Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:55 AM

Chapter 457

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Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai got into Li Bing's car.

"Brother Li, let's go to the Hongxia club. Wanqing is already waiting there."


The car soon arrived at the destination, Xiao Yunhai can also see the popularity of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing in the circle.

On the stage, Zhao Wanqing is singing Xiao Yunhai's "just once".

Seeing Xiao Yunhai come in, ye Yongren waved to him, handed him a glass of red wine and said, "Yunhai, do you hear me. Your daughter-in-law sings your song, which is much more delicious than what you sing. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. That's my leader. Is that better than me? "

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai was not ashamed but proud, everyone burst into laughter.

Ye Yongren shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "I really believe you. Come on, let's have a toast for the boy to win three awards in a row

Xiao Yunhai said quickly, "teacher ye, are you wrong? I think the most important thing we should respect is director Wu. "

Huang Qiusheng said with a smile: "we've been drinking for several rounds, so we'll send you one. Not with you, for whom? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, cheers."


Xiao Yunhai just drank the red wine, "poof" a sound, and immediately vomited out, way: "what is this thing?"

Ye Yongren, Huang Qiusheng and Wu Zixu all laughed.

Get a variety of wine, wine, wine and other strange things to give Xiao Yunhai.

At this time, Zhao Wanqing finished singing and went to Xiao Yunhai. Seeing his appearance, she asked, "what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing and pretended to be wronged and said, "wife, you want to revenge for me. The guests we invited turned out to be very upset and made me a glass of wine of all kinds. It's really heartless. "

Zhao Wanqing patted him on the head and said, "so it is. You deserve two words. "


"Ha ha ha."

Zhao Wanqing's words made everyone laugh. Zhang Xinyi even shed tears.

Xiao Yunhai looked up to the sky and sighed: "my life is so bitter."

There was another burst of laughter.

As big stars in the entertainment industry, they are either busy filming or rushing to make announcements on weekdays.

Therefore, on such occasions, we all cherish and have a good time.

Deng Yue found Xiao Yunhai, who was sitting on the sofa, chatting with Ye Yongren, Huang Qiusheng and others, and said, "dear teachers, I have something to do with Yunhai. Can you give him to me for a few minutes?"

Huang Qiusheng said with a smile: "he is not a good thing. You can take it and use it at will."

Xiao Yunhai stood up and sighed, "what is disrespect for the old? I understand it."

Xiao Yunhai followed Deng to a corner and found Zhao Wanqing and Zhang Xinyi sitting there. He asked, "when will you get married?"

Deng Yue said with a smile: "like you, we are legally married now. As for the wedding, we can see when we can hold it later."

Xiao Yunhai said, "congratulations. Come on, what's going on? It's so mysterious. "

Deng Yue said: "I participated in a variety show of mango station, called" run, brother. ". Listen to Huang Bo, is this your plan? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "not only did I plan it, but I invested it."

Deng Yue said, "that's great. As the leader of the running man, I sincerely invite you two to participate in this program. Not much, just one issue. "

Why do you want to find a guest, Xiao Yunguan? It's too much of a mango stand. "

Deng shrugged his shoulders more and more and said, "actually, I'm just a pawn. It's your uncle who really invites you. He wants you two to record the first episode, hoping to make the first shot with your fame. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I knew that. Wanqing, what do you mean? "

"When will it be recorded?" asked Zhao Wanqing

Deng Yue said: "anytime, mainly depends on your time."

Zhao Wanqing said: "as long as in a week, I have no problem here."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm anxious to go to Hollywood to do the special effects of Langya bang. I don't have much time. In this way, we can make a quick decision. I and Wanqing will follow you tomorrow, OK? "

Deng Chao said happily, "no problem."

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "if it's not because I'm an investor, I won't go to death."

After discussing the matter of running, brother, Xiao Yunhai finds Ge Wuyou.

"Mr. Ge, what have you been up to lately?"

Ge Wuyou said with a smile, "I drink wine all day, and I'm walking with my dog. I live an immortal life."Actors as old as GE Wuyou are really free.

He is also a film emperor and has extraordinary acting skills. However, compared with Liang Hui and ye Yongren, who can play both the old and the young, Ge Wuyou, a general-looking film emperor, is hard to get a suitable play for himself.

If you want him to make up and act as a young man, he will make people laugh.

Therefore, although Ge Wuyou has a high position in the circle, he can act in two plays a year, which is already a high yield. Naturally, it can not be compared with Ye Yongren, who acts in five or six movies a year.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Ge, after I finish the work of Langya bang, I will make a film called" if you are the one. ". I think the protagonist in it is a perfect match for you, so I would like to ask you to set aside a time for me to play if you are the one. "

Ge Wuyou's eyes brightened and said, "OK. When does it start? "

Xiao Yunhai originally thought that he needed to work hard to get the move. But Ge Wuyou agreed so easily. He was stunned and said, "Mr. Ge, should you listen to my play and make a decision?"

Ge Wuyou shook his head and said with a smile, "the products of emperor Yun must be exquisite. I don't believe that a director who is willing to spend more than 20 million yuan on clothes for a TV play will produce a bad film. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for Mr. GE's trust. Your words are my greatest praise. If appropriate, I hope you can set aside three months for me from June. I will hand over the script to you as soon as possible, so that you can have time to think about it carefully. Please pay attention to this play, Mr. Ge. Because you are the absolute protagonist, your success or failure basically represents the success or failure of this film. "

Ge Wuyou said with a smile: "it seems that you are making me go all out."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "that's not so. It's mainly because I have a high definition of failure in this play. "

Ge Wuyou said: "the definition of failure? What do you mean

Xiao Yunhai held out two fingers and said: "if you are the one, the box office is less than 2 billion, which is our failure."

"Two billion?" Ge Wuyou was shocked and said in surprise, "you are not kidding. You have to know, there are only two or three films that can reach 2 billion box office all year round. Do you have too much confidence in the play? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "my" Charlotte trouble "is just shot with a group of unknown students, still can get 1.6 billion box office. If you join in now, if you can't even reach 2 billion, isn't it a failure? "

"There are 1.5 billion people in China. From 30 yuan per ticket, two billion people are only 70 million people who have entered the cinema, which is less than one twentieth of the national population. Therefore, in my mind, two billion is just a bottom line for if you are the one. "

"Mr. Ge, my confidence in this play is far more than you can imagine. In if you are the one, the first-line stars who play with you are the most. If you're not good at acting, you don't want any. As for the choice of heroine, I prefer Yu Yuexian. "

Ge Wuyou listened to his eyes and said, "are you the rhythm of a big fight? Looking for so many stars, it should be a lot of investment? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile: "the investment is not big, at most 300 million."

Ge Wuyou doubts: "300 million? You're not entertaining me, are you. How could it be? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "as I said, you are the absolute protagonist of this play. Apart from the heroine, other characters don't appear long. Mr. Ge, you'll know when you finish reading the script

Ge Wuyou said with a smile: "I'm confused with you now. Well, I'll wait to see your script. "

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