Published at 11th of May 2022 05:57:33 AM

Chapter 432

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Xiao Yunhai's words made everyone gape.

Oh, my God. That's too much.

In this era when the highest ratings of TV dramas exceed 10%, they can become legends. Xiao Yunhai dare to call out an average audience rating of 20%.

It's a crazy rhythm.

However, why is there some blood boiling.

If "Langya Bang" really does this, it will not be left in the history of Chinese TV drama.

Looking at Xiao Yunhai, Xu Hongjun sighed: "it's only been more than a year, and the original red Central Plains have grown to this point. It's unbelievable

Wang Zhongmou nodded and said, "yes. If someone else dares to say so, I will definitely go up and spray his face. But from the "Legend of Zhen Huan" director said this, my heart has a burst of ambition. If he does, I will never be an actor for nothing in my life. Even if I retire in two years, I'll have a good face. "

At the time of everyone's discussion, Zhou Yun came here with three top fashion designers with different costumes.

Xiao Yunhai rushed to meet him and said with a smile, "thank you three teachers for being able to condescend to my troupe. I'm going to trouble you next."

One of them said, "director Xiao, let's not say polite words. Are all the actors in your crew here? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "yes, they are."

After Xiao Yunhai's careful consideration, all the actors are equipped.

Zhang Guoyang plays Jing Wang. He should have no problem with his acting skills.

The role of Yu Wang originally wanted to be played by Chen Shao. Unfortunately, he has no schedule. At this time, he suddenly thought of the hero Chen Jie who had been guest star in "Wulin" in Hengdian. So he asked his elder brother Luo Tianxiong for Chen Jie's number.

Chen Jie has shot so many martial arts operas and is also thinking about transformation. When he heard that Xiao Yunhai asked him to play Yu Wang, he immediately agreed to come down.

The crown prince is played by Hu Wanzong, who once won the golden cup award for best supporting actor. Xiao Yunhai made great efforts to invite others here.

Lin Chen, the leader of Langya Pavilion, is played by Chu Liuxiang and Qin Yunyi, which is absolutely complementary to each other.

Zhang Xinyi has just finished filming. She originally wanted to have a rest. When she heard Xiao Yunhai calling on her, she was duty bound. She played the role of King Yu's counselor Qin Shuo.

Xie Yu, Yan Hou ye and Xia Jiang are respectively played by three veteran actors Li Chongxu, Xu Hongjun and Wang Zhongmou, and they certainly have no problems.

Xiao Yunhai's friends Lin Lu plays Gong Yu, Huang Bo plays Xiao Wang Ye Mu Qing, and Wang Cheng plays Yan Yujin.

Other characters also have suitable actors.

It can be said that the lineup of "Langya Bang" is absolutely ridiculous. It is either a first-line star or a quasi first-line star. The cost of actors alone has cost Xiao Yunhai more than 200 million. This does not count myself and Zhao Wanqing.

The designer said, "now that we're all here, let's start now."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. Sister Yun, have you brought your clothes, headgear and decorations? Is the makeup artist here yet? "

Zhou Yun said, "it came here this morning. According to your request, I have brought more than ten make-up artists. I promise not to delay things

Xiao Yunhai said: "that would be great. Ladies and gentlemen, these clothes you are wearing are temporarily brought in according to your height and shape. We will take pictures of your models and input them into the computer. The three fashion designers will use the computer to make the best match for you, so as to ensure that you are handsome

"Ha ha ha." The crowd laughed.

Wang Tianming sighed: "after so many years of no filming, I didn't expect that the entertainment industry has progressed to this point. Just the costumes of the actors are so particular. "

Zhao Chongxu said with a smile, "Lao Wang, do you think all the troupes are like this. I'm kidding. If we can hire three top fashion designers to tailor our clothes for us, it's just what director Xiao can do. "

Wang Zhongmou nodded and said, "yes. I heard Wang Guoan say that when shooting the legend of Zhen Huan, director Xiao spent money like water. He doesn't care how much it costs to get the best picture. In order to be more efficient, he even paid the staff twice or three times. Ha ha, Lao Wang, when you are filming, you are famous for being strict. But compared with director Xiao, I'm afraid it will be dwarfed. "

Wang Tianming took a deep breath and said, "this is the attitude of filming. No wonder director Xiao is willing to hire me as an art director. It turns out that he is more than I am. "

"What? Director Xiao hired you to be an art director? Ha ha, if you two come across each other, you have to toss the staff to death. " Zhao Chongxu.

Because the dress and make-up of ancient women were too cumbersome, Xiao Yunhai directly assigned a makeup artist to each of them. The remaining six makeup artists made up for relatively simple men.

Soon, Li Chongxu, Xu Hongjun, Wang Zhongmou and Wang Tianming were all dressed up. They put on their headgear and ancient costumes, and they came to Zhou Yun.Three stylists, each in charge of one, let them turn around in different angles, photographed by photographers and uploaded to the computer.

Zhou Yun asked people to measure their height, shoulder width, waist circumference, etc., as the standard for future clothing.

After tossing around, Wang Tianming and others came down.

"Director Xiao, my old man is convinced." Several people came to Xiao Yunhai, signed the contract and got the script. Wang Tianming could not help sighing.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm the investor, director and star of langyabang. If I don't take it seriously and shoot a bad film that the audience doesn't like, I'm afraid I will not only lose money but also be scolded by the audience. Then I am not in great loss. "

"Ha ha ha." Wang Tianming, Xu Hongjun and others laughed.

"Shut up and be quiet." A fashion designer did not give Xiao Yunhai and other people face at all, and sternly reprimanded.

The other two glared at them.

Xiao Yunhai quickly apologized and said, "three teachers, I'm really sorry. We'll keep our voice down."

Zhao Chongxu said in a soft voice, "it's too disrespectful to respect the elderly."

Xiao Yunhai said: "the three of them are the most outstanding designers in the industry. How can they not be so angry? Some teachers, you all go back first. I'll let you know when the shooting starts. By the way, the script in your hand is only the first draft, and there are still some problems in some details. Therefore, I have invited several writers to supplement and revise some inappropriate places, but the main context is determined. Teachers, experienced, you can have a good look at it after you go back. If you find any problems, please contact me in time, or I can modify them as soon as possible. "

The script of langyabang was written by Xiao Yunhai according to the plays played by previous generations. There are many unreasonable aspects in it.

For example, the prince is obviously too mentally retarded, and his means are really naive. Another example is Yu Wang, who always discusses with Qin as weak whenever something goes wrong. As a prince who can fight against the prince, how can he not have other trusted advisers to use...

there are still a lot of hard injuries like this in the script. In order to make up for these problems, Xiao Yunhai spared no expense in inviting many scriptwriters who were proficient in historical dramas to revise them, hoping to get a more reasonable script.

Wang Tianming and others nodded and said, "no problem."

After all the old actors left, other actors also continued to complete the trial, the effect is very good.

Among these actors, Xiao Yunhai is most worried about Meng Zhi's actor Kai Shuwen.

Although the other side is also an old drama bone, but in the end is not the leading role. Meng Zhi such an important role to him, Xiao Yunhai naturally can not be completely at ease.

Therefore, after the completion of the trial installation, Xiao Yunhai took the contract and the script and called him out alone to chat.

He was very grateful to Xiao Yunhai. He bowed to him and said, "director Xiao, thank you for giving me such a role."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Mr. Kai, what you should thank most is not me, but director Hong Tiancai. If he hadn't recommended it to me, I wouldn't know you existed

"You and Hong Dao are my bole," he said

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Kai, don't be happy too early. I've seen almost all the roles you played before. Seriously, your acting is really good. But I don't know if I can take Meng Zhi down. "

"You know, in this" Langya Bang ", you have a lot of parts, and the opponents are basically the actors of the film queen level. I'm afraid you will be suppressed by them. Therefore, although your role is very important, the contract I give you is only an extra contract. I will sign a formal contract with you only if you perform well on the set and get my satisfaction. "

"Don't be so blunt, sir. This play is so important to me that I will never allow any flaws. But I can tell you that if you can pass the test and really get the role of Meng Zhi, I promise you will quickly become a first-line star because of him. Mr. Kan, after all that has been said, would you still like to sign this contract? "

Without thinking about it, he said, "of course I would like to sign it. This is the best opportunity I've had in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years. In any case, I will never let go. Director Xiao, if I can't play the role of Meng Zhi on the set, I won't have to ask you. I'll leave by myself. But I don't believe that day will come. "

With that, he signed his name on the contract.

Xiao Yunhai took up the contract, handed the script to him, and said with a smile, "Mr. Kan, it depends on your performance whether you can walk out of a broad road in the future. Come on. "

She nodded solemnly.

Before entering the door, Xiao Yunhai suddenly turned back and said with a smile: "when you came, you were wearing Haoyu clothes, right? Ha ha, it's very insightful, looking forward to cooperating with you. "

He Shuwen was stunned for a moment, shook his head slightly, and said in a soft voice: "what the newspaper said is right. Director Xiao is really interesting."He took a deep breath, took the contract and the script, went back to the dressing room and changed his clothes.

Zhang Xue in the actors came over, has quietly slipped to the first floor.

"Uncle, take down the book quickly, isn't it?"

He thought about it and said, "it should be half done."

Zhang Xue was puzzled and asked, "what's going on? If you use it, if you don't use it, how can you say it's half done? "

"Director Xiao is not sure about my acting skills. He signed an extra contract with me. To really get the role, I need to prove it to him with my strength. "

Zhang Xue a listen, immediately let out gas, way: "this does not mean to use, you are still between two can?"

He wrote: "at least I have had a once in a blue moon opportunity. I believe I can move director Xiao with my strength. Hehe, he also said that if I can really play this role, he will make me a first-line star

Zhang Xue heard this and said excitedly, "uncle, you must play well. The emperor of cloud talks, just like the ancient emperors, with golden words and jade words, basically all the things promised can be realized. "

He nodded and said, "I know. Xiaoxue, you go to find a teacher of acting training class for me. I'll use these days to recharge

Zhang Xue snapped his finger and said, "no problem. I'll ask the best teacher for you to give you special guidance. I believe the company will certainly give you reimbursement. "

The two left with a lot of talking and laughing.

After all the actors, including Xiao Yunhai, finished trying on their costumes, Xiao Yunhai said to Zhou Yun, "sister Zhou, how long does it take to make clothes?"

Zhou Yun said: "with the powerful production ability of Haoyu clothing, as long as the clothing design drawings come out, it can be completed a lot in less than a week. Hehe, he is a professional clothing company. Even if you order twice more, it will only take a few days.

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Yun, the clothes and fabrics of the leading role and supporting roles must be well used. As for the group performers, they can be less."

Zhou Yun said with a smile, "don't worry. Why are you so wordy now? When the legend of Zhen Huan was first written, you didn't have such a long story. "

Xiao Yunhai felt his nose and said, "is that right? Hehe, do you think I'm old? "

Zhou Yun hummed and said coldly, "in front of me, saying that I am old, do you mean to stimulate me? Wan Qing, I'll discipline him and tell him never to mention age in front of women, especially those older than him. "

Zhao Wanqing took Zhou Yun's arm and said with a smile: "he is the kind of master who has nothing to look for. Don't pay attention to him."

Zhou Yun chuckled and laughed and said, "it's OK to look for smoke. Well, it's really appropriate to describe it."

"Mr. Xiao, since the work has been completed, we will go back to the company. It is estimated that we will be able to design your clothes tomorrow afternoon. At that time, we will send it to your email, please check it. " One designer said.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thanks for the help of the three teachers. I'd like to invite them to dinner tonight."

"No. We need to design all night long. Your kindness, we understand. Goodbye. "


Xiao Yunhai shook hands with them and then winked at Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng understood and said, "three teachers, the car is downstairs. I'll show you the way."

When he got on the bus, Wang Cheng took out the red envelopes that had been prepared and handed them to the three people respectively. He said, "this is the meaning of director Xiao. Thank you for the help of the three teachers."

"Director Xiao is really very polite."

"Yes. Soldier, be safe on the way. "

Li Bing nodded, started the car, and slowly left the hotel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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