Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:49 AM

Chapter 461

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Cui Minxian on the bed frowned, but said nothing.

Li Quande couldn't help but ask, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't think Mr. Li can do it. Mr. Cui, I'm glad to tell you that in view of your playing a big role in the production team and disobeying the management of the crew, we have carefully studied and decided to expel you from the cast of "run, brother". At the same time, you need to compensate us $100 million for breach of contract damages and 40 million for the delay in the previous two episodes. That is to say, you need to give us 140 million before you can leave. "

Cui Minxian finally couldn't help it and said, "you are daydreaming. Good, good. It's the first time that I've been chased away by a cast since I stepped into the entertainment industry. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Cui, please listen clearly. You can't leave until you pay us 140 million yuan. Otherwise, we will sue the court. "

"Sue?" Cui Minxian laughed and said, "ha ha, what are you going to sue me for? Playing big cards, disobeying management or something else? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that Mr. Cui is quite clear about what he has done."

Cui Minxian asked: "in the entertainment industry, I don't know how many stars are playing big names. I've never heard of them going to court."

Xiao Yunhai said: "because they have no evidence."

Cui Minxian snorted and said, "so you have evidence?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes."

Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone from his pocket and put the conversation in front of the wine table from the beginning to the end.

After hearing this, Cui Minxian's face was extremely ferocious, pointing to Xiao Yunhai and growling, "you've framed me the hell."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "frame up? Mr. Cui's Chinese language learning is still not very good. The above words, no one forced you, are all your own words. Mr. Cui maliciously obstructs the shooting of the program because he is dissatisfied with the salary offered by the crew, which has violated the relevant provisions of the contract. We have every reason to drive you out of the crew. "

Cui Minxian said angrily, "if you want to get compensation from me, don't even think about it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "very good. I'm going to post this recording on the Internet to show your hundreds of millions of fans what kind of virtue their idols are. At that time, you will not only need a lot of money, but also 140 million crew members, and you may be ruined by this recording. No troupe dares to ask for an artist without artistic morality. "

"Mr. Cui, I'll only give you five minutes to think about it. You can either settle it in private or go to court. You can choose one. "

Cui min Xian Teng's once, stood up, said maliciously: "then we will see the court."

Xiao Yunhai said: "very good. Mr. Xie, send the recording to the Internet, and then prepare to ask a lawyer for a lawsuit. My time is limited and I don't want to get entangled in this matter. "

Xie Wenzong said: "Mr. Xiao can rest assured that the efficiency of the court is very high. It will take less than two hours to judge a matter of this kind. "

The two of them are going to leave.

Li Quande suddenly stood up in a panic and yelled, "wait a minute. Mr. Xiao and director Xie, we are willing to cooperate with you in shooting and guarantee that we will not play big names any more. "

"Li Quande..." Cui Minxian was furious.

Li Quande said: "we have no choice. This recording will even end your career online. As your agent, I can't allow this to happen. Mr. Xiao, thank you. Please give us another chance. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'm sorry. We no longer trust Mr. Cui. You can only choose one of the two options that I have said

At this time, Li Quande had completely lost his arrogance and begged, "please give us another chance."

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "impossible. Mr. Li, I advise you to stop talking nonsense. You have only one minute to think about it and choose a or B

Cui Minxian angrily said: "let them sue, I see what they have."

Li Quande said in a hurry: "Minxian, don't be impulsive. Mr. Xiao, I want to report this matter to the company. Please give me some time. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "yes. An hour later, you'll give me an answer. Director Xie, let's go. "

Xie Wenzong nodded.

As soon as they walked out of the door, the sound of the cup falling to the ground sounded inside the room.

Xie Wenzong snorted and said, "if you had known today, why did you have to have it at the beginning?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "look. As long as his company doesn't get sick, he will be allowed to choose private. It seems that we need to find new people quickly. "

Back in the box, people began to ask.

Xie Wenzong said the story again, and Deng Yue and Huang Bo applauded in unison, which was very happy.

Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and gave Zhang Xiaojing a call.

"Brother Zhang, are you busy recently?"

Zhang Xiaojing said: "three days ago, I just finished filming a play, and I want to take a vacation."Xiao Yunhai said: "well, why don't you come here to play. We are shooting a variety show with a rating of more than 10. We need to go to many interesting places. Are you interested in participating

Zhang Xiaojing said with a smile: "is it" run, brother. "

"Brother Zhang, you are a big movie star. You also know this variety show."

"You yunhuang plans to invest in the program, the entertainment industry who does not know."

"Brother Zhang, if there is a schedule, I would like to invite you to be our permanent guest."

"No, aren't you already shooting?"

Xiao Yunhai said something about Cui Minxian, and Zhang Xiaojing scolded: "shit, these South Korean clubs, you know how to play big names all day. There is also a Korean stick in the play that I just finished. The score is very big, but the acting skill is very poor, which is hard to accept. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "brother Zhang, don't complain. Can you come here? We are now ready for the preliminary work, a total of 12 issues. If everything goes well, it will be a month and a half. "

Zhang Xiaojing said: "I first ask my agent, there should be no problem."

"Xiao Yunhai," I said

"How about Mr. Xiao? Did Mr. Zhang agree? " Xie Wenzong asked eagerly.

Xiao Yunhai said: "he needs to ask again."

After only five minutes, Zhang Xiaojing called back and agreed to participate in the recording of "run, brother.".

Xiao Yunhai is very happy to let him come to Hangzhou this evening.

Cui Minxian's business was quickly settled.

Xiao Yunhai guess is right, the SM company behind him really chose private.

After an afternoon of negotiation, the cast of "run, brothers" won 120 million compensation. At the same time, mango station also released this news on the Internet, but the reason has changed to Cui Minxian's physical discomfort and had to leave.

This is to let his fans are very distressed, one after another in the online message, let him pay attention to the body.

Zhang Xiaozong and Xiao Yunhai picked him up at the airport at seven o'clock in the evening.

Because both sides have already had the intention, so the crew and Zhang Xiaojing's agent talked very smoothly. Of course, Xiao Yunhai did not deliberately lower Zhang Xiaojing's salary because of their relationship. Instead, he raised him by 10%, which can be regarded as a thank-you for his help. Therefore, his agent is very satisfied.

At ten o'clock that evening, Wang Hailan also came from home.

Learning that Cui Minxian was replaced by Zhang Xiaojing, he almost didn't jump up happily.

In this way, the whole men's running team has arrived. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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