Published at 11th of May 2022 05:57:32 AM

Chapter 433

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At nine o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai came to a teahouse called Tao Yiju.

Entering the appointed box, Xiao Yunhai met Shen Qiu, vice chairman of the golden cup award.

"Mr. Shen, how can you ask me over for tea Xiao Yunhai sat down with a smile and asked.

Shen Qiu poured a cup of tea for Xiao Yunhai and said with a wry smile, "Mr. Xiao, I know you are busy, and I didn't want to take care of it. But I can't help it. I owe Mr. Li Rongguang a favor and have to go this way. "

"Li Rongguang?" Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea, frowned slightly, and said, "it seems that it's Li Xugang's business."

"Yes," Shen Qiu said

Xiao Yunhai asked with a smile, "why does he really want to go to the TV station to have a music competition with me?"

Shen Qiu shook his head and said, "how can it be? The judges of the golden cup award are the two of you who can be invited. However, Li Xugang is determined to compete with you, so he has come up with a way to send your songs to music websites and judge whether they will win or lose according to the download amount of fans. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "chairman Shen, is Li Xugang not ill. Compared with me, the download amount of online music, ha ha, I am not afraid of any singer in China

Indeed, Xiao Yunhai is from the network singer development, in the network song this piece, he is the king, Huaxia no one is his opponent.

"Of course, Li Xugang is not so stupid," Shen Qiu said

He took out a printed contract from his briefcase and handed it to Xiao Yunhai, saying, "this is the competition contract that Li Xugang drafted. Take a look

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha smile, way: "he is really iron heart, want to defeat me."

Xiao Yunhai took over the contract and looked at it carefully.

I have to say that Li Xugang has really worked hard for this competition, and he is very thoughtful.

The contract requires the two to write three songs for the competition, namely, rock, Huaxia and love songs.

After writing the song, they all sent it to Shen Qiu, who anonymously uploaded it to the Internet. Three songs with three different singer names, account number provided by Shen Qiu, after the game, the money will be returned to individuals.

They are not allowed to make any publicity for the songs, admit that these songs are made by themselves in public, do not cheat and order others to download their own songs...

as the contest involves donation of 300 million Chinese dollars, once discovered, the singer will not only be judged to lose the competition, but also bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

After reading it, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's really comprehensive. However, Mr. Shen, I once signed a contract with Jiujiu music. If a song is published on the Internet, it must be posted on their website. What about this? "

Shen Qiu said, "as long as you don't contact them in private. Well, you are both rare talents in the music world. Why do you get to this point? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't dare to offend the Li family without any reason. If he didn't bully people too much, I would not have published such a post. Ha ha, since I stepped into the entertainment industry, Xiao Yunhai has kept a high-profile work and a low-key man's purpose, never provoking right and wrong, but this does not mean that I am good at bullying. If a man does not offend me, I will not offend; if a man offends me, I will destroy the whole door. "

Shen Qiu said, "come on. I can tell you, Li Rongguang is a very protective guy. If you're going to lose, that's all. Once you win, I think he'll get you into trouble. "

Xiao Yunhai grinned and said, "it doesn't matter. Soldiers will block it. Water and earth will cover it. I will talk about it at approriate time. I think Li Xugang has already signed it. Should I just sign it? "

Shen Qiu nodded and said, "yes. However, I would like to remind you that when you were on your tour, I heard that Li Xugang had been writing his own songs, and now you have lost the opportunity. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "writing songs depends on inspiration. If anyone who uses it for a long time can write a good song, it is better than his age. When will I send you the song? "

"As soon as possible, of course. Remember, it's only one month. "


Xiao Yunhai signed his name and said, "I will send it to you before I go to Hengdian film studio."

Shen Qiu said, "that's good. I have something else to do, so I'll go first. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are busy first. I'll have two drinks before you go."

After seeing Shen Qiu off, Xiao Yunhai knocked on a box beside him and said, "I'll enter with my front foot, and you'll follow me with your back foot. Come and talk to me if you have something to do

With that, Xiao Yunhai returned to the box.

After a while, a very well-dressed young man came into the box. He was almost thirty-four or five years old. Behind him was a burly bodyguard.

"How does Mr. Xiao know that we are here for you?" The young man sat in Shen Qiu's position and asked with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai said: "intuition. Ha ha, you and Li Xugang seem to be very similar. Don't tell me that you are brothersThe young man laughed and took out a business card from his arms and said, "I'm Li Xuyang, general manager of Huafeng international studios, and Li Xugang's second brother."

Xiao Yunhai took over the business card and said, "Mr. Li Xuyang, what can I do for you?"

Li Xuyang narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Mr. Xiao is still cheerful. I hope you can lose in the competition. We will help you pay for 300 million charitable donations. At the same time, your future films can be shown in our Huafeng international. How about Mr. Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and asked, "Mr. Li Xuyang, do you do this? Does your brother know?"

Li Xuyang shook his head and said, "I don't know. He is a man of great self-esteem and would never win in this way. However, I don't pay so much attention to Li Xuyang. I can do anything to achieve my goal. "

With that, Li Xuyang looked at Xiao Yunhai with a smile.

Where can Xiao Yunhai not hear the threat in his words, puff and laugh.

He leaned down and asked with the same smile: "Mr. Li, since you are such a cow. Then I'll ask you, have you ever killed anyone? "

Li Xuyang's face changed and said, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's not interesting. I just want to tell you that you'd better not threaten others before you kill people yourself, because I can't smell any blood from you. In fact, I don't understand why you should take the lead in this matter. Don't you mean that the brotherhood in these big families is not very good? In order to fight for property, I would like to kill my brother. "

"I admit that it does exist in many other large families," Li said. However, it will never happen in our Li family. "

"Why?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Li Xuyang said, "it's OK to tell you. Because before Xu Gang was born, the property of our Li family had been distributed. My elder brother Li Xuguang will inherit my mother's Chenhui jewelry, and I will be the next president of Huafeng international cinema. Xu Gang owns five percent of the shares of two enterprises respectively, but he only has the right to dividends. Therefore, my elder brother and I are ashamed of him. Therefore, Xu Gang from small to large, our whole family is to his every request

Xiao Yunhai said with admiration: "your father and mother are indeed the business giants who control two huge assets. They are indeed ahead of the storm and are extremely wise."

Li Xuyang said: "so, Mr. Xiao, what I'm talking to you now does not only represent me, but also my parents and my brother. I hope you can think about it. "

Xiao Yunhai took a cup of tea, took a sip, and said with a smile, "don't think about it. My answer is no way. I've never done anything against my conscience. Mr. Li's proposal makes me very unhappy. I'm sorry to let you come for nothing. "

Li Xuyang took a long breath and said coldly, "is Mr. Xiao determined to be our enemy?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I dare not. How dare I fight against you, Xiao Yunhai. It's just this kind of deception. Mr. Li is really a bit of a bully. "

Li Xuyang sneered: "Mr. Xiao, say so. If you lose, it's just a game. But if you win, my father and mother will be very angry, and the consequences may be very serious. Do you understand? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, you can persuade the two old people not to be angry and bad."

Li Xuyang gave Xiao Yunhai a hard look, stood up and said, "Mr. Xiao, let's see."

With that, Li Xuyang left with his bodyguard.

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said in his heart, "well, there is one more enemy of his own. Well, it seems that I'm going to be hard to get along with in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai poured and drank from himself for a while, and then he was ready to leave.

But who knows just to go out of the teahouse door, but was stopped by the waiter, said: "Sir, the tea money in your box has not been given."

Xiao Yunhai Leng Leng Leng, dark curse way: "Shen Qiu, you this is the old don't respect the guy, unexpectedly take advantage of me."

Shen Qiu sat in the car and sneezed several times. He said in his heart, "who is talking about himself?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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