Published at 11th of May 2022 05:57:53 AM

Chapter 419

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Xiao Yunhai on the stage took the microphone and said to the audience, "let's play a song ordering game. In your seats, there is a number. I'm going to extract six fans from the computer and ask them to order songs. You can ask me to sing whatever you want? How about it? "

"Good." Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, all the fans exclaimed excitedly.

"My God, it's amazing that the concert can still be like this."

"The emperor is really different. If only I could be chosen. "

"The probability of six out of 150000 people is really low. I don't know who would be so lucky to have face-to-face contact with the emperor. "

With the rolling of the six numbers on the big screen, Xiao Yunhai called out to stop. The six numbers appeared on the big screen at the same time, namely, No. 12, No. 1458, No. 39567, No. 43566, No. 84356 and No. 139765.

"84356, ha ha, yes, it's me."

Among them, a young man with glasses stood up happily.

Next to a beautiful girl jiaosheng said: "handsome boy, can you give me this number?"

The young man did not show any pity, shook his head and firmly said, "sorry, I am the super iron powder of the cloud emperor."

Xiao Yunhai said, "now let's invite six fans to our stage."

Under the guidance of the security guard, two men and four women all stepped onto the stage. The first five people were flushed with excitement and hugged Xiao Yunhai respectively.

To the last girl, Xiao Yunhai found that she had been there with her head down, as if some embarrassed, so gently said: "this young lady, be brave, don't be afraid."

The girl raised her head and said, "I'm not afraid. I'm mainly worried that you'll let me down."

Xiao Yunhai saw her face, immediately said: "Ling Er, what do you come up to do, hurry down."

It was Xiao Yunhai's propaganda captain Li linger.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Li ling'er was not happy at the moment and said, "by what? I'm the twelfth. "

"What? You are the twelfth. "

"That's right."

After hearing the two people's questions and answers, fans were talking about it one after another.

"Who is this beautiful girl? It seems that I'm familiar with Yun Huang. "

"The only thing that's certain is that she's definitely not a star."

"Now that you are so familiar with it, don't take up this valuable place."

"That's it."

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Li linger and said, "this is my staff, and I am very familiar with it. I think we should choose another one. "

Li linger said, "No. Brothers and sisters, would you please give me this opportunity? I'm more familiar with the Emperor than you. I promise you, I will give you a big surprise when we choose songs later. How about that? "

"Good." As soon as the fans were surprised, they immediately agreed to come down.

Li linger said triumphantly, "see, everyone has expressed their support to me. Wait a minute. I'll see what I can do with you

Li linger stood in the sixth position.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "Alas, this is my position in the team. Even a little girl can clean me up as much as she wants. It's really pathetic

"Ha ha ha."

"The emperor has a good temper. Working in his team is definitely more comfortable than other stars."

Xiao Yunling, who was under the stage, said with a smile, "my brother is going to be in trouble. Sister linger is not so difficult. "

The girl next to her asked, "do you know her?"

Xiao Yunling nodded and said, "of course. She took me to play in Yanjing for many days. She was very familiar with it. Linger elder sister Gu Ling is very strange. She will definitely give my brother a big problem. It's fun

On the stage, the staff played dozens of classic songs of Xiao Yunhai on the big screen.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you can choose now. Which one do you choose, miss

The girl at the front thought about it and said, "I love the song" the sea "from your second album

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes."

The staff quickly put a tick at the back of the sea.

After reading the list, the second boy asked, "yunhuang, why is there no beatit? I want to hear this song

Fans from all over the stage cheered, "beatit" is a wonderful foreign song. The melody is hot, not to mention, dance is more divine.

Xiao Yunhai grinned bitterly and nodded: "yes."

The other three chose hair as snow, puffiness and wide sky.

Looking at the five songs, Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "your heart is just too cruel. The difficulty of these songs is very big, there is no low key. Are you going to listen to my song, or are you going to kill me"Ha ha ha." The fans all laughed.

Indeed, these five songs are all high pitched. It is not easy to sing them down continuously.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Li linger and said, "which song are you going to choose? I'll tell you in advance. You'd better think about it. In order to avoid waiting for this month's salary to be paid to hand, discover unexpectedly only so little. "



fans saw Xiao Yunhai "threatening" Li linger with his salary, and immediately made a disdainful voice to him.

Li linger said, "I'm not afraid. If you don't give me money, I'll ask Wan Qing for it. Anyway, she has the financial power. "


"Ha ha ha."

"The cloud emperor is so pitiful."

Hearing Li linger's words, all the people laughed, and some even burst into tears.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Li linger and said, "OK, you are cruel enough. Go ahead, which one? "

Li linger shook her head and said, "I don't choose which capital I want to listen to new songs."


"I want to hear new songs, new songs you've never released."

All the fans were stunned, and then they all cried out.

"Yes, I'm going to listen to a new song."

"The emperor of cloud is so powerful that it must be in stock."

"Yes, listen to new songs."

Xiao Yunhai did not expect that Li linger would have such a request, saying: "it seems that you really don't want your salary."

Li linger said: "for everyone's sake, don't do it. Do you agree or not? You're not going to eat your words and become fat. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I do prepare a new song for every concert. Since I mentioned it, I would like to put it in the front


"there are really new songs, great."

Chen Huan said with a smile to Yao Na, "you know him."

Yao Na said triumphantly, "of course. However, the five songs selected by his fans are not low in difficulty. Continuous singing down, the singer's requirements are too high. Brother Huan, can you sing them all perfectly

Chen Huan thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "when you were young, you can have a try. Now you can't

Yao Na said, "I hope he can sing it perfectly."

Xiao Yunhai asked six people to sit on the edge of the stage, then went to the band and discussed for a minute.

When he came back, he said to everyone, "the order of the six songs has been arranged, the sea, the hair like snow, the sea and the sky, beatit, grandiose and new songs. I'm going all out today. The staff will prepare a stretcher for me later. If I lose my breath, I can be carried away. "

"Ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai turned the microphone toward the fans and said, "are you ready?"

"Ready." The crowd cried out in unison.

"That's it."

The familiar prelude of "the sea" rang at the concert.

"From the distant sea, you slowly disappear.

Originally the fuzzy face, actually gradually clear.

I want to say something, but I don't know where to start.

Just keep it in your heart.


" the sea "is sung by Zhang Yusheng of a previous life, and the melody is very good. As soon as it was launched, it became popular on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and became a classic in every street.

The tune of this song is very high. Xiao Yunhai could have told the band to tune down. However, in order to give everyone a shocking audio-visual effect, Xiao Yunhai did not choose the falling tone, but went up by half.

His voice is loud and magnetic, which can directly rush into people's hearts and make people listen to it, which makes people feel very much


if the sea can take away my sorrow,

is like taking away every river.

All the injuries,

all the tears.

Take all my love

In the part of the chorus, Xiao Yunhai's voice becomes very penetrating, and his feelings rise abruptly. The people who listen to it are full of emotion and blood boiling.

Fans could not help but stand up and sing with Xiao Yunhai. The songs of more than 100000 people are like a torrent of steel, floating in the largest stadium in Asia.

Xiao Yunhai did not applaud the fans after singing the song "the sea". Instead, he went directly to a piano and played the melody of "hair like snow".

"Wolf tooth moon, Yi people haggard.

I raised my glass and drank up the snow.

Who overturned the cabinet of the past, dust is right and wrong.

hair like snow has been launched for a short time, but fans like it very much, and they have learned it for a long time. It's just that its key is very high. When it comes to the chorus, most fans are not able to do it.

But it's a concert. Even if it's a concert, it doesn't matter.

The atmosphere of the scene was heated by Xiao Yunhai's song "the sea". The mood of the fans rose to the extreme. When it came to the chorus part, the fans sang with Xiao Yunhai again.

"Your hair is like snow, and you are sad and beautiful to leave,

who moved me by burning incense.

Invite the bright moon to make the memories bright,

love is perfect in the moonlight.

Your hair is like snow and tears are flying,

I am waiting for the old.

Red world drunk, slightly drunk years.

I engrave a monument of eternal love for you with no regrets. "

At the end of the stage, Xiao Yunhai stood up, walked to the center of the stage, shook his arms, and sang, "laer La La La Er La Er La Er La Er la la la la la la la la la la la la la, the copper mirror reflects the evil, tie the horse's tail, if you go wild, I will accompany you with the wine in this life..."

when the fans saw the action of the idol, they also stretched out their arms, singing, shaking the fluorescent sticks in their hands, and the movements were uniform 。

150000 people do one movement at the same time, and the effect is just amazing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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