Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:39 AM

Chapter 42

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Just at this time, Huo gang knocked on the door and came in. Before speaking, Xue Ming got up and said, "OK, Gangzi, let's go. Mr. Xiao's acting skills are really not comparable to you, so don't be disgraced here. "

Huo Gang a listen, the face immediately Yin down, he ruthlessly looked at Xiao Yunhai, then followed Xue Ming to leave. Feng Zhengshi also left before and after.

When Xiao Yunhai saw the look of Xue Ming and Huo Gang, he was very vigilant. It seems that he should be careful.

Wu Zixu said, "Niu Gong, take Yunhai to his room. Go to the set tomorrow, let's shoot his first scene first. Yunhai, you should go back and prepare well

Xiao Yunhai nodded and agreed to go to his room with Niu Gong.

Xiao Yunhai's room has been ready for a long time. As an important supporting role in the crew, his room is still very good. One main and one bathroom, as well as TV and air conditioning. Compared with other crew members in a room, it's absolutely very good.

As the deputy director of the crew, Niu Gong has a lot of miscellaneous things, so he just said a few words with Xiao Yunhai and left.

Xiao Yunhai took a bath, called the teacher and director Hong respectively, and read the script for a while, then fell asleep.

Huang Qiusheng and Yu Yuexian walked out of Wu Zixu's room. Yu Yuexian said, "Miss Huang, have you seen it? The rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building. My cousin's favorite student has offended people very much. "

It turns out that Yu Yuexian is Yao Wenyuan's niece.

Before Xiao Yunhai came over, Yao Wenyuan was worried, so he called her and asked her to take care of her.

"But I find that he is not a simple character. I just hope some people don't lift a stone and hit their feet. " Huang Qiusheng sighed and said, "the entertainment industry is very different now. In the past, although we also had competition, we all had a bottom line. No one would step out of this bottom line, but now ...

"it's not easy to circle a good actor for entertainment. Over the years, I have seen too many new people fall into the hands of the so-called predecessors. Xiao Yunhai's talent is not under you. I really don't want him to fall in this crew. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "Miss Huang, don't worry. If something ugly happens under our noses, I don't agree with you and director Wu. "

Huang Qiusheng said with a smile: "I just like your domineering. That's right. When it's time to make a move, I'll never be soft hearted. "

Yu Yuexian said happily, "thank you on behalf of Xiao Yunhai."

Xue Ming took Huo Gang back to his room and sat down on the chair. His expressionless face finally showed an angry expression. He picked up the mineral water on the table, poured it hard and threw it on the ground.

As one of the action stars in the film and television circle, Xue Ming's Xue Jiaban is questioned. Several other martial arts classes have produced many stars, but Xue Jiaban has none. In addition, when filming, many other martial arts masters can complete the action, Xue Jiaban often refused to give some reasons for this or that, which led to the number of plays that Xue Jiaban took over.

This time, it was also because Xue Ming took part in the role of a negative character for the first time and made a lot of sacrifice for the crew, which made Wu Zixu, who was strict in everything, reluctantly agreed to use Xue Jiaban, which was regarded as compensation for Xue Ming.

He worked very hard to get his people to get the role. Who ever thought that they were going to succeed, their own people would be on the top, and they would be defeated in the end. It's like hitting him in the face.

Xue Ming tried to calm his mood and said, "Gangzi, we failed in the role. The other side's acting skills are surprisingly good, even compared to me, it's not much better. Remember, don't let the brothers do it, or you'll lose your tongue. "

Huo Gang nodded and said, "don't worry, Xue Ge, I understand. Since we have signed an agreement with the crew, we can't do anything harmful to the crew, otherwise we can't stand on our feet in the future. But if people from outside come to find fault, it's none of our business. It happens that there is a brother's cousin in our class, who is mixing on this interface, ha ha. "

"Gangzi, the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Don't be careless. And let the other side make it easier. As long as he can't take part in the performance, he must not be killed. " Xue Ming said.

"Don't worry, brother. Blame him for getting in my way. "

At 5:30 the next morning, Xiao Yunhai, wearing the clothes of the Republic of China brought by Niu Gong, entered the dressing room under the guidance of a clerk.

"Oh, here comes our elder martial brother." A very fashionable female makeup artist saw Xiao Yunhai come in with a charming smile on her face.

"This is Mr. Cheng Lele, the makeup artist in our crew." The clerk gave a brief introduction and retired.

Xiao Yunhai stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Hello, Lele sister."

Cheng Lele shook his hand and giggled: "the young man is good. I haven't seen such a polite young man as you for a long time."

"Please help me a lot about makeup." Xiao Yunhai said politely."Don't worry. With my skills, I will finish you in minutes." Cheng Lele said with a smile, suddenly stood up and slammed the door.

Xiao Yunhai looked at her suspiciously and didn't understand what she was going to do.

Cheng Lele's face turned very serious and said, "have you offended Xue Ming?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned, shook his head, and said, "No

"No?" Cheng Lele frowned: "then why did he ask me to help you?"

Xiao Yunhai was confused by Cheng Lele at this moment. He didn't understand why Xue Ming wanted to find fault with him, and he didn't understand why Cheng Lele told him this.

Cheng Lele seemed to have guessed Xiao Yunhai's mind and said with a smile, "Hello, younger martial brother. I'm a student of the Fine Arts Department of yanle

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized and said, "Hello, sister."

The most important thing for Yanjing film academy to occupy half of the whole entertainment industry is "unity". All graduates from the same school should help each other and help each other when they are filming. This is the school motto, no one can violate it.

There was a big star who graduated from Yanjing University. He was bullied by another famous student with outsiders. After being known by the school, he was immediately blocked by the college without mercy. In the end, the big star retired.

Since then, no students of Yanjing Film Academy dare to unite with outsiders to bully their own college.

Cheng Lele held out two fingers and said with a smile: "last night, I received a call from Xue Ming. Let me find a way to trouble you. At that time, I didn't know you, so I inquired a little, but I didn't expect that you were my younger brother. Xue Ming is really good at finding people. He may have forgotten that I am from Yanjing Film Academy. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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