Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:51 AM

Chapter 460

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Cui Minxian snorted and left the hotel with Li Quande.

"That's not true. This is some kind of bullshit superstar. " Huang Bo angrily scolded.

"Oh, no way. Now, Korean TV plays are rampant throughout Asia. They have the capital to play big names." Su Hong sighed.

Xiao Yunhai said coldly: "since he walked out of the room, the crew did not have him. Director Xie, who do you think can replace Cui Minxian? "

Xie wenzongdao: "Cui Minxian this role, we originally wanted to ask Mr. Zhang Xiaojing to play."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and was about to speak when Xie Wenzong's phone rang.

Xie Wenzong looked at the caller ID and whispered, "it's Qian bin, deputy director of mango station."

When he picked up the phone, Xie Wenzong said, "Hello, director Qian."

Qian Bin said angrily, "I'm not good. Mr. Xie, what are you doing? Is it easy for Cui Minxian to come here? Only a few days later, you will be angry to go back to Korea. I'll tell you, you'd better let him down, or you'll get out of here first. "

Xie Wenzong said: "Mr. Qian, listen to my explanation first. Cui Minxian... "

" I don't want to hear your explanation. " Qian bin rudely interrupted him and said, "I just want to hear that Cui Minxian is back in the crew."

Xiao Yunhai touched Xie Wenzong, took the mobile phone from his hand and said, "Hello, director Qian. I'm Xiao Yunhai."

When Qian bin heard that it was Xiao Yunhai, he immediately fell down and said, "it turns out that it's Mr. Xiao. Are you in the crew?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am not only in the production team, but also saw a good play. I don't understand. Why do you have to use artists like Cui Minxian who have no artistic integrity? Today's matter, has nothing to do with director Xie, but I had a strong conflict with him. Some people are too unethical. The original three-day recording was postponed to six days because he played big cards. Hehe, it's my first time to learn such an artist. Director Qian, my money didn't come from the strong wind. Since he is going, let him go. "

Mr. Qian bin has already filmed two episodes

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, we'll do it again. Capital is definitely not a problem. I will discuss this matter with director Ouyang personally

Qian Bin said helplessly, "OK. I just want to remind you that Cui Minxian is very popular in Asia. If he can take part in this program, it will be very beneficial to us. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this program needs unity, cooperation and personal characteristics. No one can be superior to the crew. Cui Minxian in my eyes, like a rat excrement, has broken my pot of good porridge. I will never keep him again

Qian bin sighed and said, "OK, I get it."

After the conversation, Xiao Yunhai returned the mobile phone to Xie Wenzong, and then took out his own mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Ouyang Zhaoming directly. The phone was connected quickly.

"Yunhai, did you call me because of Cui Minxian?" Ouyang Zhaoming asked directly.

Xiao Yunhai was slightly stunned and said, "Cui Minxian looks very powerful. In just a few minutes, the news will reach you. Yes, because of him. "

Ouyang Zhaoming said: "the South Korean SM Entertainment company behind Cui Minxian has just communicated with me, and is very dissatisfied with the crew."

With a smile, Xiao Yunhai said, "it's really the villains who report first. I don't know what director Ouyang means? "

Ouyang Zhao said, "that's your drama group. You has the final say. We only work for you at Mango station. "

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "can you introduce me to a good thing that the profit can account for 30% without spending any money?"

Ouyang Zhaoming said: "you boy, don't do this for me. What we're doing is broadcasting channels, which is the most important thing. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "well, you are an old man. Can't I let you? OK, I won't talk to you. I'll take care of Cui Minxian. It took so long for the crew, and I spent so much money in vain. He still wanted to leave. There was no way. "

After finishing with Ouyang Zhaoming, Xiao Yunhai called his Uncle Chen Zhan again.

Chen Zhan naturally had no objection to simply saying things.

For Cui Minxian, Chen Zhan had long wanted him to go, but the TV Station didn't agree, so he had to stay.

The reason why Chen Zhan asked Deng Yue to invite Xiao Yunhai over was that he wanted to improve the ratings, but he didn't mean to let Cui Minxian go.

After talking with the three boss of the TV station in turn, Xiao Yunhai said: "the matter is settled. It's time to talk to our Cui Minxian Smecta. Wan Qing, give me a copy of the phone recording you just recorded. "

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and said, "how do you know I recorded it?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "your small movements can't be concealed from me. I tell you, not only did you record it, but the neck guy also did it secretly. Otherwise, why do I talk to Cui Minxian so much? As a matter of fact, director Xie also knew that you had recorded it, so he helped me induce Cui Minxian and Li Quande to say so many things they should not have said. It's all evidence of this kid playing big. Is that right, director Xie? "Xie Wenzong gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Xiao is still powerful."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's not that I am strong, but this Cui Minxian is too stupid. He is a little too conceited because of the good wind and smooth water in recent years. Mr. Xie, how is the penalty stipulated in the contract signed between TAIRI and him? "

"Twice," Xie said. No matter which party breaks the contract, it must pay double the penalty. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "together with Deng Ge and Huang Bo, how much have we lost these days?"

Xie wenzongdao: "almost 40 million."

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's 140 million. Very good. This time I'll let Cui Minxian suffer. Mr. Xie, take the contract and go to meet him with me. "

Xie Wenzong nodded and gnashed his teeth and said, "OK. These days, I was almost mad by him. Now it's time for me to revenge. 140 million, enough for him to drink. Ha ha

Huang Bo said: "third brother, can I also go to see the excitement?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "you'd better stay here for me."

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai and Xie Wenzong came to Cui Minxian's house and found the door was open.

Cui Minxian's triumphant voice rang out in the room.

"Come in. I know you will come and invite me

Xiao Yunhai and Xie Wenzong look at each other and are speechless about Cui Minxian's stupidity.

Forced to smile, they walked into his room.

Cui Minxian lies in bed, lazily watching TV.

While Li Quande sat on a sofa and said playfully, "Mr. Cui has given me all the things. If you want him to continue shooting, you need to pay according to his value. "

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said to Xie Wenzong, "Xie Dao, some people really like daydreaming."

Xie Wenzong said: "it may be that you think you're winning. It's a pity that they overestimate their value. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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