Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:48 AM

Chapter 462

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Therefore, the front three games do not need Xiao Yunhai, he only needs to appear in the last brand tearing link.

Xiao Yunhai is the investment planner of this program and also a famous director of China. Xie Wenzong invited him several times, hoping that he could go to the studio to guide him, but all of them were rejected by Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai thinks that the biggest one on the set can only be director Xie Wenzong. Others, including himself, can make suggestions below, but he can never tell the director what to do on the set. Because it will affect the director's authority of Xie Wenzong.

What's more, it's not difficult to shoot this variety show. I've written it clearly in the program planning.

As the originator of variety show, mango TV has chosen Xie Wenzong, which means that Xie Wenzong's ability is definitely competent for this position.

Xiao Yunhai is not willing to add fuel to the snake.

So it's OK these two days, he has not even been to the film studio, hiding in his room alone, writing the script of "if you are the one".

The first three games of running man include white snake finger pressing board, memory flying cake and water table tennis. Without Cui Minxian's hindrance, the crew's shooting was very smooth. When they heard the sound, they looked back and yelled.

Deng Yue called to the classroom beside him: "Xiao Jing, come out quickly. The bell messenger is really Xiao Yunhai."

Zhang Xiaojing immediately came out of the classroom and looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was walking slowly. He said, "when did you come? Why don't we know? "

When Xiao Yunhai was seven meters away from them, he stopped and said with a smile, "I just arrived at 4:00 this afternoon. At the beginning of the program, I said that I would play you each once. Now, the three of you can go. "

Deng Yue said, "it's so grand. But there are three of us. Why go? "

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha a smile, say: "you want to try?"

Zhang Xiaojing and Deng Yue looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Zhang Xiaojing said: "do you know kung fu? But it's not hard work to win. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said to Zhang Xinyi, "Sister Zhang, are you going to stand by? Or with the two of them? "

Deng Yue said: "of course, I just stood by. Xinyi, please step back and see how Xiaojing and I tear it up

Zhang Xinyi is very obedient, backward five meters.

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is what you asked for. You can't blame me."

Xiao Yunhai's voice has just fallen, and his body is shaking. He quickly rushes to Deng Yue.

Zhang Xiaojing is a famous kung fu star. Although he didn't learn the real Chinese martial arts, his reaction and speed were very fast after years of training. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai chose Deng Yue as Zhang Xinyi, and finally came to his senses and said, "do you really know kung fu?"

Xiao Yunhai said modestly, "it's just some fur."

Zhang Xinyi said: "I have to quickly tell you this news, avoid being defeated by you."

With that, Zhang Xinyi ran back.

Xiao Yunhai deliberately used a ferocious look and said to the camera, "see, this is the end of fighting against me, ha ha ha." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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