Published at 11th of May 2022 05:57:44 AM

Chapter 424

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Xiao Yunhai, of course, knew nothing about it. He had already flown to Qingdao and was in a tense rehearsal at Guoxin diamond stadium.

His first Yanjing concert was a complete success.

The high praise on the Internet has made Xiao Yunhai's concert download times rise like a rocket. In only two days, the download amount of Yanjing concert reached 23 million, which made Youshi very happy.

You know, although Youshi only accounts for 25% of them, but the income is really quite a lot.

From the live broadcast of the concert to now, Youshi has made a full 100 million yuan. How can it not make them happy.

In the following days, Xiao Yunhai had a very substantial life.

Because the interval between the two concerts was shortened to four days by Xiao Yunhai, he had to seize every minute and second to rehearse.

Fortunately, he has enough songs, otherwise, he can't bring anything to satisfy the fans.

From Qingdao on December 31 to Mordo on January 15, Xiao Yunhai's concerts were packed.

He not only brought his own songs to the stage, but also sang all the songs he wrote for other singers, which surprised the fans.

Xiao Yunhai's guests are also real big stars in the music circle, including the company's singing star Ningxia, veteran pop star Hou Xu, film and television star Zhao Chuanqi, album sales of more than 8 million Dong Piao, Cai pingya who has just completed the tour, Tian Wang Gong Liang and fan Weiming, two mentors of Huaxia voice, and so on. Even the superstar Ye Yongren has been selected Kong attended Xiao Yunhai's Shanghai concert.

Some netizens jokingly said that the emperor has invited half of the music circle.

With so many people to help, and Xiao Yunhai in the concert constantly changing patterns, his concert income is naturally very satisfactory.

Take his personal net income as an example:

the ticket income of Yanjing concert is 34.62 million, and the video income is 234 million

the ticket income of Qingdao concert is 24.58 million, and the video income is 897.1 billion

the ticket income of Hangzhou concert is 28.56 million, and the video income is 68.45 million

the ticket income of Shanghai concert is 31.02 million, and the video income is 49.12 million

the ticket income of mordu concert is 22.58 million, and the video income is 22.58 million The video revenue of Xiao Yunhai decreased from 28.7 million

five tour concerts. I can't help it. It's just like this. It's impossible for every concert to sing different songs.

But even so, Xiao Yunhai's income of 611 million for five concerts still makes him proud of the whole Chinese music world.

After the magic capital concert ended on January 15, Xiao Yunhai flew back to Yanjing the next morning to participate in the new book launch of "Legend of Shooting Heroes".

After more than 20 days of publicity and preparation, sunshine Publishing House officially put on sale at 8:00 a.m. on January 17.

After signing the contract with Huaming, Xiao Yunhai passed on the "Legend of Shooting Heroes" to him that night.

Hua Mingquan only looked at it for an hour, then called Xiao Yunhai and said excitedly, "Mr. Xiao, your" Legend of Shooting Heroes "is really wonderful. Compared with" smiling proud of the river and lake ", it is more majestic. It is definitely a pioneering work in the history of martial arts to skillfully integrate it into history. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "how many copies does president Hua think this book can sell?"

Hua Ming thought for a while and said, "it should not be worse than Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu, and it is even expected to exceed 50 million copies."

Up to now, the book has sold 48 million copies. Only two million copies are needed to reach 50 million copies.

It's a pity that "two million yuan" is locked in the land of the river and the river, but it's a pity that the "two million" book is locked in the land of heaven.

Xiao Yunhai is not sure whether the "Legend of Shooting Heroes" can break through 50 million copies.

Xiao Yunhai said: "let's do our best and listen to the destiny. It's best to get 50 million copies. It doesn't matter if you can't. President Hua, let's look at your publishing house. "

Hua Ming clapped his chest and said, "you can rest assured."

Next, while Xiao Yunhai was busy with the concert, Hua Mingquan was also very busy.

He hired a lot of water troops to create momentum for the legend of the shooting hero on the Internet. At the same time, he printed numerous big character newspapers and flyers. He asked the major bookstores to help publicize it. In a short period of 20 days, the news that Xiao Yunhai's fourth martial arts novel "the legend of Shooting Heroes" would be put on sale on January 17 was everywhere in China.

Xiao Yunhai was naturally very satisfied with the situation.

Out of the airport, Xiao Yunhai sat in Li Bing's Great Wall luxury business car and killed Huaming's five-star hotel directly.

The traffic jam in Yanjing is still very serious. When Xiao Yunhai arrived at his destination, there were only 15 minutes left before the launch of the press conference.

Under the guidance of a hotel staff, Xiao Yunhai saw huamingquan, who was waiting anxiously there.Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Hua Ming's face was full of joy. He reached out to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are here at last. I was just worried you couldn't make it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you don't know. It takes us at least an hour to arrive at Yanjing after a ten minute drive. It's good that I didn't come late. President Hua, how many media reporters are here today? "

Hua Ming said, "I only invited 40, but 68 came uninvited."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that my novel has a great influence. President Hua, please find me a place. I need to clean up a little bit. You can't go to see a reporter with this dusty look. That's disrespectful. "

Hua Ming said, "OK, please follow me."

Hua Mingquan found a rest room for him. Zhao Yan simply made up for him and changed a dress. Xiao Yunhai then went to the press conference.

At nine o'clock sharp, the press conference of "Legend of Shooting Heroes" was held on time.

The host is a very handsome young man. After a brief introduction of the story of heroes of shooting and carving, he invited Xiao Yunhai out.

In the applause of the crowd, Xiao Yun sea with a smile, while greeting, while taking a relaxed pace, natural and easy to walk on the rostrum.

After the reporters finished taking photos, Xiao Yunhai sat down and said, "thank you very much for your coming to the press conference of my biography of the Shooting Heroes. For this book, I will not do more introduction, the cowhide has been almost blown, no more blowing out any new ideas. Let's go straight to dry goods. If you have any questions, just ask them. "

"Ha ha ha."

The audience was amused by Xiao Yunhai's words and burst into laughter.

A reporter stood up and asked, "Mr. Xiao, what kind of story is your" Legend of Shooting Heroes "? Listen to the name. The protagonist is not a group of people, is it

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there is only one protagonist in this book, whose name is Guo Jing. Based on his experience of growing up from an ignorant child to a top master, he depicts a larger river and lake than "Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu". I put the background of this story in a very complex historical environment. The protagonist not only dominates by his martial arts, but also joins the war between song, Liao and Mongolia. "

"However, since it is called hero biography, Guo Jing is not the only hero. Other characters are also very vivid and three-dimensional, and their charm is not under the leading role. They are heroes, such as Huang Rong, the heroine in the propaganda, the five masters in the world, the supernatural powers of the southern emperor and the northern beggar, and the Mongolian Tianjiao Genghis Khan

"Mr. Xiao, there are many powerful kung fu skills in Xiaoao Wujiang, such as" Dugu Jiujian "," fenxie Jianfa "," sunflower treasure "," Zixia Shengong "and so on. What are the special skills in the story of Shooting Heroes

Hearing the reporter's question, Xiao Yunhai laughed in his heart. If Hua Ming hadn't invited him, he would not have believed him.

Xiao Yunhai said: "there is more Kung Fu in this novel. Take the five great masters for example. The magic power of Dong Xie Huang Yaoshi, the magic sword palm of Luoying, the toad skill of Ouyang Feng, the Yiyang finger of Duan Zhixing, the eighteen dragon subduing palms of Hong Qigong, the congenital skill of zhongshentong Wang Chongyang

"Wow, just listening to the name makes me feel like a cow."

"Yes, eighteen dragon subduing palms, congenital skills, and finger flick skills are so handsome."

A series of martial arts names in Xiao Yunhai's mouth caused a murmur among reporters and book fans.

"Mr. Xiao, the sales volume of your last martial arts novel" Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu "has reached 48 million copies. Do you think this novel can surpass it

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "to tell the truth, I really dare not play this ticket. However, I would like to explain here that this "Legend of Shooting Heroes" can be regarded as either a separate martial arts novel or an unfinished novel. Because it is followed by two similar novels, I call them shooting trilogy. The plot is in the works, but the names are all set. The second is called "the hero of the divine carving" and the third is called "the story of killing the Dragon by relying on heaven."

Xiao Yunhai's words once again let everyone have a discussion.

"Mr. Xiao, may I ask..."

next, after Xiao Yunhai answered more than ten questions from reporters, the press conference ended. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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