brother Huan, you'll try it too? "

Chen Huan quickly waved his hand and said, "forget it, I can't play it."

In another room, after seeing Yao Na's performance, Zhang Xuedong sighed and asked, "how is Miao Xiaoyun now? Is she still with Zhong Wei? "

"She broke up with Zhong Wei for a long time and is now making a film," said a senior official

Zhang Xuedong frowned and said, "in this case, why should we have it at the beginning?"

Yue Changting, who had not spoken for a long time, snorted and said, "what I despise most is this kind of upright woman who is still a junior. A good family of others is broken up. It's a crime. "

Wang Lin said, "Lao Yue, can you say less?"

There are so many company people in the room. Maybe tomorrow, Yue Changting's words will reach Miao Xiaoyun's ears.

Although the music department does not have any intersection with her, it is unnecessary to offend people for no reason.

Yue Changting knew that Wang Lin was for his own good, so he stopped talking and turned to see Xiao Yunhai's concert.

Zhang Xuedong knew Yue laoguai's temper very well, but he didn't say anything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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