Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:59 AM

Chapter 453

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It was one o'clock in the morning when I got back to the hotel.

Xiao Yunhai is about to go back to his uncle's house, but he is pulled by Huang Bo.

"Third brother, your uncle invited me to a variety show called" run, brother. ". Said you planned the show. Do you think I should attend? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "neck, you and Lin Lu are recommended to him by me. Well, you two have just entered the front line, but you are not firmly established. Although you have a reputation, you do not have a first-line position. And this "run, brother" can make you and Lin Lu's popularity soar, but also make you a real first-line star. "

"Third brother, how much do you think the ratings of this program can reach?" Huang asked

Xiao Yunhai said: "according to my plan, the audience rating can reach at least 5%. If it's done, 10 percent will have no problem. Neck, I'll support you. Maybe this show is the turning point of your whole acting career

Huang Bo nodded and said, "I see, third brother. In fact, when director Chen told me that this program was planned by you, I already agreed in my heart. Now it's just more insurance. I'll call Mr. Chen tomorrow. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "you can tell Lin Lu what I mean."

Huang Bo said with a smile: "she has already agreed. But what about our part in Langya bang? It's been 15 months since we started recording

Xiao Yunhai said: "you have not many parts. When we go back, we'll shoot your plays first. It'll take less than a week. "

After discussing "run, brother", Xiao Yunhai went back to his uncle's house.

The next day, the new year's Eve, major TV stations began to publicize their Spring Festival Gala. Without exception, they all chose the network as the propaganda channel.

As the leader of local TV stations, mango TV station itself is the most popular. In addition, Chen Zhan invited so many celebrities to perform, which made the audience very expectant.

Xiao Yunhai's forum is also very lively.

Last night, at least 70 percent of the thousands of people watching the party in mango studio were Xiao Yunhai's fans.

After they went home, they immediately posted on Xiao Yunhai's home page the story that he led Huang Bo, Lin Lu and Zhang Ya to talk about sketches.

"Brothers and sisters, you must watch the Spring Festival Party of mango station this evening. Emperor Yun performed a sketch there, called "today's happiness", absolutely hilarious

"After watching today's happiness, which was written and directed by Emperor Yun, I found that what I had seen before was dregs."

"Cloud emperor's title should be added with the title of a sketch king, because after reading his sketch, my wife said that I always laugh there when I sleep."

"Last night, I laughed so much that I almost burst my stomach. It's amazing. We must see it. "

Those network forum, also everywhere is about Xiao Yunhai acting sketch post.

With such a big gimmick, mango TV station stands out among many TV stations, with an average audience rating of 8.2% on that night, far higher than 3.6% of Yanjing TV station, the second highest one.

there is no doubt that the highest ratings appeared during the period when Xiao Yunhai and his four people talked about sketches, reaching 17.2%.

It can be said that mango TV station won the competition in the Spring Festival Gala of major TV stations, which added a lot of money to Chen Zhan's resume, and he was getting closer and closer to the position of director.

At 6 a.m. on the fourth day of the new year, Xiao Yunhai, with his sister Xiao Yunling and his cousin Chen Chao, boarded the plane to Hengdian film and television city.

Xiao Yunhai didn't want to take them two oil tankers to the Spring Festival, but when they heard that Xiao Yunhai was going back to Hengdian to film, they had to quarrel to see how the TV series was made.

Xiao Yunhai didn't agree at first, but he couldn't bear to move his grandfather out. In addition, his mother and aunt were also helping to intercede. Xiao Yunhai had no choice but to agree.

Although it is said that the "Langya Bang" crew decided to gather on the fourth day of the new year's day, Zhao Zhen and Wang Wei came here on the third day of the new year because they had a lot of complicated work.

Of course, Xiao Yunhai didn't treat them badly. All those who came to the third day of junior high school had big red envelopes to take.

It was Wang Wei who came to pick up Xiao Yunhai. Seeing Xiao Yunling and Chen Chao, he was surprised and asked, "Xiao Dao, these two are..."

Xiao Yunhai said: "one of them is my sister Xiao Yunling, the other is my cousin Chen Chao. They all come here to play."

"So it is." Wang Wei and the two of them said hello and said, "director Xiao, the car is outside. Let's go."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "no hurry. Wan Qing is coming soon. Let's wait for her to go. "

Wang Wei nodded and said, "good."

The two talked about the crew for a while. After half an hour, Zhao Wanqing appeared at the entrance of the plane.Seeing Zhao Wanqing, Xiao Yunling cheered, and immediately met him, shouting, "sister Wanqing, I want to die."

Zhao Wanqing didn't expect Xiao Yunling to be here. Surprised, she asked happily, "ling'er, how did you come?"

Xiao Yunling said with a smile: "of course I miss you."

Zhao Wanqing shaved her nose and said, "we talked together for more than an hour the night before yesterday. This is less than two days. You miss me. Ling Er, who are you coaxing. But even though I know you're lying, I'm still happy

Xiao Yunhai came over and pointed to Chen Chao and said, "wife, I'd like to introduce you to Chen Chao, the only son of our uncle. The last time you went there, he was at school. You didn't see him

Looking at Zhao Wanqing, who is graceful and graceful and beautiful as a celestial being, Chen Chao blushed and said, "good cousin."

As soon as Zhao Wanqing looked at Chen Chao, she knew that she was a shy teenager. She said with a smile, "Hello, cousin."

A few people simply chatted a few words, then sat in the crew's car, came to Hengdian.

Of course, Xiao Yunhai didn't invite all the staff to have a good meal in advance.

This year should be the most miserable year for Xiao Yunhai from childhood to adulthood. The good food that he ate before and after is not as good as that of the previous meal.

What he's looking forward to most now is to finish filming and have a big meal.

In the afternoon, the cast members and staff came back one after another.

At six o'clock the next morning, the crew borrowed more than a dozen trucks and drove to the western Zhejiang prairie with things for shooting.

When Zhao Zhen was in the third day of junior high school, he had already set up the studio there. Therefore, when Xiao Yunhai came over, most of the work had been completed.

Xiao Yunhai is very satisfied with this.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yunhai is going to shoot a play to see the state of everyone, but the result is that he is very depressed.

After the relaxation of the Spring Festival, most of the actors could not find the feeling of filming before the year. They had never played ng for six times in a row, which was a break of the ng record in Langya bang.

Xiao Yunhai was furious and immediately turned into a roaring emperor. He was furious on the set, and his face was ugly.

The whole drama group was very depressed.

After shooting three times in a row, I managed to make it.

It was the first time Xiao Yunling saw her elder brother's big fire. She went to Zhao Wanqing and said softly, "sister Wanqing, my brother's filming is so frightening."

With a smile, Zhao Wanqing said, "his temper is very good among directors. If I had changed other directors, I would have scolded him

Xiao Yunling stretched out his tongue and said, "fortunately, I didn't choose to be an actor. Otherwise, I would not be scolded to death by the director."

As soon as her words were finished, Zhao Zhen came over and said to Xiao Yunling, "Miss Yunling, the crew is still short of a maid in court. Director Xiao will let you have a psychological preparation. After lunch, he will send you to Miss Zhao's private dressing room to make up. "

Xiao Yunling widened his eyes, shook his head and said, "I don't want to shoot. He has such a bad temper. What if I can't play well and scold me? "

Zhao Zhen said, "director Xiao said that if you don't play, you will be sent back tomorrow."

Xiao Yunling's face changed and said to Zhao Wanqing, "sister-in-law, you can see that big brother is so bad that he even threatens me."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "maybe the crew is really short of an actor. Zhao, do you have any lines for this maid of honor? "

Zhao Zhendao: "just two lines, add up less than 20 words, very simple."

Zhao Wanqing turned to Xiao Yunling and said with a smile, "OK, ling'er, you can help your elder brother. It's not difficult to say that. "

Xiao Yunling thought, "OK. Zhao director, please tell me when you go back, big brother, it's OK to play this role. But if I don't play well, he can't scold me like that in front of so many people. "

Zhao Zhen chuckled and said, "OK, I'll take it with you."

After lunch, Xiao Yunling followed Zhao Wanqing to her private dressing room. Half an hour later, a beautiful maiden appeared in front of Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said, "ling'er, I'll do a good job later. Zhao Zhen, tell her about drama. "

Zhao Zhendao: "good."

Maybe Xiao Yunling really has a talent for acting. He just took one shot and passed it perfectly.

Due to the status of the actors, the crew stayed two days longer than expected in the western Zhejiang prairie.

After shooting the play here, most of the actors are finished.

Chen Chao and Xiao Yunling couldn't stand it after staying in the crew for a few days. Feeling that filming was really boring, they went home on the ninth day of the first month.

After the end of Western Zhejiang prairie, the shooting of Langya Pavilion in Yandang Mountain was put on the agenda. Because the scenes in Langya pavilion are basically completed by special effects, it took only three days here to complete all the scenes.The rest of the scene needs to be shot in the blue screen studio. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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