Published at 11th of May 2022 05:57:48 AM

Chapter 421

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At the concert, Xiao Yunhai once again took a bottle of water from the staff and drank it down. His dry voice was much more comfortable.

He took the microphone and said, "tell me, did you hear it well?"


"Is it strong enough?"

"Strong enough."

"Do you want to listen?"


"Let's be crazy again." Xiao Yunhai stretched out five fingers and said, "the fifth song beatit."

With that, the whole stage darkened.

Half a minute later, a spotlight hit the stage, and Xiao Yunhai's clothes had become the one of the Golden Cup Music Festival, including black hat, black suit, white shirt, black shoes and white socks.

He leans sideways, facing the audience, with his left leg outstretched, his toes on the ground, his right leg bent, and his whole body's center of gravity leans back.

At the same time, the left hand grasps the belt, the right hand touches own hat.

The mechanical drumbeat has been heard for many times. However, Xiao Yunhai's action this time is quite different from that of the last time. His right hand, touching his hat, suddenly swung two laps. He pushed his waist forward with the drum beat. It was just Michael Jackson's crotch movement.

However, Xiao Yunhai changed a little, from touching the crotch to picking the belt, but the posture was also hot and sexy.

It was such a move that everyone felt the adrenaline surge and screamed with excitement.

This time, Xiao Yunhai is ready to bring the dance that really belongs to Michael Jackson to the world.

Xiao Yunhai's movements can be described as quiet as a virgin and moving like a rabbit. Whether it's turning around, kicking, swinging or spinning, it's dazzling and full of an inexpressible sense of rhythm, which makes people dizzy.

"Oh, my God, this dance is really wonderful. It's even more bloodthirsty than the last performance."

"This is dancing. The so-called Chinese dance king and Asian dance king are simply weak compared with the cloud emperor. "

"Wow, look, there's another spacewalk."

Under the spotlight, Xiao Yunhai showed the spacewalk in front of the world again.

Although I have seen it many times, the pace full of magic color still makes fans excited and scream.

The space walk is divided into back sliding, side sliding, in-situ sliding and rotary sliding. Xiao Yunhai only showed one of them in the golden cup award. In this concert, Xiao Yunhai highlighted the other three footwork.

"My God, that's amazing."

"I'm crazy."

With the fierce drumbeat and Xiao Yunhai's miraculous dance steps, the fans of the concert fell into complete madness, their bodies kept swinging and their mouths kept screaming.

Finally, a girl because of excessive excitement, shouting too long, brain hypoxia, suddenly fainted in the past.

Her companion quickly found the medical staff, put her on the stretcher, carried out.

It was a common occurrence in previous Michael Jackson concerts. Xiao Yunhai has done a lot of safety measures.

With the first one, there was soon a second and a third...

when beatit finished singing, a total of eight weaker female fans fainted due to lack of oxygen.

After hearing the news, Su Yingxue made a phone call and was relieved to learn that there was no serious problem.

Five consecutive songs made Xiao Yunhai's voice a little tired.

The staff took advantage of the water delivery, quietly told him that eight female fans fainted.

After getting the news, Xiao Hai fan nodded, saying that she was too excited to drink water

"Shit, really? It's too much of an exaggeration. "

"My God. Yunhuang's concert is so amazing. I've never heard of it. I fainted at the concert. "

"Don't tell me. It's possible. For the weak people, it's really easy to have problems

"Great, the cloud emperor is so powerful."

Xiao Yunhai continued: "fortunately, they have nothing to do with their bodies, otherwise, my sin will be great. Now there's one last new song. It's time to cool down. Dear band teachers, you can't sing "serve the country faithfully". Please refer to this scene the song "you are my life" that we will perform in our second concert. Is that all right? "

The conductor nodded and made a good gesture.

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for your band teachers. I'd like to introduce you to you. This is one of the best bands in China, myth band. All the accompaniment music we heard this evening was played live by them. Let's give them the warmest applause for their hard work. ""Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

The applause of more than 100000 people was overwhelming. When the band members had ever enjoyed such treatment, they all got up and bowed to the audience one after another.

Xiao Yunhai said: "the following is the new song" life has you ". I hope you can calm down and feel the artistic conception of this song."

Xiao Yunhai picked up a guitar and sat on a stool. His eyes were blurred and he came out with a literary atmosphere. The whole concert was quiet, and no one spoke.

"Turning hands for clouds and covering hands for rain, the sea of clouds is like a magician of the soul, controlling the emotions of 150000 people. It's amazing. " Chen Huan said with a look of admiration.

Yao Na said with a smile: "this guy is a monster, and we can't speculate with common sense. Brother Huan, you'd better go and prepare. It's your turn to play next

Chen Huan said with a bitter smile, "I don't want to go on now. He made the concert like this, and I was just icing on the cake. Well, I didn't accept the invitation

Chen Huan said as she walked out of the private room.

On the stage, a gentle and soothing music sounded, the melody was very beautiful, full of a strong atmosphere of literature and art. Like a gust of wind, the excitement of the fans will be blown away, the whole scene completely quiet down.

"I wake up from crying because I dream you're gone. See the night wind blowing through the window sill, can you feel my love. When I grow old, will you still be with me. Look at those oath lies, with the past slowly drift away

"A lifetime with you" is the representative work of the famous combination Shuimu Nianhua in the previous life. The lyrics are very beautiful, and the music is also very beautiful. The tone is not high, full of poetic and picturesque.

Xiao Yunhai's voice is very soft, like a dream of nonsense, gently lingering in the ears of fans, and like a slowly flowing stream, soothing the excited hearts of fans.

"How many people have loved your face when you were young,

we can know who is willing to endure the merciless changes of the years.

How many people have come and come back in your life,

we can see that you and I will accompany you all your life. "

After the first singing, the fans were conquered by Xiao Yunhai's perfect singing.

"This song is so artistic."

"Yunhuang is really a genius. He can control all kinds of songs."

"I feel like crying when I listen to this song."

"I really want to go back to my youth."

The melody of this song is very simple. You can remember it after listening to it once.

Looking at the lyrics on the big screen, all the fans on the stage sang along with Xiao Yunhai.

Soon, this song "a lifetime with you" was finished.

There was a big round of applause from the audience. Xiao Yunhai stood up and waved to the six fans.

"Are you satisfied?" Xiao Yunhai said with a smile

Except for Li linger, everyone else nodded hard. They were just too satisfied.

Xiao Yunhai took his carefully prepared gift from the staff and said, "here are my two albums and three collections of martial arts novels. I have already signed them. They are for you. I hope you can enjoy them."

Several people danced excitedly and quickly took over.

Fans were full of envy and jealousy, staring at their boxes and thinking, "if only I could have this luck."

The five fans hugged Xiao Yunhai in turn and then walked off the stage.

Li ling'er, who was left empty handed, was still standing there.

She looked at Xiao Yunhai, discontented and said, "this is not fair, why do I have no gift?"

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "it's beautiful to think about it. If I don't beat you up, it's already magnanimous for me. I want a gift, not to mention the door. There is no window. "

Li ling'er immediately pouted out her mouth and gnawed her teeth and said, "wait, I'll go to tell you about it. Dare to bully me and see that she won't let you kneel on the washboard. "

With that, Li linger walked off the stage angrily.

The fans were so amused by Li linger's words that they couldn't stop laughing.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head helplessly and said to everyone, "see, my temper is bigger than me. Now that there is still one present left, let's draw another seat number and give it to the fan. "

Soon, No. 14322 fans came to the stage full of excitement and got Xiao Yunhai's gift.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I can't hold on to six consecutive high-level songs. I want to go backstage to have a rest. Next, the stage will be given to our music godfather, Mr. Chen Huan. Goodbye, everyone. "

Xiao Yunhai hugged Chen Huan on the stage and returned to the rest room.

Chen Huan's stage experience is much richer than Xiao Yunhai's, and a few words enliven the atmosphere of the concert.

Chen Huan sang three of his classic songs, and Xiao Yunhai couldn't help but sigh.The old king of heaven is the old king of heaven. The atmosphere is strong, the typhoon is stable and atmospheric, and the singing skill is excellent. The three songs are completely flawless.

After Chen Huan went down, Xiao Yunhai sang ten songs in a row, and the three hour concert was all over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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