Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:52 AM

Chapter 459

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Just then, a middle-aged man in his thirties with glasses suddenly opened the door of the box and burst in, followed by a handsome young man in his twenties and twenties.

Xie Wenzong said softly: "this is Cui Mingxian, and the one in front is his agent, Li Quande."

Xiao Yunhai is disgusted with Cui Mingxian's act of breaking in without knocking at the door.

Zhao Wanqing leaned to her ear and said, "don't they all say that Korean people are very polite?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "the same rice raises 100 people. There are no birds in the big woods. "

Zhao Wanqing chuckled and said, "it's just that you're so unreasonable."

Cui Mingxian's agent, Li Quande, saw that none of them gave up their seats. He said angrily, "didn't you see us coming? It's very impolite of you. "

Xiao Yunhai deliberately said to Xie Wenzong, "director Xie, what hotel are you looking for? Even the two waiters dare to come in without knocking on the door, and give us a grand reprimand. It's unreasonable. Call the hotel and tell them to get out of here. "

Xie Wenzong forced to smile and said, "Mr. Xiao, you misunderstand that they are not waiters. This is Mr. Cui Mingxian of our "run, brother" crew, and the other is his agent, Mr. Li Quande

Xiao Yunhai asked, "is he from our crew?"

Xie Wenzong nodded.

Xiao Yunhai patted the table and said, "you two get out of here, knock again and come in again."

Hearing this, Li Quande was directly happy and said, "this gentleman doesn't seem to know Mr. Cui Mingxian? Mr. Xie, should you introduce him well

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't care who you are? Even if the king of the world comes, you have to knock on my door. Since ancient times, China has been a country of etiquette. It is the minimum courtesy to knock on the door of other people's houses. Didn't the teacher teach you when you went to school? "

People see Xiao Yunhai Chuai understand pretend confused, all forced to smile, nothing said.

Xie Wenzong said to Xiao Yunhai, "Mr. Xiao, these two are Korean. Mr. Cui Mingxian is the most famous big star in South Korea

The most polite person asked, "isn't Xiao Yunhai puzzled? Hehe, it seems that rumors can't be trusted. Well, since he's from our crew, let them come and sit down. "

Li Quande, who are you? How dare you say that to us, Mr. Cui Mingxian. "

In recent years, Mr. Xiao's most famous variety show is Mr. Li

Cui Mingxian, who has never spoken, said to Xiao Yunhai, "are you an investor?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. Is there a problem? "

Cui Mingxian said: "I hope you can provide me with better living conditions. The hotel I stayed in these days is really bad, and the food is also very bad. "

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "I'm going to pay you to come. It's for me to film, not for you to be a master. Mr. Cui, this is already a four-star hotel. I think it's enough for the crew to live here. Do you think so? "

Deng Yue said: "anyway, I live very comfortable."

Others have echoed.

Cui Minxian frowned and said, "you can stay here, but I hope to find me a five-star hotel alone."

Li Quande said haughtily: "we Mr. Cui Minxian has never stayed in a hotel under five stars."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it's very simple. You can go out and live alone. But money, the crew won't give a cent. "

Li Quande said, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that Mr. Li's Chinese philology is general. Mr. Cui has already understood, but you don't understand. "

Cui Minxian said: "the reason why I agreed to come and shoot this variety show is that mango TV station has moved me with their sincerity. Has Mr. Xiao ever thought about how to explain to the TV station? "

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha a smile, way: "excuse me, I am an investor, just need to explain to myself, mango station there, it is not my business."

Cui Minxian finally couldn't help it and said angrily, "if you do this to me, I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not feeling well now and I need to rest in Korea. As for when I can rest well, it depends on my recovery

"Mr. Cui, what do you mean? Playing big? Don't forget, you signed the contract. " Xie Wenzong was furious.

"Isn't that ethical?"

"It's the first time I've seen such an artist after all these years."

Everyone stood up and condemned Cui Minxian.

Cui Minxian's face was blue and white. He said, "you Chinese people are really annoying."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he said with righteous words: "Mr. Cui, please don't forget that you are now standing on the land of China and making money from the Chinese people. If you say this, you will feel full and scold the cook. "Cui Minxian snorted and said, "I feel your deep malice towards me. I won't stay in this crew for another second."

Mr. Xiao Bai thought that the contract was signed by Cui Haiyun. You must compensate me for the loss I have suffered. "

Cui Minxian said: "this matter is caused by you, the consequences should be borne by yourself."

Xiao Yunhai said coldly: "that can only meet in court."

Li Quande said: "Mr. Xiao, I hope you still have to think about it. Mr. Cui Minxian has hundreds of millions of fans in Asia and tens of millions of audiences in China regard him as an idol. Aren't you afraid that these fans will unite to boycott your show

Xiao Yunhai laughed, pointed to all the people on the table and said, "we have at least 400 million fans. Do you think we are afraid? Mr. Cui, I'm going to give you one last chance. As long as you don't play big names in the future and follow director Xie's arrangement and record the program, we can treat the past and the present as not happening. "

Cui Minxian sneered: "Mr. Xiao, I'm the king of Asia. I can come to this program because of the cooperation between mango TV and my company. Otherwise, do you think I seldom come here? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I see. You didn't want to join our program in the first place, but you had to come under the pressure of your company. Right? "

Cui Minxian said, "that's right."

Xie Wenzong sighed: "no wonder you always don't listen to the arrangements of the crew. It turns out that you have resentment in your heart, and you are biased against our programs. That's why you are always critical. Hehe, as the saying goes, it's not sweet to have a fight. Our crew should not look for you. "

Li Quande said: "we, Mr. Cui Minxian, spend more than 40 million yuan to make an advertisement, but you only have to pay 50 million yuan to participate in your program, and you still need to travel so many times every day. Hehe, who do you think will be comfortable with this matter? "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Mr. Li, with Mr. Cui's price, how much does it cost to participate in this program?"

Li Quande said, "at least 150 million."

Cui Minxian said: "however, even if you are willing to give me the money now, I will not promise, because I feel your insult to me."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile, "Mr. Cui misunderstood me. I'm just curious about your value. 150 million, 50 million, ha ha, the difference is 100 million, no wonder you have such a big opinion. "

"But I tell you, no matter whether it is 50 million or 150 million, as an artist, since he has signed a contract, he should fulfill his responsibility. What you have done these days runs counter to the artistry of the artist. Mr. Cui, if things spread to the outside world, it will have a very bad effect on you. Please think twice. "

Cui Minxian hummed and said triumphantly, "you said so much just to let me not leave. Unfortunately, it's too late. Quande, let's go back to Korea. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Cui, the consequences of violating the contract are very serious, you'd better think clearly."

Cui Minxian snorted and said, "with the relationship between our company and mango station, which of you dare to sue me? Are you not afraid to be blocked by mango station? Well, Mr. Xiao, if you want to invite me to this program, the salary must be 150 million. No less, or I'll give you a penny. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "but you have already filmed two shows. You need to pay me back the cost of this part."

Cui Minxian sneered: "don't dream. When I go back, I will complain to the company about your insults to me. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed, "you are the best actor I have ever seen. It's insulting to live in a four-star hotel. China entertainment industry can't afford to support you, a Korean superstar. Cui Minxian, listen, you just walk out of this door, and you won't be able to get my forgiveness in the future. Do you know? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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