Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:35 AM

Chapter 45

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"Shit, this boy is so good. It's a quiet act. You see, his expression and movement are not big, but he perfectly performs what he wants to express A student who just graduated from Mordor film and Television College said to his classmates.

"The teacher said that people with strong acting skills are full of drama. I've watched for so many days that I can cover him, that is, Mr. Huang and Mr. Yu. I'm afraid neither Mr. Xue nor Mr. Zhang can reach this level. "

Not far away, Huo gang and his group were even more angry and itchy. They don't understand why a rookie is so good at acting.

Huo Gang's face was very gloomy at this time, and his acting skills were not so good, but under the influence of this industry, we can also see the quality of acting. Xiao Yunhai's performance, let alone his own, is afraid that Xue Ge can not play such a level.

Xiao Yunhai finally came to the master's bed. Zhang Xiaojing cried and said to Xiao Yunhai, "elder martial brother, my father is gone."

After hearing this, Xiao Yunhai trembled, and big tears finally came out of his eyes. However, unlike others, Xiao Yunhai did not cry out, but tried to stop acting. But the sad effect is the best of all.

This makes Wu Zixu, who has been outside the surveillance screen, to be satisfied. The actor has found the right one.

Xiao Yunhai's elder martial brother is a tough and jealous man. He doesn't shed a tear even when the sky falls, let alone in public.

However, his master died this time, and his heart must be very sad. If you don't shed tears, then the character is out of touch with the whole environment. But if you cry, it's not right. It's not in line with the temperament of the elder martial brother.

Therefore, the elder martial brother wants to cry, but how to cry depends on the actor's own performance. Undoubtedly, Xiao Yunhai's performance is the best.

After a few drops of tears, Xiao Yunhai held back his tears, and then stood up suddenly. A strong killing opportunity appeared in his eyes. His whole body was full of momentum. He asked Zhang Xiaojing next to him in a deep voice: "who did it?"

Zhang Xiaojing was oppressed by Xiao Yunhai's momentum. He never expected that the new man would have such prestige. Fortunately, he has played against Huang Qiusheng and Yu Yuexian for more than a month, and his acting skills have been greatly improved. Otherwise, he would have been suppressed by him.

"Elder martial brother, the death of Shifu is due to the injury and death of Shifu and Dong Pingjiang yesterday." Zhang Xiaojing stood up and said indignantly.

"No Xiao Yunhai shot brilliantly and exclaimed, "after the master came back from the competition, I saw his injuries. Apart from the slight vibration of his internal organs and some skin injuries, there was nothing else at all, let alone died of injury."

As soon as the sound of Xiao Yunhai dialect fell, people outside suddenly started to make a noise.

"The head of the Bagua sect, Dong Pingjiang, brought his disciples here."

When Zhang Xiaojing heard the gossip door coming, he turned around, and his handsome face was ferocious. He said: "they came just in time." With that, he took the lead and walked into the yard.

Xiao Yunhai reached out to stop it, but it was a little late.

He went to the master's face alone and said in a soft voice, "master, the cause of your death is not clear. I will find out and avenge you. Please rest assured that I will carry forward our xingyimen. "


Everyone stopped. Qi Qi looked at Wu Zixu in front of the surveillance screen. Wu Zixu checked it again. When there was no problem, he said with a smile: "this one is perfect. It's over."

Everyone cheered, "once a time" is really uplifting.

"All right, we'll take advantage of our good condition and continue to shoot the rest. Mr. Huang, Yuexian, Xue Ming, are you ready to go on the court? "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "don't worry, we're not shooting for the first time, no problem."

Huang Qiusheng and Xue Ming nodded at the same time, indicating that there was no problem.

"OK, everyone take your place"


the Bagua school headed by Huang Qiusheng walked into the courtyard.

When Zhang Xiaojing saw the crowd, it was the enemy who met and was extremely envious. He pointed to Dong Pingjiang and said, "Dong, you dare to come."

Huang Qiusheng, who plays Dong Pingjiang, is worthy of being a movie emperor. He just pulls his facial muscles slightly, and his eyes show a trace of doubt, loneliness and sadness. In a short period of time, the complex psychological activities of this character are perfectly displayed.

Huang Qiusheng sighed: "my nephew misunderstood me. I'm here to see Master Wang off for the last ride."

At this time, Zhang Xiaojing was completely brought into the play by Huang Qiusheng. His anger rose, his face flushed, and he called out, "you don't need your cat crying, mouse's fake mercy, we xingyimen..."

"Younger martial brother." Xiao Yunhai stepped out of the Lingtang and interrupted Zhang Xiaojing. Looking at Huang Qiusheng face to face, Xiao Yunhai said: "the martial arts competition is more skillful, and life and death are in peace with each other. We can't afford to lose. But there is something strange about my master's death. Please help me solve my doubts. "This is the first time that Xiao Yunhai and Huang Qiusheng are playing against each other. It is also a play that everyone pays close attention to. Huang Qiusheng's strength naturally does not need to say more. What we care about is whether Xiao Yunhai can perform his role perfectly under the strong pressure of Huang Qiusheng.

Xiao Yunhai also attaches great importance to this play. He also wants to see how powerful the film emperor is in the world. So when we are on the play, he asks Huang Qiusheng to come to the real world without any pressure. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai did not have any reservation and gave full play to his momentum.

Although Huang Qiusheng didn't speak, his momentum of film emperor was still there. The whole person was like a mountain and a sea. No matter how you attacked Xiao Yunhai, you could not shake him half a point.

Xiao Yunhai admires in the heart: "really is formidable, this is the real acting skill."

His ability to compare with Huang Qiusheng does not mean that his acting skills have been compared with Huang Qiusheng. It's because this role is very consistent with Xiao Yunhai. He can give full play to the temperament of Xiao Yunhai's martial arts master. With his top performing skills, he can compete with him.

If you change another role, I'm afraid Xiao Yunhai will not be so relaxed. Xiao Yunhai still has a long way to go to reach Huang Qiusheng's level.

However, he did not know that Huang Qiusheng's heart was already shocked. This is the strength of the new man. It's bullshit.

In the whole "great master" crew, except Yu Yuexian, the acting skills of all the people, including Xue Ming and Zhang Xiaojing, are not in his eyes at all. If they are fully open to performing, I'm afraid even their figures can't be found in the film.

Only when Yu Yuexian plays against Yu Yuexian, will he not have to worry about pressing the drama. Now, under his own strong momentum, there is another Xiao Yunhai in the crew who can compete with himself, which makes Huang Qiusheng have a good time, and his acting skills naturally break out completely.

It doesn't matter whether he fights with Xiao Yunhai, but he does harm to the people nearby.

Originally, it was the turn of a small supporting role disciple to speak, but under the strong pressure of the two, they did not say a word. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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