Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:44 AM

Chapter 465

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In order to thank Xiao Yunhai, Zhang Xinyi and Zhao Wanqing, Xie Wenzong invited everyone to have a good meal.

By the time we got back to the hotel, it was already 12 p.m.

As soon as Zhao Wanqing entered the door, she fell on the bed without the appearance of a lady and cried, "I'm so tired."

Xiao Yunhai smile, walked over, picked up her body, and said with a smile: "wife, let's take a hot bath together and be comfortable."

Zhao Wanqing turned red and said, "it's OK to take a bath, but you can't do bad things. I'm really tired today. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry. After taking a bath, I'll give you a massage."

With that, Xiao Yunhai carried Zhao Wanqing into the bathroom.

After a while, Zhao Wanqing's soft voice came from the bathroom.

"Ah... Husband, we agreed not to do it?"

"You heard me wrong. I didn't say yes."

After some clouds and rain, Xiao Yunhai came out of the bathroom holding Zhao Wanqing, who was unarmed. Put her gently on the bed, cover the quilt, and then get in yourself.

Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing, who was extremely shy in the quilt, and said softly, "wife, I'm going to America the day after tomorrow. It's estimated that it will take more than a month. Would you like to come with me? "

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "I may not be free. After a while, I'm going to shoot in Xiangjiang. "


Hearing Zhao Wanqing going to Xiangjiang, Xiao Yunhai felt uncomfortable for no reason.

Xiangjiang in this world was collected by China in 1977, 20 years ahead of the previous life. However, in order to achieve a smooth transition, Huaxia did not change Xiangjiang's system by force, but still adopted the policy of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong. Basically nothing has changed except to send troops to take over.

Over the past 20 years, with the unremitting support of the Chinese government, Xiangjiang's economic development has been very fast. Up to now, Xiangjiang has become one of the most brilliant stars, and is the economic center of Asia together with Shanghai.

Zhao Wanqing said: "we cooperated with Changfeng film and television company of Xiangjiang and jointly funded to shoot a police and bandit film called" witness ", directed by Du Feng, the director of Changfeng film and television. I've read the script. It's very good. "

No matter it is a big film company, no matter it is a big film company, it is not a big film company.

Xiao Yunhai knows this Changfeng film and television company because its founder Guan Changfeng is very legendary.

Like the previous life, Xiangjiang was very chaotic before its return to China. Gangs were rampant, and there were numerous associations. Among them, the most famous one was Changfeng Association. It was said that at the peak of prosperity, the younger brother reached tens of thousands and once controlled half of Xiangjiang. Even the governor of Hong Kong would discuss with Guan Changfeng about something. From this, we can see that Changfeng association is powerful.

Guan Changfeng is domineering and aggressive. He has a keen eye and foresight.

In 1975, he had already realized that after Xiangjiang returned to China, he was afraid that gangs and societies would be cleaned up by the government.

Therefore, in 1976, he did not hesitate to dissolve the Changfeng Association, leaving only a few hundred core members. With the wealth accumulated over the past decade, he established the Changfeng film and television company.

Sure enough, only three months after the return of Xiangjiang, the government cleaned up the major underworld groups on the ground of receiving complaints from the public.

At that time, Changfeng film group was already a legal company.

Now 20 years later, with its strong economic strength, Changfeng Film Group has developed into a large entertainment company with power all over Southeast Asia.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai frowned: "I heard that the predecessor of Changfeng film and television company was the underworld. Why does father-in-law have to cooperate with them?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "you are talking about the old calendar. Now they have been washed white. Otherwise, the government will not let them go. The reason why my father worked with it was that he valued the influence of Changfeng film and television company in Southeast Asian countries. If we can form an alliance with it, the films and TV series produced by Hanhai can be broadcast in Southeast Asian countries through Changfeng. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "cooperation naturally means mutual benefit. What can they get from their father-in-law?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "Changfeng film and television company, Galaxy film company and Xiangjiang mass media have always wanted to set up branches in the mainland, but they have been rejected by all the entertainment companies in the mainland. The market is so big. If there are three big companies, the market share will be reduced a lot. Therefore, the entire entertainment company in the face of them, very rarely United

"No way, the three Xiangjiang companies want to find a film and Television Group in the mainland as their agent. They will open up the Southeast Asian market, and we will open the mainland market to him. In this way, both sides will benefit. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "there are so many film and television companies in the mainland, why does Changfeng choose us Hanhai?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "I don't know. In a word, this is very beneficial to us. By the way, Xiangjiang mass media chose your old friend Xia Chengfeng's Hongda entertainment. ""Shit, how come all the good things are on Hongda's stand? Wife, are you really going to shoot in Xiangjiang

"Yes, this is our first cooperation. Naturally, I, the big miss of Hanhai, will support it. Besides, this script is really good, and the role is very challenging for me. I don't want to miss it

The more Zhao Wanqing said this, the more upset Xiao Yunhai felt.

His kung fu has almost been practiced to the point where he can feel some bad things.

But it seems very difficult to change her mind.

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "you can go to Xiangjiang, but you must do your own security work well. Well, I'll ask Lao Gao and some special forces to be your external security personnel, and then ask him to find the two most powerful female bodyguards to be your close bodyguards, and never leave your left and right. What do you think? "

Since Gao Xiangfeng and song Yunfeng came back from America, they have been busy with their security company.

Through the relationship between the troops, they got a waste training ground in the outskirts of Yanjing, about 300 mu, backed by a big mountain, in a very good position.

The price offered by the army is also very cheap. The rent is 10 million yuan a year. If you buy it, you will pay 500 million Chinese dollars in one time.

However, the requirement is that it can not be used for other purposes. It can only be used as the base and training ground of the security company.

After hearing the news, Xiao Yunhai bought it with 500 million yuan without saying a word. Then, he contacted Yu Yuexian and asked her to find some engineering teams to renovate the building and training ground inside. It is estimated that it will be ready to use in two months.

But Gao Xiangfeng and song Yunfeng couldn't wait. They asked Xiao Yunhai for instructions, hoping to arrange for their comrades to come over and learn relevant bodyguard skills as soon as possible.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and agreed to them.

A few days later, more than 60 special forces came from all over the country, all of them full of vitality. The oldest was 37 years old, the youngest was 25 years old, and there were more than 10 female special forces.

Now, more than two months later, it's time to let them out for a walk.

Zhao Wanqing raised her head and said with a smile, "husband, I'm going to film, not to fight. Can I use this? If we do another road closure or something, I will almost catch up with the government leaders on the inspection tour. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it is said that if you practice Chinese martial arts to the extreme, you will reach a state of sincerity and knowledge. Although I am far from reaching this level, when I hear some bad things, I will feel a little bit. I feel very uncomfortable when you say you want to film in Xiangjiang. "

"Since ancient times, when there is white, there is black. At the beginning, there were tens of thousands of gangsters in Xiangjiang. Although they had been strongly cleaned by the government, I would never believe that they would all disappear. Believe it or not, the dog can't change to eat excrement, the so-called Changfeng film and television company's interior will certainly not be clean. No matter what, wife, safety. It's hard for me to get over the old Gao. "

Zhao Wanqing saw that Xiao Yunhai was so concerned about himself that she was very moved. She couldn't help but kiss him hard on his face and said, "husband, I'll listen to you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's right. Wife, my brother below me has revolted again. Let's do it again. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai turned over and mounted his horse and fought with Zhao Wanqing for three hundred rounds. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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