Published at 11th of May 2022 05:57:10 AM

Chapter 446

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Wu Jun, Zhao Chuanqi, Xia Chengfeng and Xu Qianqian saw Qiao Yu, who had always been domineering and domineering. They could not help but look at each other and said, "I didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai has such a great ability in Hollywood."

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of water and said, "Tian Junhao, open the skylight and speak up. With the relationship between us, you will never come to me until you have to. If I'm not mistaken, are you here for magic? "

Tian Junhao nodded and said, "not bad. Two special effects engineers of your company followed me to Hengdian. When they saw my special effects request, they opened their mouths and asked for 500 million dollars. Ha ha, where can we afford such a price. So, I hope you can see that we all belong to the same vein of China, let magic do special effects for our price reduction. "

Before coming, Tian Junhao didn't tell you the purpose of coming to see Xiao Yunhai.

Now when we heard that the special effects of "swordsman biography" cost US $500 million, two words immediately appeared in our hearts: "grab money."

Xiao Yunhai said: "although I am a major shareholder of magic special effects company, I don't know technology. Therefore, I have never been in charge of the internal affairs of the company. I'm sorry, Mr. Tian Junhao. I can't help you with this. "

Tian Junhao said: "you are the magic boss. As long as you say it, who dares to oppose it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "but why should I do this? Our magic special effects artists are the most professional in Hollywood. They measure the price of special effects through scientific analysis and careful consideration. They will never ask for a price. Now that they've assessed $500 million, it's just that you're asking too much. "

"Can't there be any compromise?" Jiang asked

Xiao Yunhai said: "No. Either Mr. Tian pays, or he reduces the special effects

Wu Jun said, "can't we accommodate ourselves?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Wu, this is a list of hundreds of millions of dollars. How can I accommodate you? Mr. Tian, although I have always hated you, this time I did not deliberately refuse you for this reason. There are more than a thousand workers in magic. They all want to eat. "

Tian Junhao said: "Mr. Xiao, if I only pay 500 million Chinese dollars, what can you do?"

Xiao Yunhai frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "I have said that I don't know technology. If you ask me, you might as well ask a special effects engineer. To tell you the truth, Mr. Tian spent so much money on the special effects of TV series. I don't think it's worth it. Because there are too many special effects for a TV series. If you put 500 million Chinese dollars into tens of thousands of special effects shots, can you imagine how good the effect will be? "

Tian Junhao's face pulled down and said, "you just don't want to reduce the price to do special effects, do you?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Tian, I ask you to understand one thing. I am a major shareholder of magic company, but it does not mean that I can do whatever I want in magic. In addition to the 22% shares held by Michelle and me, there are also 22% shares in the hands of Mr. Thomas. Don't say it's you. Even if I go to do special effects, I still have to pay according to the price given by the special effects engineer. Otherwise, Kerry and Thomas would never agree. It's just that I'm better than you. I only need to pay 49% of the total payment

Tian Junhao listened, his eyes brightened, and said, "can you use your privilege, let me do special effects first, and then give you the rest of the money after the movie is sold."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Tian, what if your swordsman biography fails? Then I'm just a basket of water and nothing? "

Tian Junhao said, "I can make an IOU for you."

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said with a smile, "in that case, why don't you ask Thomas to help? If he agrees, then you only need to be responsible for 27% of the cost of special effects. "

Tian Junhao patted his thigh and said, "that's right. As long as this "swordsman biography" can sell well, then I will return the profits to you two, then will it be? Do you really want to help me? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course, why not make money? It's just that we need villains before gentlemen. After all, this is a huge amount of money, we have to charge interest. What's more, if you don't pay back the money within the time stipulated in the contract due to the failure of your work or other reasons, then it's not a question of interest. "

Tian Junhao said confidently: "you can rest assured that my uncle is the boss of Guoke iron and steel company. Even if I fail, the money will be returned to you. If you don't worry, I can make it clear in the contract that you will be given 5% more for each day of delay. How about it? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that would be the best."

Tian Junhao said contentedly: "as long as the special effects are OK, my" swordsman biography "will surely succeed. Xiao Yunhai, as you said, although I still hate you very much, I still want to thank you for this incident. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm a businessman. With big customers, I won't push out. By the way, do you still need to reduce the special effects requirements? "Tian Junhao said: "no, 500 million Chinese coins are enough for me to do special effects."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Mr. Tian, I have to remind you that everything you do is based on the fire of the swordsman biography. If you don't achieve this, you will lose your blood?"

Tian Junhao snorted and said, "Mr. Xiao, don't worry. Even one of your "Legend of Zhen Huan" can make a profit of more than 2 billion yuan. I don't believe my "Legend of swordsman" will lose to you. We should know that we have not only the Chinese market, but also the entire Asian market. There is absolutely no problem with cost recovery. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "I almost forgot that your father was the Vice Minister of culture in charge of the entertainment industry. With him, the Asian market is completely open to you. Oh, it's really enviable. "

Tian Junhao chuckled, picked up his glass and said, "everybody, let's drink this cup together. It's not far away for you to become Asian superstars."


After the dialogue between Xiao Yunhai and Tian Junhao, everyone's eyes towards Xiao Yunhai have completely changed.

This young man is so good.

Tian Junhao's success in selling TV dramas all over Asia depends on his father.

At the age of 21, Xiao Yunhai took charge of the whole magic special effects company. It took him only a year and a half to become the most famous artist in China. All these impossible things were done by his own ability.

How can such capable people not be admired by Zhao Chuanqi and Wu Jun.

Although Xia Chengfeng, who has always been against Xiao Yunhai, still hates him deeply, he has to admit that Xiao Yunhai has grown into a big man who can compete with Hongda.

But Xu Qianqian, who has never spoken, is a mixture of five tastes. Originally sitting next to Xiao Yunhai had unlimited scenery is their own right, but now it has become Zhao Wanqing.

Looking at Qiao Yu's ingratiating expression of Zhao Wanqing without even looking at her on the set, Xu Qianqian felt a strong regret for the first time.

She has heard that Xiao Yunhai has given all her money to Zhao Wanqing. It is several billion Chinese dollars. If she has such a lot of money, where else do you need to be a star.

"Xiao Yunhai, all blame you. If you behave so well when you are with me, I will not abandon you and choose Xia Xiaohu as a waste."

Think of here, Xu Qianqian heart suddenly produced a trace of resentment to Xiao Yunhai.

Soon, the food was served.

Xiao Yunhai didn't eat anything because he needed to keep fit.

When Zhao Wanqing finished eating, she got up and apologized and was ready to leave.

After all, it's hard to sit at a table with a few enemies.

It was Jiang Yaokun who was going to see her off. Before he got up, Xu Qianqian stopped him and said, "brother Jiang, we are classmates, and we haven't seen each other for a long time. I'd better go and see her off, or we can talk about the past."

Naturally, Jiang Yaokun would not refuse. He nodded and agreed.

Xu Qianqian took the two people out of the hotel and said to Zhao Wanqing, "Miss Zhao, can I speak to Brother Yun Hai alone?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "of course not. He's my husband, and I don't want him to have any privacy with other women, especially your ex girlfriend

Since the storm of "love apartment", Xu Qianqian fell down on Xiao Yunhai in an interview. Zhao Wanqing hated her very much, so she spoke very impolitely.

Xu Qianqian said with a smile: "it seems that Miss Zhao is very worried about my brother Yun Hai? I can't eat him. Can I take care of him so tightly? "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "you still have the face to call my husband Brother Yun Hai. At the beginning, you insinuated that my grandfather was a underworld, and frankly said that he had killed people. Later, you deliberately put on a pathetic appearance, so that everyone would think that it was the sea of clouds that had been abandoned and that I was the third one among you. Well, one is a serious problem of underworld involvement, and the other is a serious moral problem. No matter which one is successful in the construction, it will completely end the sea of clouds. How dare I let my husband see you alone, a wicked woman like you. "

Xu Qianqian said: "I was forced to do it."

Zhao Wanqing said, "I have to? Xu Qianqian, can your words be trusted? "

Xiao Yunhai looked at Xu Qianqian, sighed and said, "Wanqing, don't say more, let's go."

Xu Qianqian said, "wait. Brother Yun Hai, I came here to ask you why you didn't show your talent when you were with me. If I knew you were so great, how could I choose Xia Xiaohu, that useless waste? "

Hearing Xu Qianqian's words, Xiao Yunhai is more disappointed with her.

Zhao Wanqing sneered: "Xu Qianqian, you are too utilitarian. Is that love? "

Xu Qianqian said, "Zhao Wanqing, you don't have to stand up and speak without low back pain. If he wasn't so good, would you choose him? "

Zhao Wanqing firmly said: "yes. When I promised to be his girlfriend, he was not as red as I was. Xu Qianqian, I tell you, even if Yunhai is poor, I will accompany him to ask for food. What is love? It's not love that we can only share wealthier and wealthier people than share weal and woe. Unfortunately, your values have been seriously distorted. It seems that Xia Xiaohu will suffer in the future. "Xiao Yunhai said: "to you this voice cloud sea elder brother, Qianqian, I advise you to take good care of yourself. Wife, let's go. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and walked to the hotel with five fingers clasped. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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