Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:38 AM

Chapter 43

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Xiao Yunhai sincerely said: "Lele sister, thank you for being able to tell me these."

Cheng Lele waved his hand and said with a smile, "if you belong to the same school, you should keep watch and help each other. Maybe I'll have to eat under your staff one day. By the way, you should be more careful in the future. Xue Ming's power is very strong in this crew. There are dozens of people in Xue's family class, which is not easy to provoke. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "don't worry, sister Lele, I understand. It's just Xue Ming. How are you going to explain it? "

Cheng Lele smile, from the side of the table picked up the mobile phone, confident said: "this easy to do, look at me."

In front of Xiao Yunhai, Cheng Lele sends a message to Xue Ming.

"The other side is very strong. It's hard to do it if you don't eat hard or soft. What's next? "

Xue Ming quickly replied, "do what you should do."

Cheng Lele snapped his finger and said triumphantly, "how about it? Your sister, I haven't been fooling around these years. "

Xiao Yunhai gave her a thumbs up and said, "sister Lele, it's really powerful. You've played a lot of big stars like Xue Ming."

Cheng Lele said with a smile, "don't flatter me. I'll tell you, there's no one in the crew who's simple. Let's say this Xue Ming. The numbers he and I use are disposable numbers, so he doesn't have any scruples when he talks. At best, throw away the phone number before the accident. With his identity, without any evidence, even director Wu Zixu can't do anything about him. If you can mix with him, there is no lamp that can save fuel. It's his negligence this time, but I think it won't be long before he can understand it. "

"What will he do to you Xiao Yunhai asked anxiously.

Cheng Lele snorted, "he dares. Don't worry, even if he knows, he doesn't dare to do anything to me. Cheng Lele is not a good man. Oh, it's getting late. Just chat with you and forget the business. Let's make up quickly. "

Cheng Lele skillfully picked up the tools and drew for Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai, a cheap elder martial sister, is very efficient. It took only half an hour to complete the task.

Cheng Lele patted him on the shoulder and said, "OK. How about having a look? Are you satisfied? "

Xiao Yunhai stood up and looked in the mirror. Facing him, a man in his thirties, with a calm face and extraordinary bearing, appeared.

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "the level of Lele sister is really not covered."

"All right, don't say anything. It's getting late. You can get there quickly."

Xiao Yunhai nodded, stood up, bowed deeply to Cheng Lele and said, "Lele sister, thank you. Don't worry, I'm not ungrateful. Now that I'm young, I may not be able to help you. But if one day I break out of the world, I will surely repay my love today. " With that, Xiao Yunhai strode away.

It's almost seven o'clock. Everyone is already busy. Wu Zixu is constantly directing the staff to play with a spirit hall, while Huang Qiusheng, Yu Yuexian, Xue Ming, Zhang Xiaojing and other actors gather to listen to an assistant director.

Today's play is very important, almost all the main actors will appear in this play. Therefore, we dare not take it lightly.

Xiao Yunhai is the latest one to come because of a long chat with Cheng Lele. For a new person, it's a bit out of order. Therefore, the first thing Xiao Yunhai came to do was to apologize.

"Sorry, teachers, I'm late."

Xiao Yunhai's words are very sincere, he did not say any reason, but simply expressed his apology.

Li Hui, the deputy director of the play, took a look at Xiao Yunhai and said to him, "come earlier in the future."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said yes.

He nodded to Yu Yuexian, who had already cast his eyes. He was ready to listen and avoid making mistakes because of himself.

Unexpectedly, there was a burst of discussion from a place not far from the side.

"Oh, what a spectrum it is. Let so many people wait for one. Before he became famous, he began to play big cards. "

"Yes, it is. It's the first time for me to see a new person who has never made a film before. It's the first time that I've seen a new scene in recent years ...

Xiao Yunhai floated with his eyes. The people talking were several busy martial arts masters. It looks like it's from Xue Jiaban.

Yu Yuexian, standing next to Huang Qiusheng, frowned slightly when he heard several people's sarcasm at Xiao Yunhai. He asked Xiao Yunhai, "Yunhai, do you not object to my calling that?"

Xiao Yunhai said quickly, "of course."

"I think you came early. Why are you so late? "

In order to avoid giving Xiao Yunhai an opportunity to explain his life in the first group.Xiao Yunhai naturally felt the good intentions of Yu Yuexian. With a grateful look in his eyes, Xiao Yunhai said, "I came here at 5:30, but I lost some time in making up."

"Whatever the reason, it's wrong to be late." One side of Xue Ming light said.

"What is this? Isn't it just five minutes late? What's the big deal. What's more, if people apologize, they don't have to go to the top. "

Yu Yuexian fully shows her posture behind the film, overbearing full of said.

Xue Ming listened to Yu Yuexian's words and looked at her in surprise. He didn't understand why Yu Yuexian was so obviously partial to Xiao Yunhai. It was the first time they met. Did Yu Yuexian like him. At the same time, he also felt that it was not easy to drive Xiao Yunhai away.

"Well, let's not argue. There is nothing to say about such a small matter. Yunhai, pay attention later. Such things can't happen again. " Huang Qiusheng said to Xiao Yunhai at the same time.

Xiao Yunhai quickly nods.

This makes Xue Ming's face even worse. How can Huang Qiusheng get involved with Xiao Yunhai.

Li Hui was also surprised by the form in front of him. He took a deep look at Xiao Yunhai and said in his heart: "it seems that Xiao Yunhai is not simple. It took only two days for Huang's support. Even Zhang Xiaojing, No. 1 kung fu boy, has not done this. It seems that I will look at him differently in the future. "

"Everyone is here, Lao Li. Tell them about the drama. Today's plays are quite difficult. " Wu Zixu finished his work and came to Li Hui and called out.

"Don't worry, no problem."

At 7:50, all the preparatory work was finished. Wu Zixu sat in the director's chair in front of the camera, picked up the loudspeaker and called out, "everyone, take your place."

His words, like a command before the war, all the relevant personnel quickly in place.


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