Published at 11th of May 2022 05:57:17 AM

Chapter 441

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The questions and answers of Wang Tianming and Xiao Yunhai are just like two armies in battle, which gives people a feeling of incomparable tension and stimulation.

The air seemed to solidify throughout the set.

"The performance of these two people is absolutely the top duel in the circle." All the actors at the same time came up with such an idea.

Especially those young actors, one by one their eyes shine, eyes blinking at even people, even the atmosphere dare not breathe. I'm afraid that their small movements will affect their performance.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's answer, Wang Tianming gazed at him again and asked coldly, "tell me, why didn't you start at Jiuan mountain?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and sighed. His face was disappointed and said, "Your Majesty asked this question. Chen Fei, Qi Wang, Jinyang long princess, those who died, which is not connected with your Majesty's flesh and blood? Which one is not your Majesty's family? But what is your majesty thinking when they are wronged? "

Later, Xiao Yunhai's tone turned cold, as if he had launched a counterattack, and repeatedly questioned.

Wang Tianming's face changed greatly and he roared, "I don't believe it. Do you just want to complain?"

Speaking of this, he stopped for a moment, pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said word by word: "especially you, I don't believe it."

Xiao Yunhai's momentum soared. His eyes were like swords. He was staring at Wang Tianming and asked in a sharp voice: "it has been several hours since Princess Liyang listed Xie Yu's five major crimes. Your majesty doesn't want to read Xie Yu's handwriting? Is it really irrelevant to your majesty? How can your eldest son, your own flesh and blood, be exposed to death step by step? For you, can you really not pay attention to it? "

Xiao Yunhai speaks the lines of more than 100 words fluently. It's perfect, whether it's the tone, the tone, the tone.

"Presumptuous." Xiao Yunhai's voice just fell, Wang Tianming sharply rebuked the way.

Perhaps it was a shame in his heart. Wang Tianming seemed afraid to look at Xiao Yunhai's eyes after he was angry. He turned his head to one side and said in a low voice: "wanton."

This paragraph is like two people's war situation exchange general, Wang Tianming from attack to defense, momentum no longer negative before the strength.

Xiao Yunhai said in a sad and indignant tone: "I have read this calligraphy. How was Lin Shuai killed? How did the prince die unjustly in prison? Every pile and every piece is clearly written. I have a copy in my hand. Does your majesty want to see it? "

Wang Tianming was shocked and stopped: "no"

Xiao Yunhai said: "maybe I can read it to your majesty."

Wang Tianming said, "no, don't read it. I... I don't want to listen or read. "

Wang Tianming's voice became weaker and weaker, and finally he even begged.

As he spoke, he turned his head away again.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Your Majesty doesn't want to hear it, or dare not listen to it? Before the death of king Qi, he asked Xuanzhao officials to read the imperial edict three times, leaving a sentence: "the father does not know the son, the son does not know the father.". Your majesty, do you know what this means? "

Wang Tianming turned his head and looked at Xiao Yunhai with a thoughtful look on his face.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "Your Majesty, if you know the king of Qi, will not doubt that he has the heart of rebellious strategy. If the king of Qi knew his majesty, he would not have believed him until he died. You would have killed him. May I ask your majesty, do you feel guilty when you learn that Lin Shuai and Qi Wang are wronged today? "

Wang Tianming's eyes were wide open, and he suddenly stood up. His momentum was like the flood that opened the floodgate. He rushed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "but Lin Xie, he supports the soldiers and respects himself. This is a fact. All the people that I sent to him were placed beside him, and only the people of the king of Qi were put in important position. He always said that he would not be allowed to go out of the army. And the king of Qi, who won the hearts of the people in the dynasty, talked wildly in the government, and even in the memorials of the ministers, he said that he would mean the king of Qi. How can I accommodate you. He is both a minister and a son, but he often contradicts me in the court. He is the world... The world. Do you think this world belongs to me or to Xiao Jingyu? "

Xiao Yunhai said in a loud voice: "the world... Is the world of the people in the world. If there is no common people, where is the son of heaven. If there is no country, where is the Lord. Soldiers in front of the bloody battlefield, you are far away in the capital, just for a moment of suspicion to wave the butcher's knife. In your Majesty's mind, I'm afraid that there is only imperial power, and there has never been a world. "

"Qi Wang's reputation as a diligent, virtuous and virtuous king was all based on his political achievements. Different from his Majesty's political views, he spoke frankly in front of his majesty, and never hesitated behind his back. But in his Majesty's eyes, his light and uprightness were only contradicted. How sad he should be when he drank the poisoned wine in prison

Speaking of this, Xiao Yunhai's face burst of sadness, eyes quickly red up, Wang Tianming also shed guilty tears.

At this time, the two people have completely entered the play, no matter the expression, lines or actions, are incomparably true.

The actors on the scene were also brought into the play by their wonderful performance. They all looked at them quietly, and their feelings changed with their inner changes.When Xiao Yun finished his last sentence, "what a sad heart he should be when he drank that poisoned wine in prison", Zhao Wanqing, Zhang Xinyi, Lin Lu and other emotional actresses looked at Xiao Yunhai's sad expression to the extreme, as if they were empathetic, and their eyes could not help but shed tears.

Other actors are also red eyes, a sad heart.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes were red, and he shrieked, "but even for the love between father and son in those years, and for the heart of king Qi who would rather die than oppose, is it so difficult to check the innocence of that year? Can't you do it? "

Wang Tianming's tears whirled in his eyes, looking at Xiao Yunhai, a sad and angry face, choked: "I was not born merciless."

He forced himself to withdraw his eyes, pointed to the Dragon chair and said, "as long as you sit on this chair, people will naturally change. Remember, no matter how Jing Yan is, he will change when he sits in this seat. I can't give him the court situation Lin Xie wanted and the world he wanted. No one can give it to him. "

Xiao Yunhai gently shook his head, his eyes showed pity, and said: "Your Majesty is lost in the supreme position, lost his original heart, but not everyone will be like this. As a father, you don't know the king of Qi, let alone Jing Yan. "

Wang Tianming nodded and said, "OK. I promise you what you want. Then, I will tell the world in person. There is only one condition. After all, Jing Yan is my son. But you, you are not the same. After all, there is too much red blood flowing. I absolutely can't let Lin Shu, let you stand on the court, in front of me, in front of the people in the world, understand? "

Xiao Yunhai whispered: "OK, I promise."

Wang Tianming asked, "what about Jing Yan? He certainly won't, how can you persuade him? "

Xiao Yunhai looked at Wang Tianlin and said, "your majesty will never let Lin Shu return to the court, otherwise people in the world will always blame his majesty for his fault. I've thought of that for a long time. This is not what Lin Shu asked for. As for how to persuade Jing Yan, that's my business. From then on, you and I don't have to see each other again. "

Xiao Yunhai finished, and then walked out quickly.

Wang Tianming looked at Xiao Yunhai's back and said, "wait, wait."

Xiao Yunhai heard the speech and stopped there.

Wang Tianming pursed his lips, with a cry, and suddenly begged: "you must believe that I was deceived by villains."

Speaking of this, Wang Tianming knees a soft, heavy kneeling on the hall.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes once again revealed that kind of complex to the extreme emotion.

Zhao Wanqing, Zhang Xinyi, Lin Lu and others tightly covered their mouths for fear of crying out. They had completely entered the world of the two on the field.

Other actors and old actors could not help but sigh with tears in their eyes.

With tears in his eyes and full of emotion, Wang Tianming said, "Lin Xie has assisted me for ten years, and your mother Jinyang is my sister. I held you and took you on a horse. Accompany you, fly a kite, you remember... Remember? "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes turned red again. His muscles on his face trembled gently. His mouth opened slightly. He seemed to want to say something, but finally he just sighed and left the hall.

Only Wang Tianming was still kneeling there, tears, looking at the fading Xiao Yunhai, until it disappeared.

The whole set is as quiet as death. There is nothing but the sound of the camera.

The whole air seemed to be infected by the deep sadness between them.

The play is now over.

But Zhao Zhen seems to have forgotten to shout "Ka" like, sitting in front of the monitoring machine motionless. Other actors, photographers, choreographers, lighting and other personnel did not make any movement. Their eyes turned red and seemed to be immersed in the atmosphere of the two.

After going out of the hall, Xiao Yunhai came out of the play. After waiting for half a minute, he didn't hear Zhao Zhen's voice.

So he secretly showed his head and saw everyone's expressions. He laughed and yelled: "cut"

Xiao Yunhai's cry brought the whole studio to life.

The first thing is to wipe the tears off your face.

It's a shame to see the drama and cry.

Then, everyone gave warm applause to Xiao Yunhai who came back to the studio and Wang Tianlin who stood up from the ground.

Li Yonggang shook his head and sighed, "I've been filming for decades, and it's the first time I've made an actor cry."

"That's great. The rivalry between the two is so infectious that it can bring us to their emotional world. I really don't know what to say Zhao Chongxu sighed.

It's been so many years. Sometimes, it's even harder to beat Chen's head

Zhang Guoyang said: "the two of you come and go, attack and defense, and constantly change positions. Every line in their mouth, every expression on their faces, and every micro action on their bodies perfectly express their complex emotions. Wonderful, wonderful. "Hu Wanzong and Qin Yunyi were all admiring, and the pressure on them increased a lot.

In order to play the role of Meng Zhi well, he once found an acting training teacher for a week and thought that his acting skills had made great progress.

However, after seeing the performance of Xiao Yunhai and Wang Tianming, he was full of confidence and couldn't help beating the drum in his heart.

Can you do it yourself?

Zhao Wanqing originally thought that Xiao Yunhai had been a director, and his acting skills should be a little strange, but unexpectedly, he was even more powerful than before.

Although he won the golden cup award, his acting skills are still far away from him.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wanqing sighed in her heart: "ah, my husband is really a demon who never comes out of the world. He has been trying to catch up, but the distance seems to be getting farther and farther. It's amazing. "

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