Published at 11th of May 2022 05:57:09 AM

Chapter 447

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Xu Qianqian looked at the two people's backs, a burst of blue, a burst of white, and finally said: "you adulterers and adulterers, wait and see, one day, I will make you disgraced."

"There will be such a day." Xia Chengfeng did not know when to come after her, said.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing knew nothing about it. Even if Xiao Yunhai doesn't care.

In his present position, Xia Chengfeng has been unable to pose too much threat to himself, and Xu Qianqian is not.

Back at the hotel, Zhao Wanqing asked Xiao Yunhai, "why did you agree to Tian Junhao's request? You know, he's not a good guy

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "why don't you make money? Ha ha, I tell you a secret. Daniel has already reported to me about Tian Junhao's magic special effects. Originally, he didn't want to do it, because now the magic itself has a lot of tasks. In addition, Tian Junhao is shooting a TV series, and special effects need tens of thousands of lenses. Therefore, magic is very difficult. "

Zhao Wanqing asked, "if you don't want to take this list, why send two special effects engineers?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I asked him to send someone here. I asked Daniel, according to the special effects scheme of swordsman, how long and how much does it cost to demonize? Daniel gave me the answer is that with the strength of magic, if we draw out a team of 200 people, it will take a year to complete. And the more people, the faster the time. As for the cost, mainly some props and labor costs, which add up to less than 200 million dollars. "

"So I asked him to send two smart special effects artists to tell Tian Junhao that it would cost at least $500 million to achieve the effect he required. If he doesn't agree, we won't take the list. If he agrees, since magic can't pull out too many people, it will recruit people from other small companies and pay at most some labor costs. Three hundred special effects artists, that's twenty or thirty million dollars. "

On hearing this, Zhao Wanqing pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile: "you are really a big profiteer. For less than 200 million dollars of special effects, you sell them for 500 million dollars. You're not afraid of Tian Junhao, do you know? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know, what can I do? We are enemies. This is called Zhou Yu beating huanggai. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to be beaten. Besides, he doesn't understand these special effects techniques. "

Zhao Wanqing asked, "what if Thomas told him?"

Xiao Yunhai chuckled and said, "wife, Thomas will never tell him. Because there's a part of his credit. "

"What? Is Thomas involved in it Zhao Wanqing asked in disbelief.

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. There must be no problem with Kerry, so my first call was Thomas. The relationship between the two is a classmate, I have known for a long time. When Thomas learned that Tian Junhao could be ruined by $300 million, he agreed without saying a word, and he was more active than me. You know, his life is not easy now. He is very short of money, so we went together to give Tian Da Tu Hao a pit. Hehe, once you sign the contract tomorrow, everything will be settled. "

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "you are a group of demons who eat people and don't vomit bones. Tian Junhao is the enemy of you after eight years of bad luck. And that Thomas is a jerk. He is merciless to his classmates. Tian Junhao is just too unlucky

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "in fact, I am a kind person. Our magic profit is usually charged at 50% of the input. In other words, only 300 million yuan can be charged for the investment of 200 million yuan. I only added 200 million dollars to him, which is quite right. Do you know what Thomas's attitude was when he learned about it? "

Zhao Wanqing asked softly, "he won't ask for more?"

"That's right." Xiao Yunhai held out his thumb and forefinger and said, "the price he wants is 800 million dollars. Hehe, or I advised him not to be too cruel, or he would scare people away. He just gave up the idea. Do you think I'm kind? "

With a bitter smile, Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "yes. Compared with Thomas, a good classmate of Tian Junhao, you are simply a Guanyin Bodhisattva. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that is. Wife, should we celebrate this coming victory

With that, Xiao Yunhai reached out and touched Zhao Wanqing's towering chest.

Zhao Wanqing quickly hid in the past and said, "husband, I'm really sorry. My relatives are here. "

Xiao Yunhai immediately let out his breath and lay down on the bed, saying, "my brother, you have been wronged tonight."

With a smile, Zhao Wanqing said, "it's hard to see you. I'd better go back to my room."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Zhao Wanqing, you should not come in."

It seems that Tian Junhao is afraid that Xiao Yunhai will change his mind. That night, when he returned to the hotel and obtained Thomas' consent, Tian Junhao called Xiao Yunhai and told him that he would take his lawyer to Galaxy Hotel to sign a contract with him at 9:00 tomorrow.For such a large sum of money, Xiao Yunhai is naturally very cautious.

He asked Su Yingxue to ask one of Yanjing's best business lawyers to come by 9:00 tomorrow.

Su Yingxue was very curious and asked.

When she learned that it was a huge sum of money involving 500 million US dollars, Su Yingxue did not dare to neglect. She immediately prepared the air ticket, and then hired one of the most famous lawyers in Yanjing for him.

The next day, Tian Junhao arrived at the Galaxy Hotel on time. They signed their names in the presence of their lawyers, but they did not shake hands or hug like other partners.

Tian Junhao put up the contract and said to Xiao Yunhai coldly, "you'd better do your magic in accordance with my requirements. Otherwise, I won't let you go."

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. Since magic effects company can become the first in the world, it has its own advantages. I asked the special effects division, with the strength of magic, you can achieve 100% of your requirements. Well, Mr. Tian, I need to go to the set and shoot. Goodbye

After signing the contract, Xiao Yunhai was in a very happy mood. This time, he got so much money from Tian Junhao, which was revenge for the delay of approval time of Hanhai and his own film and TV series.

In the following days, Xiao Yunhai and Tian Junhao were busy with their own shooting work.

Until five o'clock in the afternoon of the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month, with Xiao Yunhai's "cut", the studio looked at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai looked at it again. After confirming that there was no problem, Xiao Yunhai had a smile on his face and said, "this is over. Ladies and gentlemen, our shooting in Hengdian film and television city is over. You can go home for the Spring Festival tomorrow. Remember, before 5:00 p.m. on the fourth day of the lunar new year, everyone should come to gather. On the fifth day of the new year's day, we'll go to the western Zhejiang prairie 300 miles away to continue shooting. Do you hear me clearly? "

"Listen clearly." The crowd yelled in unison.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "thank you for your hard work over the past month. I am very satisfied with the shooting speed of langyabang.". Our crew's salary is paid by the day. Today's salary is the same as before, and each one will be paid an extra thousand, which is regarded as a new year's greeting from the crew. "

"Long live Xiao Dao."

Originally, the salary of their staff was twice as much as that of other troupes. Now Xiao Yunhai has given them a thousand Yuan Festival fee, which makes all the crew members extremely grateful to Xiao Yunhai.

You know, a thousand yuan is a lot of income for the people at the bottom of the entertainment industry.

Zhang Guoyang said in a high voice: "director Xiao, do we actors have any?"

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha a smile, way: "this matter son, you want to ask everybody to agree first?"

"I don't agree." The crew laughed.

We put all the shooting equipment, props, clothing and other things into two super large warehouses rented from Hengdian film and television city.

It took two hours just to be busy.

When Xiao Yunhai saw that there was no problem, he locked the door of the warehouse, waved his big hand, and said, "everyone, I have reserved a seat in the Galaxy Hotel. Let's go and have a good drink."

"Good." Everyone shouts in unison.

That night, everyone had a good drink.

Only Xiao Yunhai looked at the delicious dishes on the table, but he did not move his chopsticks.

This makes people's hearts admire him even more, in order to play Mei Changsu, Xiao Yunhai is really under the blood. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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