Published at 11th of May 2022 05:57:06 AM

Chapter 449

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On the bus, Chen Zhan and Xiao Yunhai chat and rush to the hotel.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "uncle, to what extent have you recorded the second issue of" the voice of China "and" run, brother "? Why, there is no news from outside. "

Chen Zhandao: "the four mentors of" good voice of China "have selected their students. After the new year, they will enter the stage of tutor assessment. As for "run, brother," the preparatory work has been completed, but in the selection of artists, there are great differences. You are the planner of this variety show. If you were asked to make this variety show, what kind of artist would you choose? "

Xiao Yunhai immediately thought of the roles of several male runners in his previous life. He said, "first of all, the role must be a witty and humorous player who can lead everyone to play and has the skills of hosting. It is better to be a first-line star, otherwise it can't hold down the stage."

"The second one is to choose an artist who is full of muscle and has infinite strength. He should have a very strong enterprising spirit, especially in charge of fierce competition for famous brands."

"The third can find a beautiful entertainer in the entertainment industry to play. If it can be a front-line, it would be best to have a good time."

"The fourth choice is a very fast entertainer, who can have some affairs with that beauty, so as to increase the attraction of the program."

"The fifth......"

after Xiao Yunhai finished, Chen Zhan was stunned and said, "since you have already made arrangements in your mind, why not write them in the planning plan?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I forgot."

"You son of a bitch, you really piss me off." Chen Zhan couldn't help scolding.

"By the way, uncle, I can introduce you to two people. Huang Bo and Lin Lu are definitely the perfect candidates for this variety show. First of all, both of them have just stepped into the ranks of first-line stars, and their popularity has already been established. Huang Bo is very funny and can be taken as a joke. Lin Lu's appearance is definitely a beautiful woman. With her sunny, lively and cheerful personality, there is no so-called goddess burden. The audience will certainly like her. What do you think, uncle

Chen Zhan thought about it for a while, nodded and said, "it's really good. Hehe, you boy, this is a field of fat water that doesn't flow to outsiders. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I think it's all for you."

Soon, they arrived at the hotel.

After seeing Huang Bo, Chen Zhan said, "thank you, Mr. Huang, Miss Zhang and Miss Lin, for joining us in the Spring Festival Party of mango TV station."

Huang Bo said with a smile: "Chen is very kind. It's our honor to be able to perform on Mango TV."

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, you are welcome. Uncle, we need to walk on the stage tomorrow. What time do you think is appropriate? "

Chen Zhan thought for a moment and said, "how about seven in the morning? Because tomorrow many stars will come one after another and need to be used on the stage. If you're in line, it's going to be very slow. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, it's seven o'clock. We'll wait for you here."

Chen Zhan said: "then you practice well, I'm going."

Seeing Chen Zhan off, Xiao Yunhai asked the three people, "how about it? Have you recited them all? "

"Huang Bo said with a smile:" just a few hundred words of lines, read a few times to recite. "

Lin Lu said: "elder martial brother, you have written a good passage. I think it will make the whole audience laugh at the performance in the evening. It's just that I don't have a lot of lines. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "although your lines are few, they are very useful. Without you, there is no way to say this

Lin Lu nodded and said, "it is."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Zhang Ya, are you ok?"

Zhang Ya said with a smile: "I have walked in my mind several times. Well, let's go through it now. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, we'll try to get it done at one time."

Several people started the performance in the hotel room, until 11 p.m., they felt almost the same, and then they went back to their rooms to have a rest.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Chen Zhan took everyone to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala on Mango terrace.

Xiao Yunhai's four people rehearsed the sketch three times in a row and corrected the problems. Only then did they feel infallible.

The time of the day soon passed. At 7:30 p.m., Xiao Yunhai and his four people came to mango TV station again.

"Miss Chen and sister Na, you are coming to the party, too." Just into the actor backstage, Xiao Yunhai saw Chen Huan and Yao Na chatting there.

Chen Huan looked at Xiao Yunhai, turned to Yao Na and said with a smile: "you see, what I said is right. Chen will definitely call his evil nephew."

Yao Na said, "Yunhai, you don't always like to participate in such party performances?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have already refused. But my uncle just called my whole family. Do you think I can't comeChen Huan said with a smile, "Chen Tai Chang is still very good."

Huang Bo, Lin Lu and Zhang Ya greet Chen Huan and Yao Na respectfully.

Yao Na said with a smile: "you are now the hot cakes in the circle. Have you been invited to come by director Chen?"? I don't know. What are you going to perform? "

Lin Lu said, "let's play a sketch with elder martial brother Xiao."

"Sketch?" Chen Huan looked at Xiao Yunhai in surprise: "are you not going to sing?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "since the end of the concert, I don't dare to be interested in singing. Let's just say a sketch to amuse everyone. "

Yao Na said, "you're not going to quit singing, are you?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course not. Only in the past two years, I may be more focused on my film and television works. However, one record a year should be OK. "

Chen Huan sighed: "with your creative ability, if you can put your heart into music, you will become the king of the world in less than two years. Oh, what a pity. "

At this time, a staff member came over quickly and said, "Mr. Chen, your performance time is at 8:40. Now you are almost ready to start preparing. You see... "

Chen Huan said," OK, I'll be right there. "

Yao Na said, "well, I have to make up, too. The four of you play well, and I'll cheer you on

Xiao Yunhai said, "sister Na, just look at it."

After they came to Xiao Yunhai, a worker who had not yet lived in xiaoyunhai, called a worker.

"Mr. Xiao, can I have a talk with you alone?"

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and saw that it was Li Xugang.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and asked Huang Bo to make up in advance. He and Zhao Xugang came to a nobody's corner.

Li Xugang took a deep breath and said without expression: "I lost this music competition. Yesterday, I donated 300 million to the Red Cross. "

Three days ago, the match was over.

The number of downloads of Xiao Yunhai's three songs reached 98 million, while that of Li Xugang reached 63 million, far behind Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said: "I have to say, although your temper is very annoying, you are also a man who admits to gambling and takes defeat."

Li Xugang asked, "why don't you spread it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "what can I say? Li Xugang, your biggest weakness is overconfidence. Maybe you think you are great, but in other people's eyes, not necessarily. I tell you, you're just a rookie now, and winning you won't do me any good. The reason why I want to compete with you is that you use me to promote yourself. I have to teach you a lesson. Now that you have lost, please don't bother me any more

Li Xugang said, "but I have vowed that one day, I will beat you in music."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I will focus on film and television in the future. If you want to compete with me, you can only compete with me in terms of album sales. However, in this respect, you may lose even worse. "

Xiao Yunhai then left.

Li Xugang bit his teeth, his eyes revealed a resolute color, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Yunhai, I will surely win you."

The sketch of the four was originally arranged by the program group after 11 o'clock, but Xiao Yunhai expressed strong opposition. You're kidding. It's better to kill him if you let him wait backstage for such a long time.

You know, after the performance of the actors, something to leave, nothing is OK to sit under the stage to watch the program.

The consensus of Xiao Yunhai is to finish the performance as soon as possible and then enjoy the performance later.

Chen Zhan had no choice but to advance their program to 9:10. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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