Published at 11th of May 2022 05:57:03 AM

Chapter 451

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On the stage, Xiao Yunhai and Zhang Ya are in a panic when they hear a knock outside the door.

In a panic, Xiao Yunhai is accidentally knocked down by the sofa and his shoes fall off.

"Hide from the curtain!" Zhang Ya picked up one of them, threw it over and said, "here are your shoes!"

as a result, Xiao Yunhai didn't catch it and the shoe fell out of the window.

Xiao Yunhai sighed, "when it's over, I'm not afraid of the shadow."

Zhang Ya snapped, "get in here!"

after that, Zhang Ya cleaned up her clothes and opened the door.

Huang Bo, dressed in a suit and with a big back, walked in with his hands behind his back.

Seeing him, the audience clapped with face.

After Huang Bo came in, he touched and wandered around affectionately on his face, and asked, "all of them have been replaced?"

Zhang Ya said, "yes, what should I use? Didn't you all let you move away when you got divorced?"


"Ha ha ha."

The audience laughed.

Huang Bo asked suspiciously, "really?"

Zhang Ya said, "Lao Gao, you forgot. When you leave, there will be only me and the load-bearing wall at home! "

" ha ha, I'll go. It's too cruel. "

"I can't stand it. They're so funny."

Some of the audience laughed until their stomachs hurt.

Huang Bo went to the window and sighed, "this year, I was so impulsive! Ha ha ha ha!

with that, he drew the curtains on both sides and exposed Xiao Yunhai, a frightened face.

Zhang Ya quickly ran over and pulled the curtain back to block Xiao Yunhai: "what are you doing with the curtain in the middle of the night?"


"Ha ha ha."

"This sketch is so interesting.

Huang Bo pointed to Zhang Ya and said, "you were so shy then, and I was also shy!"

he turned around, took Xiao Yunhai's hand from behind the curtain, took him out, and said, "I hold your hand, just like now, my little heart is beating."

Zhang Ya's eyes showed a look of panic, covered her mouth and could not speak.

The scene roared with laughter, and the audience directly laughed crazy.

Yao Na could no longer keep her posture after that day, and could not help clapping the armguard on her seat.

Ouyang Zhaoming, the director of mango TV station, also laughed, even his tears.

Chen Xiuzhu and Xiao Yunling cover their stomachs, laughing.

Even Xiao Qifeng, who was always serious, couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

This is definitely the climax of the whole sketch.

As he walked, Huang Bo said, "we just walked on the asphalt road hand in hand and ran into your mother face-to-face. I scared you."

He just saw Zhang Ya's expression, so he let go of Xiao Yunhai's hand, pointed at her and said, "yes! That's what you looked like at that time! When you saw your mother, you immediately took your hand away and went into the woods."

Xiao Yunhai took the opportunity to escape and got into the curtain again.

Huang boyue said, more excited, he said: "as soon as I see you go, I'll chase you! Oh, I'll chase you! You'll run! I'll catch you! I'll wait for you! As soon as I see that I can't catch up with you, I'll wait for you! As soon as you hit my arms!" Huang Bo said, chasing Xiao Yunhai in the curtain. Then, he stopped suddenly, and Xiao Yunhai was hugged by him.

Frightened, Zhang Ya kicked into the curtain and yelled, "I'll go!"

while Huang Bo was kicked, Xiao Yunhai quickly came out of the right curtain and hid behind the left curtain.

This performance once again made everyone laugh.

Huang Bo came out with his stomach covered and said, "Oh, I'll go! You've kicked me from memory to reality!" Xiao Yunhai showed his head from behind the curtain, pointed to his mobile phone, and chirped at Zhang Ya.

Zhang Ya frowned and said, "Hao Jian!"

Huang Bo, who was about to sit on the sofa, thought he was talking about him. He looked ugly and said, "OK, I'm cheap! I'm so cheap!"

Zhang Ya explained, "I'm not talking about you..."

Huang Bo waved his hand, sat on the sofa and said, "stop talking! Today I come here to tell you a good news. I'm going to get married again. I've got a little girl friend. She's young, beautiful and rich. Do you think it's irritating? Ha ha ha. I want you to check for me today. If you are so careful, you and I will get the certificate. Of course, as long as you say no, it's not easy to use it! Ha ha ha, is that a little uncomfortable in your heart? "

seeing Huang Bo's proud appearance and hearing his funny lines, the audience laughed.

Zhang Ya sighed and said, "if you say that, then my heart It's so hard to bear it! Ha ha ha ha!

"since all the words have been said, you should check for me first! Come on, let's have a look, baby!"Zhang Ya suddenly opened the curtain to reveal Xiao Yunhai, who was sitting on the window to reach for his shoes.

The audience had already been laughing, but now they see Xiao Yunhai's appearance, which is even more hilarious.

Xiao Yunhai gave a simple smile and said, "the shoe is hanging on the branch of a tree!"

Zhang Ya said with a smile: "don't hide, all talk about it! Here, introduce Hao Jian, my little boy friend. Old Gao, my ex husband. "

Xiao Yunhai stretched out his hand and said with an embarrassed smile, "brother ex husband. Why don't you talk about it first? I have a meeting there. "

Zhang Ya pulled Xiao Yunhai over and said, "what can I do?"

Xiao Yunhai spread out her mobile phone and said, "misunderstanding!"

Zhang Ya whispered, "cooperate."

Xiao Yunhai looked at the mobile phone and said, "it's not that I don't cooperate. It seems that there are three people on the surface, but four people in fact!"

Zhang Ya asked in a puzzled way: "four people?"

Xiao Yunhai raised his mobile phone and said, "well."

Zhang ya got the wrong understanding, so she quickly touched her stomach and said, "ha ha ha ha, why do you tell me everything?"

Xiao Yunhai almost cried, covered his face, and said, "Oh, my God, grandfather!"

the audience at the scene had already burst into laughter and couldn't help shouting.

Even the stars who had finished the show were laughing.

Next, the three people's dialogue is still a constant burden, laughter.

Finally, Lin Lu's voice finally came from Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone.

"Hao Jian, I hate you!"

Zhang Ya was startled and said, "Er ah, Xiaojian, your mobile phone ring is too noisy, I shut it down for you!"

Xiao Yunhai rushed over and said, "no! This is my daughter-in-law!"

Zhang Ya interrupted: "that Mobile phones have radiation, it's not good for babies. "

Xiao Yunhai, with a mournful face, said, "if you only think about the baby, the life and death of the big baby, then you don't care about it?"

the laughter rang again.

Zhang Ya whispered, "Hao Jian, I'll help you at the end of your daughter-in-law, now you help me! Please!"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "well, OK! Hurry up, I'm afraid I don't have much time left! Boss, why are you still divorced? My ex husband is a scum!

" hiss "

" ha ha ha ha. "

"Scum, that's a funny word." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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