Published at 11th of May 2022 05:57:12 AM

Chapter 445

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At seven o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing arrived at Baiwei garden on time.

They were met outside by Jiang Yaokun, who had chased Zhao Wanqing.

After seeing the two, Jiang Yaokun's face showed a smile and rushed to meet him.

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said with a smile, "no wonder Mr. Jiang, you don't want to come to my troupe. It turns out that you are the leading actor in this big one billion dollar cast."

Jiang Yaokun said: "director Xiao Da, what you said is like I deliberately refused you. Before you came to me, I signed a contract with Tian Daodao. You can't let me break the contract, can't you? I can't afford to pay that expensive penalty. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I just made a joke. By the way, I haven't congratulated you on your Linghu Chong's fire all over China. What about? You've gone up a lot, haven't you? "

Since it was broadcast on January 28, 32 episodes have been performed. So far, the highest audience rating of Hebei TV station has reached 18.4%, with an average audience rating of 10.4%. However, Shaanxi TV station has insufficient information, which is a little worse than that of Hebei Province. However, it has also become a legend, with the highest ratings of 12.2% and the average ratings of 7.7%.

adding up, Xiaoao Wujiang has achieved an average audience rating of 7.7% 》The average ratings reached 18.1%, which almost broke through the 20% mark.

As an investor, Xiao Yunhai naturally made a lot of money, and the actors who appeared in the play also benefited a lot and doubled their value.

Just like Huang Bo, because he played the role of Lin Pingzhi, his popularity soared, and the number of fans on his homepage has reached more than 6 million.

Two days ago, he asked himself to leave and said he needed to go back to Yanjing to shoot an advertisement. Xiao Yunhai will not stop him. By the way, how much is the endorsement fee.

Huang Bo scratched his head and said with a smile, "it's much worse than the third brother. It's only eight million."

Xiao Yunhai was shocked on the spot and almost didn't stare his eyes out.

Even Huang Bo, who plays Lin Pingzhi, has an endorsement fee of 8 million yuan, which is not even worse than Linghu Chong and Jiang Yaokun.

Jiang Yaokun said with a smile: "you should ask your family leader about this question. Well, everyone is waiting for you in there. "

"Everybody?" Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, asked, "who is everybody here?"

"Tian Dao is sure to come. In addition to him, there are also Mr. Wu Jun, Mr. Zhao Chuanqi, Mr. Xia Chengfeng, Miss Qiao Yu and Miss Xu Qianqian, the heroine of our play."

When Jiang Yaokun mentioned Xu Qianqian, he took a special look at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai didn't have anything, but Zhao Wanqing showed her eyebrows and said, "why did Xu Qianqian come?"

Jiang Yaokun said: "I didn't intend to take her. She had to come here."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile to Zhao Wanqing: "what? I'm afraid she'll turn me away. "

"Of course not," said Zhao Wanqing

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's OK. Let's go. Since most of them are acquaintances, go and say hello. "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing follow Jiang Yaokun into a large box. At this time, people are chatting.

Except Qiao Yu, who has been in Hollywood for many years, Xiao Yunhai knows all of them.

"Miss Wu, Miss Zhao, long time no see."

Wu Jun said with a smile: "as the ancients said, one day without seeing is like three autumn.". It's only a year since the Three Kingdoms. You have become a famous celebrity in the whole country

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what celebrity? That's a personal name. Mr. Tian, Mr. Xia and Miss Xu, we have been missing some days. This should be Ms. Qiao Yu. No wonder it's amazing to be able to create a world in Hollywood. "

Qiao Yu glanced at him with a slanting eye and said, "Mr. Xiao is flattered."

Tian Junhao looked at Zhao Wanqing and said, "Wanqing, I didn't expect you to come."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Mr. Tian, it's better to call my wife Miss Zhao or Mrs. Xiao, or I'll be jealous."

Tian Junhao hated Xiao Yunhai deeply, but he had to bow his head under the eaves. No matter how rich he was, he couldn't become a special effects team out of thin air.

"I'm sorry. I forgot that you were married. Please have a seat Tian Junhao said with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly, and Tian Junhao's attitude made him more sure of his mind.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing sit at the guest of honor, while the others sit in turn.

Because Xiao Yunhai has a gap with several people on the table, there is no chatting at all, so the scene is very embarrassing.

Wu Jun saw such a scene, very headache, heart: "if it is not for the role of" swordsman biography ", kill himself will not join in the excitement."

"Yunhai, you have been in Hengdian for more than half a month. Is the shooting of langyabang going well?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "not bad. Due to the full preparation of the crew and the excellent state of the actors, it is estimated that the Hengdian drama will be finished before the year. As for the later part, we can only wait until we come back after the new year. "Zhao Chuanqi said: "you are really cruel. In order to play the role in the play, you have lost 15 Jin in ten days. Are you too dedicated? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "we actors are not willing to let go of a favorite role. It's no big deal. "

As Qiao Yu trimmed her nails, she said, "Mr. Xiao is right. It's not a big deal to have fifteen catties. In Hollywood, there are stars who can lose 30 pounds in a week in order to get a role. That's really amazing. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard Qiao Yu say that we are in Hollywood, together with her haughty look on her face, her impression on her quickly dropped to the lowest point.

Zhao Chuanqi and Wu Jun also frowned and looked at her coldly. Obviously, they were very dissatisfied with her words.

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "since Miss Qiao is a Hollywood actress, why come to our little China to film?"

Qiao Yuxiu frowned, looked at Zhao Wanqing and said, "who are you talking to?"

Zhao Wanqing said coldly, "is there anyone else in Hollywood?"

Qiao Yu said angrily, "presumptuous."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Miss Qiao, do you know Angu cruise of paramount? Do you know Kerry Smith of MGM? "

Qiao Yu raised her head and said, "of course. Mr. angle is a major shareholder in paramount, and Mr. Kerry is the prince of MGM. They are all at the top of the Hollywood pyramid. Don't tell me you know them? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's a coincidence that Mr. Kerry is my brother, and Mr. angel should be my collaborator. I tell you, the words you just said to my wife, you are presumptuous, even if you give Mr. angle ten courage, he will not dare to say it

Xiao Yunhai's words are like thunder on the ground, and they all suppress the people on the table.

MGM and paramount are both one of the eight major Hollywood film companies. Although Huaxia entertainment company has developed rapidly in recent years, it still has a long way to go compared with those Big Macs who have existed for decades or even hundreds of years.

Xiao Yunhai is just an artist in China. How can he be associated with these two companies.

Qiao Yu Leng for a moment, then there is no lady like laugh, and finally pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said: "you are the most boastful person I have ever met. What kind of people are Mr. angle and Mr. Kerry, not to mention you, those Hollywood stars. It's not easy to meet them. It's the funniest joke I've ever heard that you're a brother to Mr. Kerry and a partner to Mr. angle. "

Zhao Wanqing asked lightly: "I heard that Miss Qiao is an artist of paramount agency?"

Qiao Yu raised her head, like a proud peacock, showing her snow-white neck, and said, "not bad."

Zhao Wanqing looked at her coldly and said, "how dare you gamble with us? Now, as long as my husband makes a phone call, I can ask paramount to block you indefinitely

As the first lady of Hanhai film and television media company, Zhao Wanqing is not an oil-saving lamp. Once she gets angry, it's really beyond the ordinary people's endurance.

Qiao Yu snorted and said, "I'm not scared. If you have the ability, you will "

" Miss Qiao "

Tian Junhao, who had been sitting at the head of the table for a long time, interrupted Qiao Yu and said," they really have this ability. "

Qiao Yu was surprised and said, "it's impossible."

Tian Junhao said: "it is possible. Because Mr. Xiao sitting in front of us is the largest shareholder of magic special effects company, which is No. 1 in the world. He has the final say in magic. The technology patents used by the special effects studios set up by other seven Hollywood film companies are in Mr. Xiao's hands. Before the special effects technology is updated, every major company needs to pay him a patent fee every year. "

"But paramount wants to make a big movie, he has to rely on Mr. Xiao's magic effects company, so only one word from him is needed, and Mr. Angel dare not disagree. Because your value can't be compared with magic. am I correct? Mr. Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "who told you that?"

"Thomas, the original equity holder, is my college classmate," said Tian Junhao

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's him. No wonder."

Hearing their conversation, Qiao Yu was shocked and numb at this time. At the same time, she also felt a little frightened. If the other party really wanted to kill herself, her efforts over the past ten years would be in vain.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yu couldn't help but shiver and threw a beseeching look to Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing said lightly: "with the Chinese people, we will not destroy your future unless we have to."

Qiao Yu at this time changed like a tame little cat, stood up, bowed to them, and said, "thank you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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