Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:36 AM

Chapter 44

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As soon as Wu Zixu's voice fell, his grief and joy began to ring. More than 20 martial arts masters, dressed in white plain clothes, knelt in the courtyard outside the hall and bowed their heads. Zhang Xiaojing led by several xingyimen brothers are crying in the spirit hall.

Xiao Yunhai secretly looks at Zhang Xiaojing lying in front of the bed behind the surveillance screen, hoping to see the strength of the No. 1 star.

His eyes turned red, his face muscles tightened slightly, and his tears slowly flowed out from both sides. He stopped on his face and held the white sheet tightly with his hands. His expression was sad. In addition to sadness in his eyes, he also revealed a burst of grief and anger. He could not help shouting: "father, get up quickly."

Xiao Yunhai nods, no wonder this Xiaojing can get Wu Zixu's favor, this acting skill is really good.

Wang Chongming, Wang Xiaohu's father (played by Zhang Xiaojing), competes with Dong Pingjiang, the master of eight trigrams boxing. Both of them are hurt. However, Wang Chongming's injury suddenly worsens that night and dies. As a son of man, Wang Xiaohu was naturally grieved and vowed to revenge.

It's not difficult for an actor to express his sadness, even if some students who have just graduated from the film and Television College can perform well for you. But the difficulty of movies is to express different emotions with your actions or eyes. Zhang Xiaojing's paragraph is to show his anger and determination to revenge when he is sad. And Zhang Xiaojing is undoubtedly doing a good job. This can be seen in the director's satisfied look.

All of a sudden, Xiao Yunhai next to a thunderous roar.


"what's going on? What does that servant girl do? You lower your head, wipe tears on the line, lift what head. Who's looking for the actor? Let her get out of here

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he stretched out his head. From Wu Zixu's back, he saw that the picture inside the monitor was stopping on Zhang Xiaojing's face. Unfortunately, beside him, a servant girl's face suddenly appeared. Although only a small part of it, it destroyed the whole picture.

Xiao Yunhai said in his heart: "it's no wonder that director Wu will be furious. The lens that had been passed immediately was damaged by a girl who wanted to steal the camera. Well, it seems that the girl can't stay in this crew any more. Such a mistake, not to mention Mr. Wu, will never be forgiven. "

Huang Qiusheng on one side sighed in a low voice: "it's a pity. Zhang Xiaojing's acting skills, can play to this extent, has been extraordinary play. I didn't expect ... well, it's going to take a lot of work now. "

Xiao Yunhai agrees with Huang Qiusheng's words. He can drink a pot of wine just by brewing his emotions. As for whether we can perform the effect just now.

The girl who was in front of the camera was wiping her tears and walking outside. For fear of being implicated by her, no one, including her friends, dared to comfort her. This is the cruel reality of entertainment.

Zhang Xiaojing sat alone with her eyes closed, and her face was not very good. She was an action actor. Originally, she was very hard to play this kind of emotional drama. Finally, she had an extraordinary state. Unexpectedly, such a thing would happen. What's more, she just let herself encounter it. You can imagine the feeling of depression.

Wu Zixu personally went to Zhang Xiaojing and told him to get back to the state he had just been in and take this picture as soon as possible.

But the state of this thing, mysterious and mysterious, not to say that you can find it, sure enough, Zhang Xiaojing has been stuck six times in a row. This made Wu Zixu very angry. Deputy director Li Hui went over and told him for more than ten minutes, which was just over.

"Xiao Yunhai, the next one is for you. Are you ready? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "no problem."

"Good. Xiaojing, put your emotions back and prepare for the second scene. "

"Has it finally begun? I don't know what kind of performance Xiao Yunhai will have? " Huang Qiusheng whispered to Yuexian.

"As long as he can play 80 percent of the level last night, then for his role, it is a victory. It's just that new people have a problem. They may perform well in private, but once they perform with real ammunition, they often have a lot of problems. " Yu Yuexian said.

"It's a mule, it's a horse. Take it out. We are not only testing him in this play, but many people are watching it. If he can't show his value, those who are hostile will be killed. See, even the supervisor who has been hiding under the sun umbrella has come out, let alone the people of Xue Jiaban. "

"I hope he can withstand the pressure."

Yu Yuexian looked at more and more people gathered, not without worry.

"Brother gang, I heard that this guy is shooting for the first time. Hey, let's have a good look at how he makes a fool of himself? As long as he cards more often, we will have a chance. Hey, even Zhang Xiaojing has been stuck for so many times. Xiao Yunhai, who does not change his name, also wants to take this role. It's beyond his ability. Now it's up to him to lose face. "

"Yes. This role is originally Hogo's and will be returned sooner or later. "

"All right. Pay attention to speaking outside. I heard from the boss that Xiao Yunhai is very good at acting. " Huo Gang interrupted them."There are more people who are good at acting, but most of them are finished as soon as they go to the battlefield. Watch it. We'll get the results later. "

Huo Gang nodded and pursed his lips a little. He was a little nervous. His hands were loose and tight, tight and loose.

Just now he came from the producer Feng Zhongshi and got a definite reply. As long as Xiao Yunhai does not perform well, he will have a chance to get the role. This let Huo Gang immediately not calm down. It's just for such an opportunity that I have been suffering for such a long time.

His heart can not stop praying: "must card, must give me card."

"Take your place."


As soon as the voice dropped, Xiao Yunhai's body moved. It was as if the young man with a plain smile had suddenly become a martial arts master full of strong breath. His eyes were slightly red, and he took a slightly disordered step to the spirit hall.

His steps seemed heavy, as if something was pressing on him. At the same time, a strong sadness came out of his body. The closer he was to the shrine, the stronger the breath was.

Huang Qiusheng, who had been watching, took a deep breath and his eyes were shining. He said to Yuexian in a low voice: "good guy, it's powerful. This kid is a monster. Director Wu has found a treasure. "

Yu Yuexian nodded gently and said, "yes. His acting skills can rival those of the top actors. No wonder my cousin, who never asks for help, will call me. It's a treasure to whom such a genius is given. "

Huang Qiusheng looked closely at the two people in the field and sighed again: "wizard, if it is not an idol, the young generation's first actor has appeared."

These three people are not the only ones who have discovered this, but also those who are watching the crowd outside the stadium also find that it is wrong and have a lot of discussions. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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